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Is there a worse singer than James Labrie?


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Originally posted by 2B


Hi bro Kage.

Cool to hear from You!

Maybe the last album is "so-so". But live they still are just a killer band. I wonder why they just do not capture that rawness on record when they sure can do it live:confused:


Take care!


I envy you Norwegians, TNT Hasnt played here in so many years that I dont even remember the last time they came here:(

Is he still using marshalls because it doesnt sound like it on the last 2 albums. Its not bad but it pales in comparison to the Monster tone during their heyday


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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

I envy you Norwegians, TNT Hasnt played here in so many years that I dont even remember the last time they came here:(

Is he still using marshalls because it doesnt sound like it on the last 2 albums. Its not bad but it pales in comparison to the Monster tone during their heyday


I`ve seen some live clips on TV, ihe uses the Marshalls live, at least :)

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

I envy you Norwegians, TNT Hasnt played here in so many years that I dont even remember the last time they came here:(

Is he still using marshalls because it doesnt sound like it on the last 2 albums. Its not bad but it pales in comparison to the Monster tone during their heyday



Hi Kage.
Jepp, he is using Marshalls. And his tone still rips live.

When I see'm live next time, I'll try to get to Ronnie and tell him get his studio gear on stage!:cool::D;)

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Originally posted by 2B


Hi Kage.

Jepp, he is using Marshalls. And his tone still rips live.

When I see'm live next time, I'll try to get to Ronnie and tell him get his studio gear on stage!

Hell yeah, You should tell him that I said hey, we used to hang at alot of shows back in the day when he was living on Long Island. Damn , we smoked ALOT of wed back then so he may not remember, Im surprised that I do!!! He was a great guy!!!


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Originally posted by willy22

So I'm in a Dream Theatre mood. Listening to the Once in a Livetime disk. Do the other guys not realize that he sucks huge donkey balls?

Labrie {censored}ing sucks...He is supposed to have a huge singing background...in many songs live, I can't remember a time where he wasn't dead wrong on notes..

To me, a singer who has technique and has only singing duties to care of and {censored}s them up all the time is not really a singer..more like a singer wannabe or whatever you call it.

I can understand that during touring..voice can suffer a bit and there is tireness and whatever that cab affect the performance..but I'm talking now about something that happens too much.

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Originally posted by thegame

Well that's not exactly true. They have so many long instrumental breaks in all the songs that there's lots of time to rest between vocal parts.


The "3 hour concert" stuff is a bit of bollocks, considering half the time he's not even on the stage, or he's just standing there tambourining like a madman. :confused:

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

It's interesting that you have Tate as your avatar. You're aware that Tate suffers from a weakened voice from age, and wandering notes during live performance like Labrie, right? If you're going to throw out Labrie as not being able to sing, you better throw Tate out with him.

Tate was amazing back in the day, in the studio and on the stage. Labrie was good in the studio, but live he was all over the place. While Labrie whined and wailed off pitch, Tate was all over the stage nailing every note.

I still think Tate's a good singer. QR is bollocks now, but I think he's still a great singer. No he can't get to a lot of the high notes he used to, but then, his range has been quite clearly changing since maybe Empire or so. Happens to vocalists, or even just people in general, as they get older. I remember an interview with Tom Jones just a few years ago where he talked about how he's lost a couple of notes off the top of his range, but he's gained even more lower reach.

Listen to the stuff on Promised Land. Tate knows he doesn't have those crazy high notes in his ability anymore, so he adapts and works with his deeper register as well. These days he changes how he sings songs like Take Hold of the Flame, coz he knows he just can't do it anymore. Back in the day though... :thu:

Labrie on the other hand, was just never that good live. He's atrocious now, but listen back to Live at the Marquee. That's before the food poisoning incident, and his singing isn't that amazing there. It's far better than what he manages these days, and he clearly hits the high notes easier, but his pitch accuracy just isn't there. The rest of the band were pretty damn good, but Labrie was quite average IMO. Still, Live at Budokan is an absolute joke. He spends pretty much the whole show off pitch. I'd listen to Marquee and simultaneously shove the DVD cover of LaB up my dick hole if it guaranteed I'd never have to see/hear LaB again. :freak:

It always puzzles me why Labrie feels the need to sing with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. Try talking like that... no wonder you can't understand a word he's singing. :confused:

I can't even remember what I'm on about now... :o

Ooh, lastly though... I don't have Tate as my avatar coz I think he's a god or anything, although he is one of my favourite singers. I just found that promo QR pic amusing, and Tate looked the silliest of all of them. :)

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Originally posted by DeadNight Warrior

I've heard that too, but I've also heard it's rubbish. From what I've heard, he just took some vocal lessons in that style.

