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Germino Club 40 vs. Budda Superdrive 80 fight to the death!


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Originally posted by BrentSP

What does it need you think? The controls have good range so I should be able to get some what close.



To get closer to the original? (I didn't think mine was very close to the original, fwiw.) But if that's what you're asking, more top end and less mids. And a looser bottom, although that's something that you can't necessarily dial in....

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Originally posted by ratter

To get closer to the original? (I didn't think mine was very close to the original, fwiw.) But if that's what you're asking, more top end and less mids. And a looser bottom, although that's something that you can't necessarily dial in....

No I mean yours :thu:

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Originally posted by BrentSP

No I mean yours

Oh! Well, sorta the same thing, I guess. Although mine doesn't go far enough in that direction, I don't think.

I never intended to get any VH sounds out of the Germino. I actually bought it to get away from that sound. But I was surprised that it could actually do it. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised....it's not too far removed from a '67 plexi design, from what I understand...

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I like 'em both. I think the Germino is more Marshally and crunchy. The Budda is smoother and fatter mids, more in your face. They compliment each other.

Oh the last #4 clip is a nice tasty little lick! the Budda really sings with a nice clean silkiness. The G is a little more gritty in an ACDC sorta way. Awesome stuff bro'.

The cleans too. More scooped on the G and thicker on the B.

Are you keeping them both or only one?

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Originally posted by buddastrat

I like 'em both. I think the Germino is more Marshally and crunchy. The Budda is smoother and fatter mids, more in your face. They compliment each other.

Oh the last #4 clip is a nice tasty little lick! the Budda really sings with a nice clean silkiness. The G is a little more gritty in an ACDC sorta way. Awesome stuff bro'.

The cleans too. More scooped on the G and thicker on the B.

Are you keeping them both or only one?



What do you think about the new set of Germino clips a few posts up? It's more what I bought the amp for....the Creamish Hendrixish EJish types of tones.


Can't afford to keep both, unfortunately. Well, I could, but I'd have to sell something else like my LP. Or my car.

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The Germino was my favorite, sounded very old school Marshall. The Budda was a little more fuzzy/modern sounding. The clean Jimi Wind Cries Mary clip with the Germino was amazing. Have you tried cranking all the controls on the Germino and then hotplating it, maybe adding some slight boost like a tubescreamer or Fulldrive? Bet it would nail AC/DC.

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Originally posted by ratter

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised....it's not too far removed from a '67 plexi design, from what I understand...



From looking at the pic you have your right. Its shared cathode and looks like a 67 JTM but only 40 watts instead. I assume he must use a lower voltage tranny to get the 40 watts.


Its a tough call man. I really like thet Germino to. Its definitely more vintage sounding. Your strat clips really sounded great to. If I was picking for you I'd say the Germino.

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Originally posted by musk

Have you tried cranking all the controls on the Germino and then hotplating it....


plug into the bright channel only and dime all controls, hot plate it, use your EBMM and play some VH. No external boost or pedal. I wanna hear this... :D

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Originally posted by musk

The Germino was my favorite, sounded very old school Marshall. The Budda was a little more fuzzy/modern sounding. The clean Jimi Wind Cries Mary clip with the Germino was amazing. Have you tried cranking all the controls on the Germino and then hotplating it, maybe adding some slight boost like a tubescreamer or Fulldrive? Bet it would nail AC/DC.



Thanks for checking them out. It will actually nail AC/DC with no boost! I was pretty surprised...

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Originally posted by BrentSP


plug into the bright channel only and dime all controls, hot plate it, use your EBMM and play some VH. No external boost or pedal. I wanna hear this...

Next time I can crank it, I will. Baby's sleeping at the moment. Welcome to my life. :D

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Originally posted by BrentSP

From looking at the pic you have your right. Its shared cathode and looks like a 67 JTM but only 40 watts instead. I assume he must use a lower voltage tranny to get the 40 watts.

Its a tough call man. I really like thet Germino to. Its definitely more vintage sounding. Your strat clips really sounded great to. If I was picking for you I'd say the Germino.

That's what his website says - '67 JTM-50. Not sure where the 40 in the name comes from...he says the tranny is rated for 50 watts. :confused: Dunno...all too technical for me. What do you think of the new 4 clips I posted? I'm liking it more and more. The tide is changing slowly...

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Originally posted by ratter

Ok, well, I didn't get the Germino to play my weak VH riffs. I've done enough of that, I think. So these are some clips with I think some of the more authentic vintagey kinds of sounds that are the reason I bought this amp in the first place. Thoughts?

Strat, Dry

Strat, Verb (the plankton clip)

Short LP Clip, Verb

Long LP Clip, Verb

BADASS! :thu:

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Originally posted by ratter

That's what his website says - '67 JTM-50. Not sure where the 40 in the name comes from...he says the tranny is rated for 50 watts.
Dunno...all too technical for me. What do you think of the new 4 clips I posted? I'm liking it more and more. The tide is changing slowly...

I with you because I'm starting to change my opinon slowly to. I say the Germino would be great match for you. Pedals can take care of the higher gain needs. Also I'd imagine he could add a PPIV master volume if you wanted him to. I would sound like a cranked amp at low volumes and can be taken out of the circuit by diming the the master volume. You get best of both worlds. Its a very easy mod to do also.

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I don't hear the EJ stuff so much, but with the last 4 Germino clips from 1:30 tp 1:45 on the germlpverb clip #4, Cream was standing out big time to me, and to me it was excellent.

