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Senseless waste of an M-3


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The keys stay remarkably in shape seeing that something heavy just drove over 'm.


Anyway, I'd have less of an issue with this if they would've done it with a piano. At least those are still mass-produced and they have their fair share of unrepairable stinkers, while still being recognizable as the object to be ruined. Nobody's making those M3s anymore. Reznor's compulsion to ruin DX7s is just as bad; ruin some controllers, the audience won't know the difference anyway.

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As the new owner of an M3 almost 20 years older than I am, I say this is deplorable. I love shows that wreck stuff, sure, but rarely when it's something old, vintage, unique or otherwise "let's wreck some stuff that's cool just for shock value". I saw a lot of things getting destroyed in that clip that probably fit into that category.

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i'm assuming that this is a video where an M3 is destroyed?


that's pretty crap. i've got 5 of these things right now i can't even bring myself to part out, but i am indeed keeping them for just such a purpose. (it's crazy ... i had like 10 of them at one point, gave 3 away and parted the rest out on ebay because i wanted to divest myself .... less than 3 years later i have 5 of them again.)


isn't there an Elegante they could have done this with instead?

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As the new owner of an M3 almost 20 years older than I am, I say this is deplorable. I love shows that wreck stuff



All shows that wreck stuff do so for shock value. The other stuff you may attach no value to may be valuable to someone else and evoke a similar reaction.

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it could have been worse though, giving the M3 to a talentless schmuck (like timbaland for example) would have been an even bigger waste XD



Sorry had to butt in. Timbaland may not be a good keyboard player.... but he most likely would use that M3 and turn it into a money generating machine. That seems like some kind of talent to me.

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The M3 segment is actually really short and somewhere in the middle. It's demolished by a steamroller where the roller looks more like a bunch of cogwheels next to one another.


It's called a sheepsfoot roller. Good for soil compaction, but not recommended for use on 'organic' materials.






Srsly, I gigged with an L111, & later an M3 which I chopped. My bandmates (who had to help me shlep them) would probably have happily paid the rental fee to use some bigass squashing machine on them. :eek:

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Here's probably what happened:


Director: Justin! Go find me a big Picasso repro in a fancy frame, some fancy china, a refrigerator, and, uh, and organ! And a Mocha Latte Grandiosaphat!


Production Assistant: O.K., Chief. Uh, I'm gonna need some petty cash. And, uh, where am I supposed to find this stuff, boss?


Dr. I dunno, try a flea market, or the landfill!


(Later, at Goddywill...)


PA: Well, I got everything but the organ...


Clerk: We got this old junky one that makes an oil stain wherever we put it...


PA: LOL, whata POS! My Gramma had something like this, but at least hers had a buncha nifty colored switches & drum buttons & {censored}! Look in the back! It's got motors & tubes! HA! The world won't miss this crummy old turd! How much?


Clerk: Tree Fiddy!

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Didn't want to sit through a 30 second cat food commercial.


It's sad that I think the discovery channel last had actual science/nature programming worth on it in the 80s... or maybe early 90s.




Some day I look forward to the marginal programming I will tune into Discovery Channel 17 and MTV 42.


The history channel is funny too. History Channel 1 = Hitler and Truckers. History Channel Intl = Maybe Some History Occasionally.


Wrestling on the SciFi (excuse me, SyFy) channel.


WTF people. WTF.

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I remember when TLC (The Learning Channel) was like another Discovery Channel with some newer 'docudrama' type shows. "Life in the ER" being one of them. Then it seems, overnight, it was all home-improvement shows. Not useful ones like Bob Vila, but ghey {censored} like Trading Spaces, then Trading Spouses and/or Trading Feces. That's about when I stopped watching TV altogether.


I'm completely indifferent and passe about the whole digital TV conversion. Hence, I now have an 'old' tv in my living room that's not connected to cable and can't pick up any aerial signals. Great for PS3 and watching DVDs though.

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Didn't want to sit through a 30 second cat food commercial.

It's sad that I think the discovery channel last had actual science/nature programming worth on it in the 80s... or maybe early 90s.


Some day I look forward to the marginal programming I will tune into Discovery Channel 17 and MTV 42.

The history channel is funny too. History Channel 1 = Hitler and Truckers. History Channel Intl = Maybe Some History Occasionally.

Wrestling on the SciFi (excuse me, SyFy) channel.

WTF people. WTF.





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