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Playing bass parts with foot controller


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Hello all, rainy here in Austin today.


My band currently does not have a bass player. I was wondering if I could get a midi foot controller (like an organ's bass pedals) and map it to play a bass patch from my Roland RD-700 while playing piano/keys. Can this be done with one keyboard? Would I have to buy a separate sound unit? Does anyone here have success doing this live? I already play organ on Sundays for a church (sweet gig by the way, excellent pay), and think I could manage learning the coordination for my band as well.



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I already play organ on Sundays for a church




Donkey Dongs are not the same as full size pedals, but anyway, only you know how coordinated you are.


You say you play organ at church, but you don't mention whether you use pedals at church...I get the impression that you do not.


Regarding if it is possible - then yes.

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Sounds like you're looking for a Roland PK-5. It will connect to anything with a MIDI in. I've used one for years with a Rush tribute band and it works very well for bass/taurus parts and has other modes that can be programmed to play higher notes as well.

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I'd guess you could do it on a single. Maybe split it to have the bass part only on the octave even lower than your lowest part of the keyboard. (Or maybe just the lowest octave, and avoid that area with your hands.) Then just set up the foot controller to trigger that octave.

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My K2000 allowed local on/off by part in Mix mode. That is, you could have an entire part controlled by MIDI that wouldn't sound when played on the keys. Something like that is what you need. My Quadrasynth does it too. Sadly, my Juno-G local on/off is global.

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