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Dell support rocks!


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I know you don't hear this too often, but Dell technical support really came through for me today.


Last night, at work, a computer that is kind of business critical went down and I had to drive up here at about 9pm to see what was up. It woudln't turn on and just gave me a flashing orange light. I called Dell and after some trouble shooting they deicded to send me a new power supply. Thats fine. Problem is that it won't be here 'till monday and I'll be in Minnesota on business until monday night. So I found another power supply laying around here and jammed it in the Dell this morning. All it did was makes some beeping noises but no display. Fine. I call Dell and got through to someone instantly. She said I should be able to use any power supply with it but it just wouln't fit in the case. I told her what happened when I used mine and she suggested that the motherboard went as well. I expressed to her how important this computer is and she told me to hold on fr a minutes. She comes back and says she can have the part to me in 4 hours. 4 HOURS!!! :D:thu:


Let me tell you, after hanging around here until 11pm last night trying to get this computer up again and then coming in this morning and seeing that one of our T1s is down, this was excellent news. I know Dell support gets some bad press around here (with good reason too) and I wasn't expecting much when I called. But a big :thu: for them for coming through when I needed them.

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So you're talking about dealing with their business customer division? Most companies like this bend over backwards for business customers but not so much for home customers. Dell seems fairly solid overall though but other places really don't care much about the home users.

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Originally posted by dissonance

So you're talking about dealing with their business customer division? Most companies like this bend over backwards for business customers but not so much for home customers. Dell seems fairly solid overall though but other places really don't care much about the home users.



Yeah, they're the only support I'll deal with. Whenever I order from them for home, I make up a business so I can get that side of their support. However, I last time I called them I got jerked around pretty bad which is why I was more than pleased with them this time around.

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I've placed two orders with Dell this year... both were cancelled without even the courtesy of an email... after spending four hours trying to straighten out the one they cancelled this week I can safely say that I'll never buy from them again.

The first one may have been my fault. I added my name onto my wife

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Dells business support is great...reason? they're still in the US, for the time being. Dell is paying top dollar (as are most support-based orgs) for consultants to fly into india, southeast asia, etc to teach these idiots how to sound like an american. Before long you're going to have business support in india or malaysia or china...and the support personel will sound off with a texas drawl. Then we're really {censored}ed!

Dells current customer support is {censored}ing crap. You end up talking to a dip{censored} in India or south east asia that has just learned the english language and is reading from a support script to help you troubleshoot your problem.

***btw, since this was mentioned in another thread....this is not a racist comment. There are dip{censored}s everywhere....Dell just happens to be employing the dip{censored}s located in the countries they base their support operations. Most customer based support is script based...meaning that there's a script that these whelps follow.....when trying to figure out why the cupholder on your computer isn't working anymore

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Their business support might be good, but their pc's suck ass. I guess that's good for me because I get to fix them for money. But I wouldn't be caught dead with their desktops. Notebooks on the other hand??? Maybe, but probably not.

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Originally posted by Pepi

Maybe the towel-heads were on some mambo holiday
Sorry to sound hateful but I've been trying all day to communicate with one of these guys and it gets very frustrating

I hear ya brother! I can't afford the time it takes to deal with them anymore.

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good to hear your experience. my 2 new inspiron 6000's are arriving today and are currently "out for delivery".

this will be my 6th and 7th Dell over the years... ya, support sucks but so do most end users. its not the best, its not the worst... its just how it is.


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Originally posted by SuperStrat

I hear ya brother! I can't afford the time it takes to deal with them anymore.

I've got to the point when I get my voice mails and it is one of them I don't even call them back. This is not like me :confused: but this {censored} is getting out of control.

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Originally posted by dissonance

So you're talking about dealing with their business customer division? Most companies like this bend over backwards for business customers but not so much for home customers. Dell seems fairly solid overall though but other places really don't care much about the home users.



This is THE TRUTH! Everytime I've called Dell for home use their CS has been... eh... But when I had to call them at the University I worked in they were STELLAR. LOL! It's all about who they're under contract with really.

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Originally posted by strangegrey

Dells current customer support is {censored}ing crap. You end up talking to a dip{censored} in India or south east asia that has just learned the english language and is reading from a support script to help you troubleshoot your problem.



Before you call them "dip{censored}s" I'd have to ask you - how many languages do you speak? And would you be able to offer fluent computer tech support to someone who natively speaks any of those languages?


These are pretty smart people I'd say. Just because they're not 100% familiar with your colloquialisms doesn't make them "dip{censored}s".

