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To Voodoo Or Not To Voodoo


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Originally posted by carlosjose

...By the way does anybody know if they still use black epoxy on there mods


No. By the way;


A while back, I was looking into Voodoo Amps, and heard of this horror story. Read about it Here, and over at Google Groups. At first glance, it really made Trace look like a Hack. And I even passed him off as one, and forgot about for a while.


One day I took a couple hours, and Read through EVERY post I could find on the matter. I found that the old saying "There are two sides to every story",....Was a HUGE {censored}ing Understatement in this case!


Trace can seam fairly neurotic, when it comes to Saving Emails, phone records, posts, etc,.....But I would do the same {censored}ing thing. And it was a good thing he did. Because when all the facts came out,....The "Accuser" looked pretty {censored}ing silly.


This is just my personal opinion on this. I've never bought anything directly from Trace. I own a Second-Hand, Pre-Production Witchdoctor, and am saving up for a Production Hex.


From every conversation I've ever had with him, however stupid the question may be, he goes out of his way to help. Especially the conversations that had nothing to do with buying something from him.


I really wouldn't worry about that review. JMHO.

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its actually not fair to voodoo amps to post this ONE bad review, I've dealt with Trace many times - and although my wait was long for my product - he was always a professional. This one bad review was written by some angry psychopath that purposely wants to defame Trace and tarnish his good reputation - which he has worked hard to achieve. Whoever started this thread, you really shouldn't post something this defamatory to voodoo amps - they just don't deserve it.:mad:

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I have a rather recent Marshall JMP 2204 with Hex mod installed. It does in fact have the special black goop covering Traces special parts of the circut. If you do not have this black goop, you dont have the mojo that goes with Voodoo Amps.


Basically, Don't worry about it at all. The mods themselves are very well done and solid as a {censored}ing rock. You will not have problems with the goop and if you do Im sure Trace would replace whatever needed to be with no problems.


Did I mention that my amp now sounds better than any other amp I have tried? It does. VOODOOAMPS RULES!

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Originally posted by bullhead

i agree with you on principle, but the problem with that is if anything in the amp croaks, it's next to impossible to replace.



Thats total bull{censored}, the goop only covers a small specific part of the circut which by my eyes could easily be unsoldered/replaced if need be without disturbing anything else.

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Hello I have been on these for a long time I can't seem to make up my mind. I have a Marshall TSL 100 and I comepletely LOVE IT. But from the reviews I read and the sounds clips I heard on the site Trace can make this a beast amazing cleans and amazing clear heavy distortion. But theres a problem I read alot of amazing reviews here in harmony central but only 1 bad one, but the bad one made me think alot. Heres the link for the pics and the story. To me it sounds like BULL{censored} but you never know. I decided to post here instead of an uncomstable situation by calling Trace. Please help. Thanks



I think i can help. I was in the same boat as you are: I really dig the sound of my TSL, but wanted to tweak it a little. I drove down to Trace's shop and compared my stock TSL to a Voodoo modded DSL (Anthony, Trace's assistant, told me a modded DSL sounds almost the same as a TSL). I wanted to try and get a general idea of how the amp would sound after being modded.

I should say that Trace was extremely helpful and let me plug into a Voodoo 4X12 and A/B the amp heads at high volume. There was no pressure or sales pitch.

So after comparing the two heads side by side, I decided NOT to get my TSL modded. Why? Because although the Voodoo modded DSL sounded awesome, I thought it lacked that certain "Marshall-ness". It certainly sounded great, but not necessarily better. Just different. Both amps cranked big time, but I thought the Voodoo just sounded a little more generic.

Please keep in mind, this is just my opinion, I'm not trying to offend any of the die hard Voodoo fans here. I think Trace is a class act and does great work. I just thought, I'd rather save the money on the mod and instead save up for a Bogner Ecstacy, the amp tone I have really fallen in love with.

Trace was the first guy to tell me: "if you want a Bogner, get a Bogner".

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Just different. Both amps cranked big time, but I thought the Voodoo just sounded a little more generic.



Funny because to me my Voodoo sounds like the best Marshall tone I can come up with in my head. On the other hand I do have the Hex circut which is a more involved mod than some of the others.