Though.. On the first round O'clips I liked the Buuda better myself..I thought it responded better to the guitar....maybe a little more high end for my deaf ears..lol I don't know.

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Mike, I don't think the Budda's fuzzier. The Budda's silkier to me. It doesn't have those rough, fuzzy edges. Like the last clip #4 it's so silky and sounds like clean tone with sustain. Like Eric Johnson. You don't hear any distortion, just fat notes. That's what I love about the Budda and your clip #4 displays that perfectly. It's clean tone with tons of sustain.

the Germino has a rougher texture. It's more ACDC. more grindy and classic rock.

I listened to the last clips, Mike. Let me say all the clips have great tone. I liked the LP into the Germino more because it fattened it up in the middle.

I think for an EJ sound the Budda is smoother, more violin-y. Because there isn't that fizz on top. Eric says he always rolls his tone control down on his guitar to smooth it out so you can't hear that fizz. But fizz can be a degrading term and the Germino is not really fizzy, it's just more aggressive and you hear that top end clash more which gives it a little fuzz to the sound.

Both great amps, and I'm putting my bias aside, and just saying what I feel. The Germino is more like a Marshall. The Budda has it's own silky tone. A big IMO here, but I feel you could get the Germino tone from a decent 50 watt RI or 2204. The Budda is a little more unique.

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Originally posted by BrentSP

I with you because I'm starting to change my opinon slowly to. I say the Germino would be great match for you. Pedals can take care of the higher gain needs. Also I'd imagine he could add a PPIV master volume if you wanted him to. I would sound like a cranked amp at low volumes and can be taken out of the circuit by diming the the master volume. You get best of both worlds. Its a very easy mod to do also.

Well, I was just emailing our old pal sickboy79 and that's pretty much what I was telling him. The flexibility is there with pedals. And frankly the vintagey tone suits me better because I can't play as fast as I used to. It's not like I'm going to be doing any shredding. Ever. :cry:

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Originally posted by GITTarzann

I don't hear the EJ stuff so much, but with the last 4 Germino clips from 1:30 tp 1:45 on the germlpverb clip #4, Cream was standing out big time to me, and to me it was excellent.

Though.. On the first round O'clips I liked the Buuda better myself..I thought it responded better to the guitar....maybe a little more high end for my deaf ears..lol I don't know.

Thanks very much for listening. I always say "EJ-ish" because that's what I hear in my head (his more recent tones, actually) but I can't even begin to play any EJ licks, so it only ever exists in my head....lol...:D

And you're right about the guitar. The Budda responds better to the EBMM guitars and the Germino responds better to the regular Strat and LP. Makes sense, I guess.

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Originally posted by buddastrat

Mike, I don't think the Budda's fuzzier. The Budda's silkier to me. It doesn't have those rough, fuzzy edges. Like the last clip #4 it's so silky and sounds like clean tone with sustain. Like Eric Johnson. You don't hear any distortion, just fat notes. That's what I love about the Budda and your clip #4 displays that perfectly. It's clean tone with tons of sustain.

the Germino has a rougher texture. It's more ACDC. more grindy and classic rock.

I listened to the last clips, Mike. Let me say all the clips have great tone. I liked the LP into the Germino more because it fattened it up in the middle.

I think for an EJ sound the Budda is smoother, more violin-y. Because there isn't that fizz on top. Eric says he always rolls his tone control down on his guitar to smooth it out so you can't hear that fizz. But fizz can be a degrading term and the Germino is not really fizzy, it's just more aggressive and you hear that top end clash more which gives it a little fuzz to the sound.

Both great amps, and I'm putting my bias aside, and just saying what I feel. The Germino is more like a Marshall. The Budda has it's own silky tone. A big IMO here, but I feel you could get the Germino tone from a decent 50 watt RI or 2204. The Budda is a little more unique.

I hear what you're saying and for the most part, totally agree. I even agree with you about the RI/2204 comment, except for two things. The RI's and 800's I've played don't have the sag. The tube rectifier, I guess. And, I haven't even thought about tweaking tubes, bias, etc. This is straight out of the box with me not really even sure how to dial it in yet. In other words, there should theoretically be lots of room for improvement.

Before the Germino got here, I was all but sure that it would be the keeper. Then I got it and, no. But now that I'm feeling it out a little more I'm starting to lean towards it again. So it's going to take more time to figure out than I originally thought.

I think my favorite of all so far are the same as you - the 4th Budda clip and the LP/Germino clip from the second set. Particularly with the EVH guitar, the Budda just sings with that clear tone. Love it. But I've also been there and done that. Over and over again. :D

Tough call...

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Originally posted by ratter

Ok, well, I didn't get the Germino to play my weak VH riffs. I've done enough of that, I think. So these are some clips with I think some of the more authentic vintagey kinds of sounds that are the reason I bought this amp in the first place. Thoughts?



Yep, I definitely like the Germino over the budda. Great tone.

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I hear ya Mike. Best to take your time and not do anything you'll regret. It does have a nice, toothy sweetness, but still more classic Marshall sound. I'm not too familiar with the reissue Marshalls, except the JCM 800 RI, but a nice old 2204 with a mullard in it is a pretty sweet sound. Possibly a bluesbreaker with a tube recto in it. But I've never checked into those.

I also see your point, something new can be real inspiring sometimes.

Good luck!

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