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I had my 120 G hard drive replaced last week in home by a tech under Dell contract. It was two years old. He installed a 160 G in it's place as well as a new Radeon video card. That went bad as well. I did pay for extended service, but man were they fast. My PC is like new.

I've used their tech help numerous times and found them very helpful. I can't see how anyone could complain about that. Only bad thing is the wait on the phone and sometimes you end up talking to "joe" in India. Weird how they have very common names!

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Originally posted by shredhead666

Before you call them "dip{censored}s" I'd have to ask you - how many languages do you speak? And would you be able to offer fluent computer tech support to someone who natively speaks any of those languages?

These are pretty smart people I'd say. Just because they're not 100% familiar with your colloquialisms doesn't make them "dip{censored}s".



LOL...wrong subject to try to get all badass with me on....


I speak 2 languages, Not including the 7programming languages I know....I was a programmer for 10 years, prior to that, tech support for 5 years.


Do I feel confident I can support someone in that other anguage? Absolutely.






The vast majority of Level 1 and 2 support (95% of the dumbass dip{censored}s you talk to when you call Dell's India/SE asia support) perform their work from predetermined scripts. Based on your answers, they determine the next button to click for solutions suggestions. Most tech support, here and abroad, is conducted this way.


Do you think they hire a guy after asking him if he can speak the language and go "OK, there's the phone, wait for it to ring!!"


No, they school each person through specific scenarios and if these level 1 or 2 dip{censored}s can't solve your problem, they bump you up to level 3.



The fact of the matter is that a monkey (assuming said monkey can speak 2 languages) can do this work....


And let's also make something VERY CLEAR. They're employed to work for a company that is servicing customers "IN THE US!" The fact that they speak english is not a plus, but a {censored}ing job requirement!!


Do they deserve my reverence for being able to tell me in broken english that they "don't know how to help me?"



This has got to be one of the most rediculously idiotic posts I've ever responded to here on Harm central!

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Originally posted by shredhead666

Before you call them "dip{censored}s" I'd have to ask you - how many languages do you speak? And would you be able to offer fluent computer tech support to someone who natively speaks any of those languages?

These are pretty smart people I'd say. Just because they're not 100% familiar with your colloquialisms doesn't make them "dip{censored}s".



Believe me .... They are dip{censored}s... They can't do one thing without calling to confirm their actions. They are very SLOW ......................

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Originally posted by strangegrey

LOL...wrong subject to try to get all badass with me on....

I speak 2 languages, Not including the 7programming languages I know....I was a programmer for 10 years, prior to that, tech support for 5 years.

Do I feel confident I can support someone in that other anguage? Absolutely.



Bueno, entonces yo tengo un computadora que no funcionar correctamente. Puedes ayudame con esto promblemo?


En espa

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Originally posted by strangegrey

Dells business support is great...reason? they're still in the US, for the time being. Dell is paying top dollar (as are most support-based orgs) for consultants to fly into india, southeast asia, etc to teach these idiots how to sound like an american. Before long you're going to have business support in india or malaysia or china...and the support personel will sound off with a texas drawl. Then we're really {censored}ed!

Dells current customer support is {censored}ing crap. You end up talking to a dip{censored} in India or south east asia that has just learned the english language and is reading from a support script to help you troubleshoot your problem.

***btw, since this was mentioned in another thread....this is not a racist comment. There are dip{censored}s everywhere....Dell just happens to be employing the dip{censored}s located in the countries they base their support operations. Most customer based support is script based...meaning that there's a script that these whelps follow.....when trying to figure out why the cupholder on your computer isn't working anymore



They did send their business support overseas for a time. It was a disaster, and they brought it back because their business customers were complaining.


Consumer support was outsourced as well, but they don't care enough about individual consumers to bring it back.


We have Dell pcs where I work. I'm not impressed with them at all, I wouldn't get one for a home computer.

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Originally posted by shredhead666

Hey Matt? If the computer is THAT critical, how come it doesn't have a backup power supply? All the Dell PowerEdge servers I've used had at least 2 power supplies in case one failed. Sometimes more!



It's critical in the sense that if it's not fixed in a hear I get a billion calls with people bitching at me about it because the other way to print these forms out is a LITTLE harder.


The program this server runs is real simple. It just yanks things off our AS400, jiggles the text around a little, and prints the information out on nice forms. You don't need a lot of horse power for it so just about any server would be overkill. I am, however, going to move the program onto a virtual machine running on this same server. That way, if this every happens again, I just copy the virtual machine hardd drive file onto another machine with MSVM on it and start it up.

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