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OT: Day 2 Migraine from hell


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Originally posted by Noah

Yeah, I get the aura, the first time it happened I thought I was having a stroke (it obliterated about 24% of my vision on the left side), it scared the crap outa me, I had my wife take me to the hospital; cat scan, neurological tests bla bla. Weird thing is the migraines I get w/out the aura are worse than the aura ones. Tylenol 3 with codeine seems to work pretty good for the killer ones that last a couple days. Good luck man, I don't envy you at all -- hope you get relief quick.



The same exact scenario happened to me. Lost my sight almost completely (I still lose it a couple times a month) and was rushed to the hospital. Had Ct scans, MRI, echo-cardio gram--you name it. They thought I had a stroke or an aneurysm. They gave me two doses of morphine with absolutely no effect on the pain (my arm burned a little). Then a dose of tramadol (nothing), and finally Demerol, it took a little of the edge off. It really sucks, I have a natural high tolerance to pain medication (fyi, was never addicted to narcotics nor took them for fun).

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Originally posted by redrol

Good post. I think personally that blood flow/pressure has a lot to do with migraine effects.

By the way, there are no accepted Migraine 'triggers'. So don't pretend you can avoid xxx or whatever and not get them. It is something much more complicated.



Well I don

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Originally posted by redrol

By the way, there are no accepted Migraine 'triggers'. So don't pretend you can avoid xxx or whatever and not get them. It is something much more complicated.



They might not be medically 'accepted' and I agree the whole thing is more complex then simply one variable elimination (otherwise avoidance might work 100%) but for sure worth a try rather than getting a migraine even if only 50% effective!

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Originally posted by JKD

They might not be medically 'accepted' and I agree the whole thing is more complex then simply one variable elimination (otherwise avoidance might work 100%) but for sure worth a try rather than getting a migraine even if only 50% effective!



Honestly taking a fat dose of Caffeine and Ibuprophan right when it is coming on kills it dead.


I've yet to read about someone that sucessfully found a real trigger that caused a migrane even half the time.


What I think happens and is largely accepted is when a migrane comes on people get hypersensitive to stimulus. If you smell oranges you associate that with the migraine, if you see bright lights you associate that with the migrane. The problem is that its not a cause and effect it is a symptom of the migrane starting. See the difference?


Im not saying I know better than anyone else, just this is stuff that is medically accepted and has worked for me.

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Originally posted by redrol

Honestly taking a fat dose of Caffeine and Ibuprophan right when it is coming on kills it dead.

I've yet to read about someone that sucessfully found a real trigger that caused a migrane even half the time.



Is Ibuprophan the same as Ibuprofen?


I'll have to try it...never ocurred to me to take caffeine since I can guarantee overdosing on caffeine will give me a migraine (no sleep + caffeine overdose = migraine better than 90% probability for me)


It may be I have a sensitivity to NSAIDs too...since I do get headaches induced from too much Ibuprofen.


The combination of the two...definaltely have to try it next time.


But yeah....I doubt any other trigger I've notice would be anywhere near 50%.

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Originally posted by JKD

Is Ibuprophan the same as Ibuprofen?



Yeah sorry my spelling sucks bad today.



I'll have to try it...never ocurred to me to take caffeine since I can guarantee overdosing on caffeine will give me a migraine (no sleep + caffeine overdose = migraine better than 90% probability for me)



Yes this is exactly what I have found. Caffeine is a double edged sword, if you drink too much you get a headache, but regardless it will stop migraines dead.


I know it seems counter intuitive but thats the facts jack.




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Hey guys, a buddy of mine used to get migraines frequently and a few months ago was having a migrane and he had a stroke and died. :( He was only 35 years old. Turns out there was something wrong with the blood vessels in his head that could have been fixed with surgery if they had found it ahead of time. If you have frequent migraines it may be something more serious. Please get it checked out.

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Its just not going away, {censored}ing killing me here at work. Anyone else suffer from migraines?


If you are leaning your head forward a lot (IE: typing, working on a tech bench, etc) then more times than not the migraines are mostly muscular related, unless they are cluster migraines. Give me a call Randy and I would be happy to explain what you can do to easily combat the migraines.



Hope to talk soon


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Originally posted by redrol

Actually Caffeine constricts the blood vessels. Ibuprophan does thin blood, but it is really the special combination of the 2 things that does the magical curing.

Hmm, interesting. Ive always read that headaches are believed to be caused by constricting blood vessels and that caffiene loosens them helping the migraine. Its when you dont have enough caffiene that the blood vessles constrict, giving you a headache. People who drink lots of caffiene then dont get any often have headaches, so maybe there is something to it. I'll have to dig out one of the articles ive read.

The other thing is they are not toatlly sure what causes headaches or migrains so it might just be educated guesses anyway.:thu:

Dont know why it didnt include the article in the quote......

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I get them once every month or two and it hits me like a {censored}ing brick to the head. They start off with the aura, then BAM! Instant migraine.

My auras are like when you look at the sun for a few seconds and you get the sun spots that blur your vision and block out a portion of what you're trying to look at, but 3 times worse.

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Originally posted by Voodoo Amps

Its just not going away, {censored}ing killing me here at work. Anyone else suffer from migraines?

If you are leaning your head forward a lot (IE: typing, working on a tech bench, etc) then more times than not the migraines are mostly muscular related, unless they are cluster migraines. Give me a call Randy and I would be happy to explain what you can do to easily combat the migraines.

