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Savage 120 CLIP!

Kyle DiSanto

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Ok here is something I got down today. I will let the clip speak for itself...Im not 100% there yet (tone and recording wise) but I figured Id post something anyway.





Look for "savage 120"


EDIT: I just did Annother Clip called savage 120 II....added some more gain and moved the mics around. Still nothing great but i got to run...PEACE

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Sounds pretty good, was that a Killswitch Engage song? Also, I'm guessing that was only a single track right? What guitar/pickups and cab were you using there? It wasn't bad, but I didn't really like how the palm mutes sounded.

Not a killswitch song, just something I hit record and went for. I used my mesa traditional cab and Your favorite lol EMG 81...which I think I am gunna put some Seymore Duncans in the Jackson to help the tone be a bit more natural. I still have to get better at recording what I hear in the room..as you know that is a bitch. Oh the mics were a 57, and beta 58...cause thats all i got. Single Tracked.

As for the palm mutes...umm I love the way plam mutes/power chords sound on the engl...way heavier than on my cobra...however the single notes arent as thick.

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

I have no doubt the tone is crushing in the room, it's just the recording it to get that room sound that's difficult. Have you tried an EMG85? It sounds thicker than an EMG81 and a bit more natural, much better for chug stuff IMO.

I have and yea maybee I should swap them(85 is in the neck) before I go rewiring this thing...which I have to do anyway cause the god damn {censored} buzzes :cry:

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Originally posted by BOOGIE666

you dont have to rewire EMG pu's they have connectors on them they you just plug into.

My next tube amp is defiantly going to be a savage 120, but I think I going to get a warhead first though.



Yea I have swaped them many times. See When I did this guitar like 3 years ago i wasnt nearly as good with soder as I am now. This was like the 2 gutiar I put emgs in and I have done over 20 now. So I just wanna redo it to clean it up and remove the damn buzz i hear

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Originally posted by SeraphSlaughter

WHOA that was good tone. Only thing I would do is make it less, i dont know how to put this, muffled/distant. If it was more up front it'd probablly tear my nuts off and eat them.

Gotta love the ENGL tone.



I agree with you. I might pick up annother mic next week...that flat one from senhieser...

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Originally posted by crwnedblasphemy

I am trying to decide if I like that tone or not?

It sounds kinda boxy, yet sounds like Slayer a bit too. I guess I will have to continue to listen to it over and over and over!

Hey I got to swap the 81 and 85 around...the 81 is boxier sounding and I dont really like it that much with the savage as much as I did with the Cobra...i think the 85 will be better suited with the savage.

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Originally posted by BOOGIE666

you dont have to rewire EMG pu's they have connectors on them they you just plug into.

My next tube amp is defiantly going to be a savage 120, but I think I going to get a warhead first though.





Cool , BTW I have a Warhead X2 that I like a lot when used with a BBE thru the loop. I think it's an awesome SS metal head !!



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