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OT: Anyone build websites?


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What I'd like to do is have the majority of a website stay static, but when a link is clicked I'd like the linked page to show up in a defined sections of the website. I know how to do this with frames, but I think frames are kind out out dated.


I'm using Dreamweaver 2004 to make the page. Does anyone happen to know how to do with or even what it's called? I've tried to using google to search for a how to page but I don't really find anything cause I'm not sure what I'm searching for.



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Originally posted by TheDarxide

That's the bunny
It's not as hard as it looks, just find a good javascript tutorial/book that covers DHTML. Javascript has got a lot of bad press over the years, but it's bloody useful.

I'll definatley check that out. I've always been behind when it comes to building websites. I need to catch up. :)


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