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Any Suggestions on what pedals sound good with a HotRod Deville 212?


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Im trying to find good pedals that sound good going through this amp(i also play a tele w/texmex)...Any pedal suggestions will do! right now for distortion im okay with a UberMetal and for delay a boss dd3, Ive already tried an ibanez ds7 and Boss ds2 and a Boss chorus ensemble through this amp and me no likey...Ive also got a tunamelt tremelo which i like and a milkshake chorus and hashbrown flanger which are ok but these pedals are cheap so if I was to upgrade what would you recommend I get for around $100 range? I'm thinking about a Verbzilla and an EchoPark...:idea:

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what kinds of sounds are you wanting?

since the amp has good cleans, i would suggest trying an OD pedal instead of an all out distortion pedal.

just crank the amp till you hit the sweet spot, then kick on the OD pedal set like this:

OD/drive knob - all the way down
tone - start in the middle and go from there
level/volume - all the way up

this will hit the amp harder and make that sweet spot even sweeter. you wont get any heavy metal tones this way unless you use the pedal set like this on top of the amps dirty channel while its already crunching.

but since the amp does sound sweet clean i would take advantage of that and use the OD on the clean (as mentioned) like a boost. youll get a nice crunchy clean thing going to make the best of the amp. as far as metal tones go, i think youre covered with the L6. alot of folks feel these amps are great for cleans and cranked light crunch but not so hot for OD or higher gain tones. you may not find what you want in the amp as far as that goes. but good luck, maybe youll work it out:)

that verbzilla is great. i used to like the digiverb (even better than the holy grail) but i feel the verbzilla is more natural and smooth.

i think with a little OD, echo, reverb, and maybe a wah pedal for those funky moments youll get some good tones out of that amp.

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Originally posted by stratboy151

check my site. i did a demo of the jeckyll and hyde pedal. the consensus is it rocks. go listen

i agree about the J&H

i had an original TS808 for years and kept looking for a replacment OD pedal, and none matched up. alot sounded good but i wanted the same sound but with no bass loss. then i came across the red J&H ultimate OD, i finally sold the 808 for a nice price (it was original) to a friend who wanted it for quite a few years

the red J&H rocks hard

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Ya the only thing I dont like on this amp is the way the pots are set on the volume knob cause if i crank it then it gets a natural over-drive but i would rather it stayed clean, I have heard of the J&H pedal my fav. band the strokes use this but I dont know if guitar center sells these...

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