You do know that the woman singing on "Suite Sister Mary" is his opera teacher, right? Yes, he did used to sing opera before Queensryche.

For the record, I think DT's original singer was much better. I never have liked James. I think he has no balls in his voice, he sings off key live often, and he looks like a moron twirling around on stage.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

So Geoff sang in the opera in his early/mid teens?

If thats "before Queensryche" then I guess so. I dont know about where you live, but where I live they have/had a vocal chior in highschool and many kids got full scholarships to college based on their performance. Some people actually do start practicing opera at an early age, just like all other musicians. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by typedeaF

If thats "before Queensryche" then I guess so. I dont know about where you live, but where I live they have/had a vocal chior in highschool and many kids got full scholarships to college based on their performance. Some people actually do start practicing opera at an early age, just like all other musicians.

Nice job with the rolleyes. And here I thought only women did that rolleye thingie.

Don't take it so personally that I think the whole "Geoff was an opera singer" is balogna.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

Nice job with the rolleyes. And here I thought only women did that rolleye thingie.

Don't take it so personally that I think the whole "Geoff was an opera singer" is balogna.

Well there is also the fact that Tate was born in 1959, and started Queensryche in 1982, which would have made him 23. You dont think from 18 to 23 he could have taken opera? And you think everyone is just lying about his opera teacher singing with her? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

YO Brother Torbjorn!!! wassup?!?!

I have to tell you that recent TNT is disappointing me. The New album " all the way to the sun" did nothing for me , there are a few tunes that had a lot of potential to be great but they seemed like they just dont care anymore. "MyReligion" has 5-7 kick ass tunes on it but after that its eh....

they need to take their time and come out with an updated version of Intuition. That album( and Tell No Tales to a lesser degree) defined that band IMO

Ronni's definitely one of my heroes for sure, I just wish hed get back the fire...

be well Bro!!


I think you'd like the band Circus Maximus. They are a huge DT ripoff band from Norway. However, the singer sounds just like Tony Harnell and his melodies are very similar, with lots of harmonies and overdubs. It's an interesting mix for those out there that say, what if DT had a better/different singer.

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Originally posted by typedeaF

Well there is also the fact that Tate was born in 1959, and started Queensryche in 1982, which would have made him 23. You dont think from 18 to 23 he could have taken opera? And you think everyone is just lying about his opera teacher singing with her?

Anything is possible, but I think it's boohickie.

By the way, where are you finding your facts? Their first EP was recorded in 82, which means they were probably around a bit before that.

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I always thought Rob Halford was a cut way above all the high screamers...

tone, power , melody and a killer midrange voice...halford is the real deal!:thu:

and for pure metal vocal ability Ronnie James Dio takes it..at 64 his voice is still in great shape...ever see Dio live? He still puts his voice up front in the mix and belts it out with total authority..they don't make 'em like that anymore!

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Originally posted by shreder75

lebrie is horrible....

it's not that I dont' like the sound of his voice...it's ok....I do hate when he does that whisper quiet lamer {censored} for one thing..

but when he's really tryin' to belt out the note, he doesn't even TRY to enunciate the words....just comes out as blah blah blah blahhhhh blahhhh..

the end of Change of Seasons is a perfect example...what the hell is he saying? BLAHBLAHLALAHBALALAALAAAAA!!

I have to agree with the latter part of this comment, detecting the words JL sings has always been tough for me. Maybe it's that he doesn't punctuate his consonants or something.

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Originally posted by t-rave

I always thought Rob Halford was a cut way above all the high screamers...

tone, power , melody and a killer midrange voice...halford is the real deal!

and for pure metal vocal ability Ronnie James Dio takes it..at 64 his voice is still in great shape...ever see Dio live? He still puts his voice up front in the mix and belts it out with total authority..they don't make 'em like that anymore!

Yeah, Halford was the first of the powerful, high range singers. I heard he too was an "opera singer" prior to his metal years (seriously). After that, it seemed every guy that could scream was too.

As far as Dio, I think he's one of the few guys that can still pull it off like he used to. Yeah, he's a little weaker, but the dude is in his 60's and muscles weaken. He's kept his voice healthy all these years.

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