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MARK IV settings for GIG heeellpp


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I have dabbled with the mark Iv in the studio. If I remember right it has 3 channels? One withy an EQ boost making it kinda 4?


My 5150 combo crapped out on me but I am lucky enough to have a neighbour with a mark IV head and footswitch.


I have a gig tomorrow and I will have the amp tomorrow so i have no time to tweak. I know a lot of answers are usually start at 5 and go from there but i dont have much time as it is an early gig.



I need a solution. I have 3 sounds I need for the gig.


Chan 1: Clean. For open chords

Chan 2: Slightly dirty for more bite/slightly distorted solo

Chan 3: All out throaty metal power chords/solo tone


What settings across the board will get me there. i can't even remeber if there are shared eq's etc.


I only ever used it for thrash tone. Which it did in spades.


Now I need the versatility and settings.


HELP! {censored}ing 5150 effects loop!!!

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clean channel - mids control how "open" it sounds. mids @ 0 makes your guitar sound like a telecaster. as you turn up the mids it realy opens up the sound. the presence knobs also set the overall sound, so i'd start out just turning the presence knobs and go from there. now for the lead channel. set your presence anywhere to 0, then turn it up gradually to 10 while playing of course. turn your mids to 4 or 10 as a starting point. treble 6-10 if you want a ver saturated sound but you can't have too much treble and presence. to the lower you go the darker the tone gets. bass should always be no higher than 3. keep your gain @ 8 and dial in your distortion with the lead drive knob. if you're turning way up, make sure you have the harmonics switch engaged, lead knob pushed in. i'd also go pentode and simulclass.

set the EQ to a "W" and you're good to go

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Don't turn the gain on channel 1 past 5 if you want total clean. For channel 1 keep the bass and middle in the 3-ish region I would say. Treble to taste. Presence as required.

Channel 2, for slightly dirty keep the gain in the higher region 7-9. If you pull it out (pull fat) you will have more gain. Keep treble high or you will lose gain. If you pull the presence out it will be more "hollow", push it in and it will be more "in your face".

Channel 3 keep bass and middle in low region 1-3. Treble at 7 or 8, any lower you will lose gain. Crank both gain knobs to 8. Use the pull fat to add more gain. Presence is same as channel 2, pull out for more hollow sound, push in for more in your face sound. Use the graphic EQ to taste. If you use the pull bright as well on the lead channel you may get squealing feedback at louder stage volumes, fyi.

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Tweed mode
I prefer class-A mode but its up to you
mid gain switch engaged

Lead channel settings.....
Gain: 10 and pulled
Drive: 10 and pulled
Bass: 2
Treble: 7
Pressence: 1 and pulled
Mids: 10

Graphic EQ set to a "W" shape see my attached pic.

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