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Recording with PODxt Question


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I'm trying to figure out how to get the optimum recording sound through my PODxt. My current setup:


* Electric guitar input to PODxt

* Left out to Marshall amp

* USB to computer and Guitartracks software

* Right out to stereo speakers


Is this the way to do it?


I only see two outs in the upper left of the POD -- left and right. I have a couple of problems currently:


(1) My recording playback through my Guitartracks software is playing the music out of my amp...not my stereo speakers. Wierd. This despite the fact I have the left POD out going to the amp and then the right POD out feeding my stereo right and left speakers. If I want to play through the speakes I have to unplug the left out that goes to my amp leaving the only out to my stereo speakers which are connected with one 1/4 inch out to two single pins in each speaker input.


(2) Even when I unplug the amp out, I seem to have a problem with my stereo speaker output -- it sounds really weak through the speakers. Could be that I have one 1/4 inch cable that connects to both my right and left stereo speaker pin cables.


(3) To solve problem (1), I was thinking of running two separate 1/4 inch cables from the left and right POD outputs to my right and left stereo speaker inputs. However, this creates another problem: I no longer have an out to my AMP!


What the heck am I missing here?


How do I play through my amp and playback through my stereo speakers? I'm missing something.


Thanks. KY

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You do realize by doing that its going to be recording direct from the POD and not the sound thats coming yout of your Marshall right?


Heres what I would do. Forget plugging into the Marshall or your speakers. Get a nice pair of headphones, and plug em into the phones jack, or just plug both the left and right into your speakers. Then just use the USB into your computer, and you're set.

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the right and left speaker outs on the Pod are basically stereo speaker outs...left is mono, right AND left is stereo. so basically i dont think you can do what you are trying to do.


and about you having weak signal from the right output to the two stereo speakers...the output isnt designed to do that i dont think.


if you run the right and left out to the stereo speakers, it would work. why do you need it to go out to the amp anyways? how many sources of sound to you need coming at you at one time!? LOL


when i finally get a pod, ill be using it into my computer, and use the sound coming out of the computer speakers...i dont see a need to have it going into an amp and whatever else too...seems overkill for me.


try it though...go left and right to the stereo speakers and see what happens.


personally...i dont know if my USB will work right with the Pod when i get it...i dont know if my software will recognize it. im going to try to go from the headphone out to the mic input and try recording that way just for fun. should be interesting :)

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Heh...um...wow I don't even know how you decided to hook it up that way. The best way is stereo L/R outputs into your sound cards line input. You may have to find a convertor to go from the 2 1/4 inch jacks to your sound card's single 1/8th inch jack. They are cheap at radio shack. Then you just set your computer to record from the line in, and record away.



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I don't realize that...that's the problem. I am an IDIOT when it comes to wires. I screw it up every time.


I have headphones, but I want to hear and record the PODXT through my Marshall. Using headphones is no fun. I want to rip my house in two.




Thanks. KY

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Soc Monki,


So it sounds like if I want to record and hear through the speakers I use the two left and right outs specifically to connect to each speaker.


If I want to just hear the sounds through the amp, go out to the amp.


But not at the same time.


I can deal with that. I'll give it a shot.


Overdriven...I believe that the POD is acting as the soundcard. It's connected to the computer via USB. The only other connection I see from PODxt to stereo is via the top right and left outs on the POD.



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Originally posted by kyoun1e

I don't realize that...that's the problem. I am an IDIOT when it comes to wires. I screw it up every time.

I have headphones, but I want to hear and record the PODXT through my Marshall. Using headphones is no fun. I want to rip my house in two.


Thanks. KY



Wait...so you want to recod the sound thats coming out of your marshall, or you want to monitor your recording with the marshall? If you want to record what is coming out of the marshall, then you will need to mic the marshall up and get a mic preamp as well.



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Basically, I want to play my recorded Guitartracks track out my stereo speakers. I'll then want to play this and record over what is already recorded so I'd hear what I recorded previously and what I am currently playing. Think of a previously recorded set of verse chords with a lead played over it.


Does that make sense?


I don't need a mic for that. I think.



