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Not Happy with my Carvin MTS


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I bought a Carvin MTS used from a shop around two weeks ago and so far I've been less than impressed. In the shop I tried it and it sounded okay, seemed to have good qualities. I had bumped the volume only a tad and figured that things would get better as you crank, as is the case with my other two amps. I was sorely disappointed to find when I got it home that it sounded possibly worse (for my tastes) and cranking did virtually nothing.


For a 100 watt amp with 6l6's, my Orange ad30 not only outcranks it, but has more gain. You might be thinking its the tubes, but its not. Sittin inside are all good condition Mesa tubes. Perhaps I'm missing something, but this thing seems to tread blues/rock territory but not much more. You can get some heavier tones, but they don't mix well with my guitars like my other two amps can. There is a lot of bass in that amp, though it can be tightened up a lot. Not bad in general, but not covering any new ground I thought it would.


This thing is going on ebay, unless I'm missing something major. I hope to turn it around and use the money and save up for another amp, though I'm not especially sure which. (Or get a PRS)

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The MTS' problem is that it is very scooped sounding, even with the mids on 10. My advice is get a graphic EQ (I used a Boss GE-7 with my MTS) and put it in the FX loop and give it a mid boost (and any other EQing you feel it needs). I think this is the key to getting the most out of this amp.

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Originally posted by MattACaster

The MTS' problem is that it is very scooped sounding, even with the mids on 10. My advice is get a graphic EQ (I used a Boss GE-7 with my MTS) and put it in the FX loop and give it a mid boost (and any other EQing you feel it needs). I think this is the key to getting the most out of this amp.



EQ's are powerful, useful tools, but if the amp just aint voiced for it, then what's the point?


It's like takign a piece of {censored} Honda Civic and trying to make it a supercar. It's just waste of time. It just aint a supercar, and this thing just aint made for hte kind of tones he wants out of it....

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

EQ's are powerful, useful tools, but if the amp just aint voiced for it, then what's the point?

It's like takign a piece of {censored} Honda Civic and trying to make it a supercar. It's just waste of time. It just aint a supercar, and this thing just aint made for hte kind of tones he wants out of it....



The EQ improved the tone of my MTS ten times over. Thats all I'm saying....

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Originally posted by MattACaster

The EQ improved the tone of my MTS ten times over. Thats all I'm saying....



Same for me. I have the older version of the MTS (same thing, different speakers). I have JJ E34L's in it. I can't stand the sound of it with 6L6's. I also have a mix of GT and JJ preamp tubes. I love this amp. It doesn't get really super loud, but it definately has plenty of gain. It sounds pretty natural, takes effects well. It doesn't sound the greatest without a boost though.


I love mine though, I'd never get rid of it. I'd buy another amp though, but I'd still always have my Carvin.

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Originally posted by Kalebmation

Same for me. I have the older version of the MTS (same thing, different speakers). I have JJ E34L's in it. I can't stand the sound of it with 6L6's. I also have a mix of GT and JJ preamp tubes. I love this amp. It doesn't get really super loud, but it definately has plenty of gain. It sounds pretty natural, takes effects well. It doesn't sound the greatest without a boost though.

I love mine though, I'd never get rid of it. I'd buy another amp though, but I'd still always have my Carvin.



I actually still have my MTS 4x12 with the old speakers (BR12s) and I think it's the best cab I own. I wish I still had my MTS. If I found one for cheap I buy it without a second thought.

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I had a sound gig a couple of years ago, and one of the guitarists used a MTS halfstack. He let me play through it afterwards, too. I thought it was pretty horrible. Might be OK with some pedals, though. Personally I woulda saved up a little more and picked up a Marshall or a 5150.

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i'm glad somebody else thought the mids on it always seemed skewed. i had the same vibe. secondly, i hate using pedals. a graphic eq won't achieve what i want anyway.

i'm not saying its terrible, just that it isn't doing what i wanted it for, and what it does do i have adequately covered already.

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