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JOHN SYKES....anyone know what gear he uses?


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Originally posted by danyeo

I wish i could have stopped by that day. Man, that Whitesnake album was HUGE when i was in High school. Every hot blonde chick in my high school played Here I Go Again in their little VW convertibles.



Yeah and DC milked it for all it was worth. They had like 7 videos on MTV from that album alone. Ahhhhh those were the days.

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Originally posted by yngzaklynch

Yeah and DC milked it for all it was worth. They had like 7 videos on MTV from that album alone. Ahhhhh those were the days.



That WHitesnake album and Def Leppards Hysteria. Man, those were the background soundtracks to many a rear seat gropefest back in High School.

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Originally posted by yngzaklynch

Dude I'm playing my Strat into the Mk IV everyday. If this keeps up for a few months maybe I will finally sell the Schecter to Kage. But I better be sure it's not a phase before I go a part with one of my all time favorite guitars. But yeah... I'm running the Strat into the Mk IV, using reverb or delay from my Magic Stomp and of course using the Uberkab and I am just loving life!! The tone and feel are out of this world good.




Fantastic news!!

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Originally posted by BerkleeBill

Well, like I said the day I stopped by, they were working on ODs for what became Children of the Night, and all I saw were a rack of Boogie heads with the built-in EQs on em. Not a Marshall in sight.



Dude...... You are my new Idol!! I would have KILLED to have seen that!!! Sykes is one of my favorite guitar players and the tones that he got on Blue Murder and Whitesnake are two of my all-time favorite tones!!



That said the props really should go out to Bob Rock. Bob Rock was the guy who showed Sykes how to get that sound!!

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Originally posted by gainfreak

These days John uses his Jose modded Marshalls with lizzy.

Back in the whitesnake days he used a pair of coliseum MKIII heads. one slaved into another with some chorus and a wah out in front. the Wah was used as a filter on the leads. He only used the Jose Modded marshall on the "this is love" solo and that was it.

as far as his solo stuff he stopped using boogie amps in 1995 after he recorded the SYkes " out of my tree album"

Everything after the out of my Tree album was the modded Marshalls.

I'm one of the guys who prefers his boogie sound to the Modded Marshalls. I always have and I always will.


Yup, but you`re a Boogie ho` !!! :D

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