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Originally posted by kyoun1e


Basically, I want to play my recorded Guitartracks track out my stereo speakers. I'll then want to play this and record over what is already recorded so I'd hear what I recorded previously and what I am currently playing. Think of a previously recorded set of verse chords with a lead played over it.

Does that make sense?

I don't need a mic for that. I think.




ok, so basically you want to track multiple guitars, overdubbing in other words.


you do have speakers connected to the computer, right? if you do, use them.


you have the pod going into the computer with the USB...use the computer speakers to monitor what you are playing, while you play. then, playback the recorded part while tracking another part. usually helps if you pan one part hard left or right and play the other part panned opposite.


tada! you really dont need all that stuff hooked up...IMO anyways. just do it all on the computer.

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The speakers are connected to the computer, but now I need to connect the speakers to the PODxt.


Right now I have the left out of the PODxt going to my amp while the right feeds both my stereo lines. This seems to send audio to BOTH my speakers and the amp. A mess.


I'm guessing that I need to use BOTH the left and right outputs on the PODxt to connect to my right and left speaker cables and I'll be all set.


That would leave my amp without a connection, but from the sounds of it you can record direct to the computer with the PODxt or use the PODxt's effects to play through your amp...but you CAN'T have BOTH connected at the same time.


Does that sound right?


Thanks. KY

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Originally posted by kyoun1e

The speakers are connected to the computer, but now I need to connect the speakers to the PODxt.

Right now I have the left out of the PODxt going to my amp while the right feeds both my stereo lines. This seems to send audio to BOTH my speakers and the amp. A mess.

I'm guessing that I need to use BOTH the left and right outputs on the PODxt to connect to my right and left speaker cables and I'll be all set.

That would leave my amp without a connection, but from the sounds of it you can record direct to the computer with the PODxt or use the PODxt's effects to play through your amp...but you CAN'T have BOTH connected at the same time.

Does that sound right?

Thanks. KY



i dont see why you need to connect the speakers to the Pod...becuase if youre plugged into the computer, going into a recording software, it should play through the speakers that way also rather than having to connect to the speakers to the Pod as well...


i think youre trying to make this more complicated than it is...the pod is great for direct recording, and that is what youre doing. just play through it and use the computer speakers as your monitors and leave it at that. if you have the speakers hooked up to the computer AND the Pod it may be causing problems with the speakers (signal overload!)


just try going USB into the computer, and see how that works. keep it simple.

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Dude listen to me. Here is all you have to do. The 2 (Left and Right) outputs from the POD go to your computer's line in. Get the little converter cable like I said from Radio Shack. Your computer speakers are hooked up as normal to your computer. So they should be hooked into your speaker out jack on the back of your comp. Forget hooking the POD in via USB. Forget the Marshall (not sure why you wanted to use this in the first place). THATS ALL. Its not that complicated. Then you just use a multitrack program like Adobe Audition, lay one track down, then add a new track and record over top of that. Easy.



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i was just looking at the Pod manual on my comp, im not even sure that the Pod was even intened to be used with so many cables running out of it at the same time!!!!


do what Overdriven said, or just use the USB. either way, just use the Pod...dont worry about hooking up the speakers to the Pod or the Pod to the Marshall.

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Holy crap. I don't think I even have the computer to the speaker setup right. I don't think I have the speakers hooked into the back of the computer! From what I remember, there should be a one pin that goes from my stereo to a hole in the back. I've reconfigured wires so many times I may have taken that out. That could be the big problem.


If those speakers are hooked up correctly as you say, then I should be able to just plug in the Pod and go. I'm going to check this out when I get home.


I really can't wait for the stinkin wireless age to really come.


Doesn't anyone use the PODxt for live sound out of your amp? There's like a gazillion effects to take advantage of.



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personally, im gonna get a Pod so i can record direct to my computer, and also have a nice little toy to practice with and actually have decent tones (since the little practice amp i have is kinda grating on my nerves.)


i dont use effects anyways...a little chorus here and there, mostly for cleans, but im more of a dry tone kinda person. id use the Pod for the range of amp tones i could get, screw effects (except of course for chorus and the stompboxes LOL)


so, no i wouldnt use it live. maybe a Pod XT Pro into a nice tube poweramp...but i still wouldnt use many, if any of the effects.

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