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Thinking about a Voodoo Amps mod for my Mesa


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I went home for Thanksgiving, so I couldn't go to the game. Sucks, but them's the breaks. :( But still, 45-13 WVU...EAT $H*T PITT! :D


Good to see another WV fan! :cool:


And as for the mod, I'm pretty much set on it now. If anyone has had their Standard Mod on their Mesa, let me know.

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I spoken with Trace on a few occassions. I was going to send him my 2203 for some Trannie /choke upgrades but went local only becasue of money issues. I would use him though if I have a major issue with my amp to deal with. As well, Their soundclips are great. Did you hear what they did to the ADA preamp rack? That thing sounds really good now. I think they have one in stock for like $500 bucks ! A good buy to run with a powetr amp I used to not really like the ADA much. Always thought it was kind of "BOXY" sounding. That is until Trace got a hold of it.


I heard nothing but good things from Voodoo. BUmp for Trace>:thu:

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Originally posted by Phoenaxe

Voodoo did a deluxe mod on my Triple Rec and it sounds amazing. The amp is alot clearer, tighter, less buzzy, and way more musical. I would say go for it



I have a Triple Rec, What did end end up spending, shipping and all? Since I got my Uber its been sitting for a while. Ive been chewin on it for a while.

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I'm really getting excited about modding my amp. One question for Voodoo as well as people who have done work with them before:


I know that the distortion on the amp "cleans up" a bit after the mod and becomes more musical. Is it still effective for high-gain stuff, or should you tell Voodoo ahead of time to retain some of Mesa's regular sound?


Thanks a lot guys. :cool:

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Trace gave my Peavey 5150 II the full on deluxe mod treatment...still had more than enough of gain, but was clearer and punchier. Having said that, his mesa rectifier mods (while they do seem to have plenty of available gain) do seem to change the overall character of the amps tones more than any of the other amplifiers that they (Voodoo Amps) mod. From what I undersatnd (and have heard with my own ears), the stock Mesa rectifier high gain sounds are on the oposite end of the tone spectrum from what Trace and the boys would consider optimum. If you listen to their modded Mesa soundclips, the tones take on an almost Marshall quality, while still retaining the Mesa thickness and walop. I don't want to speak for Trace...this is just my observation and opinion.

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Originally posted by angelspade

If you listen to their modded Mesa soundclips, the tones take on an almost Marshall quality, while still retaining the Mesa thickness and walop.



That's actually kind of cool. I've always loved the way Marshalls cut through a band, but I find their thickness to be a bit lacking. At the same time, the fuzziness of a stock Mesa really annoys me. It's one of the reasons why I don't use the Celestion V30 stacks that everyone seems to adore; when the speakers have more chug, the amp definition craps out.

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Originally posted by wvukilroy

That's actually kind of cool. I've always loved the way Marshalls cut through a band, but I find their thickness to be a bit lacking. At the same time, the fuzziness of a stock Mesa really annoys me. It's one of the reasons why I don't use the Celestion V30 stacks that everyone seems to adore; when the speakers have more chug, the amp definition craps out.



I say go for it...talk with Trace or Anthony, they get you where you want to be with your rectifier. Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by Phoenaxe

It still sounds like a Rectifier, very high gain, thick focused palm mutes and it cuts through great IMHO.


Ah yes...the plam mutes that the mod gets are LEGEND. m/:thu:


Phoenaxe, how did they install your gain boost? Is yours a 3 channel model?


Originally posted by dissonance

Sounds like you use modern high gain.


You know it! But I hate the way my Rec's Channel 3 sounds, so I just use Channel 2 and set it to Modern. Hopefully the mod will improve Channel 3 a lot. My preferred sound is squarely between classic and high-gain modern rock, with the occasional excursion into blues and heavy metal. So versatility is my friend. :D


BTW, I'm really thinking about getting the Cream mod...it sounds delicious. :cool:

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The other guitar player in my band has one with the standard mod. We used it on our last recording which you can check out here.


We dialed in more of a rock sound, but it will definitely do metal as well. The recording is a mix of the modded mesa and a hex modded marshall. Hope this helps.

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To be perfectly honest I think you should just switch to a v2 Solo Single rectifier, and use the extra money for a nice rack effects unit. The Single Rectifier and run a little hotter and have a warmer distortion. To be honest I think my stock single rectifier sounded tons better then any of the clip on the voodoo website. They sound a little lifeless and too dry.

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yeah mine is push pull for more gain. I think the clips on the voodoo site are good, but they don't show you the high gain sounds you can achieve with this mod. The other guitar player in my band has a stock dual rec, we A/B'ed them and it's not nearly as aggresive or tight as the voodoo.

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Originally posted by Phoenaxe

yeah mine is push pull for more gain. I think the clips on the voodoo site are good, but they don't show you the high gain sounds you can achieve with this mod. The other guitar player in my band has a stock dual rec, we A/B'ed them and it's not nearly as aggresive or tight as the voodoo.



...And I'm sold. Those sound clips weren't doing it for me either, but the gain boost mod and your a/b test translate as one word to me: Schwing! :D

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