Hope to talk soon


Agree with Trace here...at least that is what my Doctor explained. When i first started getting them I had them maybe once every other month...no pain medication back then, just had to ride it out. All of sudden they stopped for 5 years then bam...I had them one right after the other. Doc gave me medication that they give heart patients to thin their blood...it worked. I was on that for about a month and since then...roughly 15 years ago I get one or two maybe once a year.


As he explained it most migraines start in your neck...your blood vessels contricts due to tension or whatever triggers them, then they release...almost like an explosion in your veins and your brain cannot handle it. The aura is the warning sign...if most people can get their meds right when that starts, generally you can avoid the extreme headache.


As for triggers...who knows...I've heard to much caffiene, bananas, certain nuts, light or candles (can trigger my Dad), tension and stress and even certain medications (again, my Dad). I think there's alot of things that can trigger them but it's all related to how it affects blood flow in the neck.


As for certain remedies...I say whatever works for each individual is fine. Because if it's working stick with it...these things are brutal. I've always been scared I'd get one while playing onstage...so far so good. That'd be damn scary.

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My migraines start in my neck and move to the frontal lobe. Excedrin works for me if I catch it the moment I feel it starting... any later and it's too late.

The following are absolute triggers for me but I have to eat these over several days in a row. I have really minimized my migraines by minimizing these foods

Cheddar Cheese (this one sucks, I love Cheddar Cheese))
Other cheeses mess with my back
Corn (Temple Headache)
Sugar in the morning (e.g. KK Donut)

Chocolate and Red Wine are not triggers for me

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heh meeting of the (pained) minds on here :)

from age 15 (i'm now 23) when i collapsed after going mental on an exercise bike i've suffered BIG TIME with them, used to get them almost daily.. and sometimes so bad i felt like my head was going to explode and i wished i could do anything to stop the pain...

Sounds corny but its how it used to go, couldnt sleep cos of the pain, even moving made it worse :(

And yep, the sex thing (+ any vigorous exercise) makes them pound like a mother, to the point where if i'm not feeling 100% it aint even worth doing the act!! (and men think women only used it as a lame excuse :p)

Luckily i've largely grown out of it the last couple of years.. never did find out the cause or pin down a trigger (and apparantly its unusual for men to suffer like this) despite loads of tests and trying diets etc.

Initially i'm sure my Dr thought i was just lieing, until i went in one day during an attack, after that i had nothing but the best off him... actually right now i'm on my 2nd batch of painkillers for the evening as i feel the 'aura' settling in, gonna be an early night with some Migraleve for me :(

The damn things haunt me, i swear when i wake up the morning of something exciting (or even the night before) the feeling is there... and i have to make sure to take something asap to stop it dead..

at a festival this year i had one on the 3rd days evening, nearly killed me sitting on a coach for an hour back to my hotel without any painkillers, probably the 1st time in years i;ve rode the migraine out while being awake... just about held off from crying and going nuts :( :(

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Originally posted by redrol

I suffer from migranes... but NOT ANYMORE.

Here is my personal formula for a sure fire way to kill them FAST!

1. 200-800mg of
ibuprophan (200 usually works for me but you can go higher)

2. A strong strong cup coffee or espresso. Make sure it has LOTS of caffine, it should make you really jittery

take both of those things, drink some water and 20 mins later it will go away

if you do try it, post back here and let me know if it worked for you, I am most interested to know:idea:



This is essentially the formula for the only over the counter thing that helps my migrane symptoms... excedrin. Except they add asprin into the mix.


I've tried imitrex, but it made me feel weird, and didn't do much to stop the headaches. Painrelievers without caffiene don't do it for me. I also prefer the "gel-tabs" over any other delivery method for faster relief.


I get a metallic "taste" in my mouth to go along with the "aura".


I hate migranes.



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Originally posted by tweed

Its just not going away, {censored}ing killing me here at work. Anyone else suffer from migraines?

Caffiene!! Coffee and the over the counter migraine asprins with caffiene do it for me!! And I get some nasty ones. Imitrex just makes me puke!!

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A couple of years ago, I started having problems seeing bright lights and blurred vision. It was terrible. I couldn't see anything. Looked just like I had stared at the sun for a while.

It had been going on for a little over a year when I asked an optrician about it. He told me that I'm having a migraine.

Of course, I thought he was out of his mind, because I NEVER get headaches..........but I've since found out that he might be right. I still haven't had the pain or headaches, but my symptoms seem very much like the aura that folks here have been talking about. He told me that it's quite common to get these migraines without the headaches that usually come with them.

I was having them quite regularly but they stopped. I haven't had one in quite a while.


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Originally posted by redwizard6

Caffiene!! Coffee and the over the counter migraine asprins with caffiene do it for me!! And I get some nasty ones. Imitrex just makes me puke!!



I swear its a damn miracle cure for me!



This is essentially the formula for the only over the counter thing that helps my migrane symptoms... excedrin. Except they add asprin into the mix.



Yeah basically drinking more caffeine gives it a boost. Plus I think drinking a healthy dose of water is good overall because it hydrating helps your blood thin even more.

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Thanks to everyone for all the info. I am pretty sure its a combination of stress and neck strain. I work an IT/Networking job during the day, always infront of computer 8-10 hrs. Also do tech work at night, somtimes till the wee hours...

They sent me home today at 2pm because I couldn't see very good anymore. My boss has chronic migraines, 2-3 times a week sometimes more, so she understands where I'm coming from lol.

Its backed way down after a nap but the nausea is still there. 2 little boys running around being very loud isn't helping much lol. Gonna get a few minutes of guitar in to soothe my soul. Bathe the kids and get them to bed. Then hit the vicodin and crash.

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