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OT: Sweep Pickers Unite !


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I got two cool DVDs for Christmas. "Elements of One" by Steve Coleman about his travels mixing various approaches to rythm with his MBASE approach to jazz. At the end was a concert where the musicians read the music from computer screens, and the music was being written by computer software. Cool.


The other was Chick Corea Live at Montreaux. While the band can be a little annoying to watch, it was inspiring listening to this level of musical skill. I got inspired listening to some crazy sweep picking solos by Frank Gambale.


Here is my feeble attempt at sweeping, post yours !


Sweep picking attempt

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links in sig...go to my band's myspace site and listen to Slave...i sweep in the solo there.

on my Soundclick page i sweep in the Metal Jam one i did...forgot what i called it, sorry :( LOL really fast sweeping in the second solo of that one at the end though...:)

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