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SCSI for Samplers

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Of course no one is making these. SCSI is a long dead technology. No one is making eight-track cassettes or NTSC black and white TVs either. Those of us using older samplers are probably the last hold-outs for this antiquated storage protocol, and we don't amount to anything significant in the broader market. We were very lucky the J.D. found it worthwhile to dig up these old CF drives and make them available for a while. I bought as many as I could while he was operating because I knew it was probably my last chance.


You can get eight-tracks and black and white TVs on ebay, and that's where we're all going to have to look for these drives from now on.

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ebay, and that's where we're all going to have to look for these drives from now on.

This wasn't the last place to get these adaptors, Google Search still finds other retailers - including the above-mentioned MPCStuff.






They probably don't have the same level of support and a testing lab for all the antique samplers in the Universe, but there are quite a few companies who still make ATA-to-SCSI interface chips, and CompactFlash cards are essentially based on the ATA protocol, so I'd guess the Chinese will keep these adapters coming for some time.

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