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Reverse SPAM: Sell me an Ampeg VH....I HATE ebay!

The Broken Remain

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Hi I'm looking to buy an Ampeg VH series head, the 140-C preferably. I was bidding on one of them on ebay, and I was the only bidder for the entire six days, and it stayed at $200 plus shipping...UNTIL theres 2 minutes left in the auction. Some asshole then decided to get into a bidding war with me, which led to me not getting the head. So if anyone has one of these and wants to sell it, please let me know. Thanks!

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Yeah I can only hope there's someone on here selling one, or one on ebay with a decent BIN soon.


Hey I see you have a Vader 412, I'm thinking about buying one of those too. How does it compare to other high-end cabs, and what kind of music do you play with it? I'm getting into a death metal band, and it looks like it'll hold up well for that style of music.

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Originally posted by The Broken Remain

Have you played the 140-C? If so, how was it compared with your 150? Btw, I LOVE the clips I've heard from your 150

can't say i've ever played a 140-C, but i'd imagine they'd be very similar.



you can probably expect more clips throughout the next few months, i'm taking a recording techniques class and once we get into microphone stuff i'll be doing more with it probably. the ultra plus, too, i'm sure :p

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Originally posted by The Broken Remain

Yeah I can only hope there's someone on here selling one, or one on ebay with a decent BIN soon.

Hey I see you have a Vader 412, I'm thinking about buying one of those too. How does it compare to other high-end cabs, and what kind of music do you play with it? I'm getting into a death metal band, and it looks like it'll hold up well for that style of music.


The Vader EXCELS at death metal. The first time I heard one was when Suffocation first got back together.....they did a show and funny enough, one of the guitarists was playing a VH140 through it. :D


I compared this to three cabs 1.) Marshall 1960A 2.) VHT 4x12 and 3.) Recto Oversized 4x12. Marshall was the worst of the 3, kinda buzzy to my ears. I liked the VHT a lot, bright & crisp with a very tight low end...almost too tight (if that's possible.) The Boogie was very good too....just found the bass a little boomy.


The Vader was the best of both worlds: Tight bass response, mids sound great...they really growl with out having piercing highs. I think the Triple Rect sounds great through it. And I can tell you that the Ampeg VH140 sounded amazing through it.

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Dude, if you get in a "bid war" always put the absolute max you would pay for the amp. For instance, if your max is 325 then just bid that right away. If you lose, then oh well, it sold for more than you are willing to pay anyhow. Odds are you'll win because most people bid in smaller increments.

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Originally posted by TU BE

Dude, if you get in a "bid war" always put the absolute max you would pay for the amp. For instance, if your max is 325 then just bid that right away. If you lose, then oh well, it sold for more than you are willing to pay anyhow. Odds are you'll win because most people bid in smaller increments.



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