Maybe my 2204 has mojo the DSL and TSL lack.. who knows.

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Thanks B MONEY great post thats exactly what I wanted to hear. I thought that the amp wasn't going to loose the Marshall Tone but your not the first one I heard say that. I'am going to experiment with diffrent tubes and buy a 4x12 marshall cab with vintage 30 and I bet It will sound awesome and that will be exactly what I want. Thanks B Money

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Originally posted by 4nkam

I'm 99% sure they don't epoxy anything anymore. They *ONLY* did this with sections of their custom circuits (Hex and Witchdoctor)...




Yeah thats what I was looking for. They don't even install the Hex or WD in amps anymore since they have a Retail version of those.


Honestly I have never heard a Marshall sound so Marshally until I got mine. Check some more reviews but don't write off Voodooamps just yet.

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I'am going to experiment with diffrent tubes and buy a 4x12 marshall cab with vintage 30



that is an excellent idea. The TSL responds well to tube changes, and speaker changes.

I have a genuine Mullard in V1, and JJ E34L power tubes.


Many TSL guys dig the GT "Mullard" 12AX7 in V1, and either JJ EL34 or E34L power tubes.


Try Vintage 30 or Greenback speakers.

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Originally posted by carlosjose

Thanks again B Money right now I have a Marshall 1936 2x12 with celestion GT75 and it sounds great. But it needs a little more bottom end a little little more gain but with high gain tubes in the preamp should do the trick. Thanks again


You should hear the Voodoo cabs...you'd wet yourself. :p

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The Voodoo cabs aren't cheap...but they sound incredible. When they were modding my Road King we were playing it through a 2x12 with GT75's...which I normally HATE!!! The Voodoo 2x12 sounded better than my Mesa 4x12 with V30's. The Voodoo cab picks up dynamics in your playing that you didn't even know existed.


(I'm saving up for one of their cabs as we speak.)

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I don't have a modded marshall from them, but I've owned 3 voodoo heads - two witchdoctors and a Hex. They're probably some of the most bad assed amps I've ever played through. Over the years I've gigged out with a dual rectifier, a DSL, an Ashdown Peacemaker, a Bogner Shiva, Peavey Ultra Plus, and a Laney GH50L, and those Voodoo Heads.


The Voodoo witchdoctors smoked them all. Playing through anything less just SUCKS.

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Originally posted by carlosjose

Heres The Link



This guy is lost, Trace has the explanation about this case, I think the guy was a amp technician, Trace didnt want him to steal is design. Trace can give you the full story.


I've had quite abit of work done for me by Voodoo, They are nothing but great guys, who I consider friends now. they just want to help you get the best possible tone that is for you. They take the time to talk with you about what you want down, and if they can do it for you.


He had my amp for a while doing some repairs too it, and let me borrow a few witchdoctor heads when needed.


Everything That I have heard from voodoo sounds great. I love my head and will never sell it.

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I've known Trace and his rep for quite a few years and have nothing but good things to say about him. I'd highly recommend him if you have something specific you're looking for. However, you sound like you like the TSL as is enough, that'd I'd be very hesitant to consider modding it if I were you. I'd agree with at least trying some tube changes and a rebias first.


With all of the threads around here about various amps, mods, etc. it's pretty easy to get caught up in it. Just remember that in the end, the amp is about you expressing yourself. If it does that for you in a way you like, don't mess with it IMO.


You might want to keep an eye open for a Voodoo modded TSL and pick one up to compare to your stock TSL, then keep the one you like the best. Trace has enough business now that his modded amps come up for sale regularly.

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Thats is true it is very easy to get cought up in all the moding, but I am going to change tubes and biase it first, buy a cab and then maybe if I want more out of the amp I will seriously consider having Trace and voodoo amps mod it. Thanks again for the replies

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Voodoo does NOT epoxy mods anymore. If you go to their webpage, it says on the right side in the mods section "All modifications are 100% fully serviceable - No Epoxy used".


I was told that they no longer do it since their mods are well established now so no one can really steal them.


Can't wait to get my 5150 back from them....should be any day now :D

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