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Nevermore gear on the politics of xtc?


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Pretty sure it's a Triaxis, but not 100%.


From watching the "Next In Line" vid, looks like Loomis had an Ibanez RG/JPM? and Owens was playing one of those weird Ibanez 540P-II Skolnick up-side-down looking things. lol


Other than that, I have no clue.

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Copied directly from my original question over at Neil's forum:


Nevermore (Self Titled):


Solid State Head Unit (Exact Model Unknown - Owned by Jeff at the Time)

Unknown 4X12 Cab with Celestion Speakers (Exact Model Unkown)


There was a separate preamp/power amp setup that Jeff used for the two sets of demos. I'm not sure what the preamp was but the power amp was an old Peavey. I saw one the other day and it jogged my memory.


Hello Neil...Might the Pre-amp unknown here be a Digitech Valve FX. (chrome with Blue screen,they have a 12ax7 tube in them along with an array of effects) He used it on tour for POE. With a Peavey cs-800 poweramp and a Carvin Cabinet. With a Jackson V at the time. I know Jeff still haves the Valve FX for tooling around. I still have never seen him play life with a POD!!!


NK: Yes it sounds like you've hit the nail on the head here. Glad someone knows what it was...


In Memory EP:


The In Memory EP was done at the same time as POE, so the exact same setup was used.





Politics of Ecstacy:


Mesa Boogie Mark IV Head Unit

Marshall 1960B 4X12 Cab (w/Celestion G12T-75 Speakers)



Dreaming Neon Black:


Mesa Boogie Triaxis Preamp

Mesa Boogie 2:90 Simul-Class Power Amp

Marshall 1960BV 4X12 Cab (w/Celestion Vintage 30 Speakers)


On all the albums with Neil Kernon, there were 4 tracks of rhythm recorded, and primarily a Shure SM-57 or Sennheiser 421 was used.


Hmm...we tried a REALLY old Marshall 4x12 cabinet for DNB that lives at Sonic Ranch - previously Village Productions. (it wasn't available at the time that we did POE). I do remember the studio owner agonising over whether or not we would be driving it too hard, and its pristine condition was in some jeopardy. As a result I believe we may have ended up using a Mesa Boogie cab with armourplate for gtrs on that album. I do know that we rented the needed Triaxis/90-90 rig from a local chap, and I think he also brought down his cab as well, which I think I felt more comfortable about using as opposed to the delicately vintage Marshall one.





Custom Built 7 string guitars (with a .80 gauge low B string!) loaded with EMG 707 pickups. The guitars were routed into a Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer that was used as a signal boost. The settings on the TS-9 were:


Drive: 9 O'Clock

Tone: 10 O'Clock

Level: 12 O'Clock


This was fed into the amp that was used on all of the rhythm and leads. The amp used was a Mesa Boogie (2 Channel) Dual Rectifier that was straight from the box. The Mesa Recto was routed into a Marshall 1960B 4X12 Cab with the stock G12T-75 Celestions they have. Settings on the Mesa Recto were:


Silicon Diode Setting

Bold Setting

Red (Modern) Channel


Treble: 11.30

Mids: 10 O'Clock

Bass: 11.30

Gain: 12:30

Presence: 12.30

Master: 10 O'Clock


There were 4 tracks of rhythm, with 2 tracks being panned 100% left and right, and the other set being panned 80% left and right. There was no compression, limiting, etc...only a slight touch of EQ used. Two Shure SM-57's were used for recording, one on the center of the cone about an inch away. This was the approximate's denoted by Andy Sneap.





7 String guitars loaded with EMG 707 pickups

Ibanez Tube Screamer TS-9 ( Similar to Above)

Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier



Hope that helps!




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One of my buddies took 4 or 5 lessons from Jeff and talked to him about his guitar setup. I remember him saying that when Jeff was using the ESP H-307's he had to drill the string hole bigger in the tuning peg on his low B, but .80 seems a little bit bigger than the low string I remember him using. I'll check.

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Originally posted by Iceblade

I was quoting from Andy Sneap himself for DHIADW, bro. Maybe he got it wrong, but I sincerely doubt it. Jeff might have changed to the "lighter" 0.70 now, but I think he was using the ol' telephone cable 0.80 then.




Okay.. But we're talking about what he uses now.


Jeff used his Custom 7 stringer but during that tour he used a ESP H-307, so, yah.

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Well, I'm doing my damndedest to do that as well, guitarist. I'm the admin for the Triaxis group, but I'll be damned if I have been able to find the tone I am looking for. You'd think with my all Mesa path, I'd at least be "close". But nope... not yet. I'm thinking it's an EQ thing and that I may add an MXR M-108 to the mix to see if I can dial something in that works for me. The fact that Neil says he loves the thing and can always find the tone he is looking for speaks either to the fact that I have tin ears, or just don't know the right way to mic the damn thing. I'd love to get a preset that Loomis used during that recording session, but alas, Neil doesn't even know what mode on the TA was used, let alone any values. Oh well.




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Back in the Sanctuary Days .. I went to a couple of their practices, my Ex wife and her friend were buds with Jim and Wally.


Lenny had JCM800 and a tube screamer. SOunded Brutal, .. and Sean I think was his name had same without a Tube Screamer.


I remember Jim always jokin about the Tube Screamer breaking, .. He kept having to rebuild it.

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