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XXX vs DSL50


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DSL50 for me please, I haven't encountered any problems, but my teacher's DSL401 died as well as a buddy's DSL100. I think it's honestly hit or miss as Slash said, but a trial period with one would be the way to go if you can swing it and while you have it, break it open and see what YOU think or take it to a tech. If you can't swing it, get a warranty. Better safe than sorry.

I don't know anything about the XXX, except I'm not interested.

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Ah both really dont catch me.

I did how ever have the chance to play a Peavey Joe Satriani JSX last week, and it was not that bad.

I played a XXX today, and thought it sucked, and almost sounded like a solid state... didnt have that tube warmth. If your looking for a XXX with more warmth and balls go with a JSX.

Depending on what style you play, the marshall isn't bad. But dont expect to get some huge metal tone out of it, cause you wont.

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Originally posted by russ1923

opinions, I played them both today and they both have thier positives, the DSL seemed a bit thicker sounding but the XXX obviously has more options, also, is it true that the DSL's are built poorly?



I have owend both the DSL 100 and the XXX in cab head and 212 formats. To me its hard to get a decent sound out of the XXX because of the active EQ. I love the DSL's tone. I have had my DSL for well over a year now and I take it all over the place and have yet to have an issue *knock on wood*. I LOVE IT. Worth every penny. The XXX was a little harsh for my taste, but I do miss the 3 button footswitch and all the options it had available.

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Originally posted by russ1923

opinions, I played them both today and they both have thier positives, the DSL seemed a bit thicker sounding but the XXX obviously has more options, also, is it true that the DSL's are built poorly?



DSL50 all the way! The only peavey that i like and it ona all time my fav amps are the 5150/6505 amps. The tone shift switch actually makes it much thinner but also darker, but it really depends on what mode and settings u have. Also the thickness may be from the midrangy el34 tubes, but the tone shift is kinda made to counter act that midrange thickness, i belive. The DSLs are not built poorly at all, in fact i think there ona the best built amps, the design is perfect for me atleast, simple easy to use, but toneful,crunchy on the hi-gain end, and blasting, with smooth warmth on the classic end, thats all i need to be satisfied.

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well for one thing I've owned the XXX and DSL before. I thought the XXX was kinda harsh and sterile sounding. The DSL sounded great! My only problem was that since I switch from clean to distortion quite often there is slight delay on the DSL that hinder my performance so I got rid of it.

But out of the two??? DSL all the way!

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XXX for me, not because i own one. But a very good friend of mine has a DSL100 and that thing doesnt touch the XXX in terms of versatility and sound. We had a hard time dialing a usable tone to record out upcoming Cd.

Thats my .02 cents tough.

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I like the XXX better. It is not an amp you can walk in the store and play and like most of the time. It needs a tube change to EL34's and the preamp tubes need to be changed. You have to tinker with the eq but once you get it figured out it is a sweet amp. My friend owned the DSL50 and it had the pause switching channels and really did not have that great of a tone IMO. I say XXX with a tube change. Without the tube change and taking the time to dial it in most will walk away thinking what many have said here. Someone said the new ones are shipping with better tubes but they are still 6L6s.

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depends on what u wanna play!
for drop tunings or palm-muting stuff i'd prefer a xxx (which i own). put an EQ or, even better, a cab sim into the fx loop and u will get a brilliant rhythm tone! i use a behringer GI box in the loop and can even get HERBERT-like sounds! killer! but the active EQ is really tricky.....

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Originally posted by cockandball

depends on what u wanna play!

for drop tunings or palm-muting stuff i'd prefer a xxx (which i own). put an EQ or, even better, a cab sim into the fx loop and u will get a brilliant rhythm tone! i use a behringer GI box in the loop and can even get HERBERT-like sounds! killer! but the active EQ is really tricky.....



I own one too but Herbert is a bit of a stretch:p

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Originally posted by LordOVchaoS

The Triple XXX with the right tubes in it {censored}s all over a DSL. Go
to find out more.

Errr... I wouldn't go that far dewd, even I own a Triple XXX and IMHO they are both great amps. I prefer the sound and mostly the flexability over the DSL anyday though. If the TSL had the tonality of the DSL with it's independent 3-channel options I would say it would be a tossup.

The Triple XXX retubed with some JJ's and EQ in the loop on the Ultra channel is quite a brutal setup for the cash.(gets about as close to a Recto as I want heheh) The crunch channel is great at coaxing Marshally sounds with some EL-34's and a clean boost, 80's rock and metal lives on with that channel. :D:cool:

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Originally posted by TOStudent

Check out Sordid1.

He has a XXX and really likes it a lot.

Then check out his site for his band and listen to his bands songs on there. Nice stuff

Plus if you are goig to get a XXX you HAVE to change the tubes to EL34 makes ALL the difference



I am going to test drive a DSL100 tomorrow. I love Sordid1's tone in our band setting, as well as my HD 147 - but I kinda miss tubes. Since Sordid already plays the XXX (sounds great), I think a DSL100 for me would give us a nice combined tone.


Thanks for the compliments on our tunes! Means alot! Thanks...


Jeff - AGOTR

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Originally posted by russ1923

opinions, I played them both today and they both have thier positives, the DSL seemed a bit thicker sounding but the XXX obviously has more options, also, is it true that the DSL's are built poorly?

DSL thicker?? I have to totally disagree....

I've owned a DSL50, TSL60, and DSL100, and none of those are close to the awesome power of the Triple XXX I now own.

Course, I put Ruby EL34BSTR's in the power section, a JJ ECC83S in V1, GT Mullard in V2, Shuguang C9 in V3, and balanced/graded JJ ECC803S in V4..


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DSL 50 not beefy in the bottom end? you're kidding, at gigs I run the bass on 0 & get plenty of comments on how fat the tone is!
In fact I used to run a DSL 50 & a 1973 JMP with A/B pedal at gigs & had the JMP with everything on 10 & the DSL had more beef with the bass on 0.

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man I can't believe I missed this thread especially with my name all over it. Honestly they are both great amps and I would proudly own either. The thing is the DSL 100 can only do the Marshall tone which is awesome but not super versitile. the XXX can do a Marshall kind of tone and a Mesa kind of tone and both well. Totall agree about the tube change and learning the eq, the slightest change can go from awesome to crap, really.

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