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Really...how versatile are the Boogie Rectifiers???


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While I`m waiting on my Single Recto to ship to me I thought I would start another useless Rectifier thread. Well, maybe not useless but just another thread.


I know the Rectifiers get a lot of bad press for being sloppy, loose, cold, rectangular, etc.


C`mon these amps have to be better than that. They have to capable of more than just slut banging metal and loosening fillings. I`m looking forward to some great rock and blues tones along with a pretty good clean tone.


Lets hear what you guys can do with your Rectos.







P.S.- I`m such a little fanboy. I just bought a Mesa/Boogie t-shirt off the Boogie website.



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It's not that they're one trick ponies, it's just that if you don't have your guitar tuned to drop Z, the signal path turns off. It's just the way its designed. Clean guitar tones cause smoke to come out of the amp, and smoke isn't supposed to come out of the amp.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

It's not that they're one trick ponies, it's just that if you don't have your guitar tuned to drop Z, the signal path turns off. It's just the way its designed. Clean guitar tones cause smoke to come out of the amp, and smoke isn't supposed to come out of the amp.






But the smoke is o`k, right? Since it`s meant to do that.



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but not alot.

I own a Trem-O-Verb and am running it half power. 2 EL-34's and 1 Rectumfrier Tube. Spongy/Tube and I can dial in anything......... Crystal cleans to TOOL.

People say Rectos are hard to dial in:cry: and don't do cleans, all you have to do is turn down the {censored}in gain and crank the master volume - it aint rocket science...

I just need somethin to slam the front end with probly a ts808 or somethin in that vein and also want to get a GL TMB really bad - as I am after that killer IOMMI sound on the "FUSED" cd frigin phenomenal:eek:

Hope that helps

EDIT: Santana, Floyd, Trower, Priest, Maiden, DIO literally tons O tones..........

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Thanks guys for the humorous posts. Just the thing to pass the time while I wait for the amp to be delivered. I can`t believe that I`ve played for so many years without owning a Boogie. I have to admit, I`m quite excited. Like a small child at Christmas. I just like talking about it and you guys are all I have. My wife just doesn`t get it. Just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching TV.


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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Thanks guys for the humorous posts. Just the thing to pass the time while I wait for the amp to be delivered. I can`t believe that I`ve played for so many years without owning a Boogie. I have to admit, I`m quite excited. Like a small child at Christmas. I just like talking about it and you guys are all I have. My wife just doesn`t get it. Just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching TV.


I'm the same way when I have an amp coming. And my wife is the same way as yours too.;):D

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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Thanks guys for the humorous posts. Just the thing to pass the time while I wait for the amp to be delivered. I can`t believe that I`ve played for so many years without owning a Boogie. I have to admit, I`m quite excited. Like a small child at Christmas. I just like talking about it and you guys are all I have. My wife just doesn`t get it. Just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching TV.


I don't want to rain on your parade but...

I gotta tell ya, I felt exactly the same way you did (my wife is even the same ):) but I became quickly dissatisfied with the amp.

After years of playing Marshall's...it was a dissappointment.

I hope that "the Mesa sound" is what you're after because, if it ain't, you may have the same results as me. I thought I could make it the amp I wanted it to be but, in the end, it does what it does.

That said, I still have my Dual...and play it from time to time and it does OK. To me, it sounds best with EL34's, FX Loop OFF and an SD1 out front. Oh yeah, and a BBE Maximizer too for added tightness.

Best of luck with your new purchase and let us know how it goes!


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Originally posted by Urban Ghandi

I don't want to rain on your parade but...

I gotta tell ya, I felt exactly the same way you did (my wife is even the same )
but I became quickly dissatisfied with the amp.

After years of playing Marshall's...it was a dissappointment.

I hope that "the Mesa sound" is what you're after because, if it ain't, you may have the same results as me. I thought I could make it the amp I wanted it to be but, in the end, it does what it does.

That said, I still have my Dual...and play it from time to time and it does OK. To me, it sounds best with EL34's, FX Loop OFF and an SD1 out front. Oh yeah, and a BBE Maximizer too for added tightness.

Best of luck with your new purchase and let us know how it goes!


Well, to be honest I`m not after any tone in particular. I`m in an experamental stage right now. I played through a 5150 II for a couple of years then decided to try the JSX. I didn`t get along with the JSX so now I`m trying the Single Recto. If the Recto doesn`t work out then I may try a VHT 50CL. I`m just free wheeling right now and trying as much as I can.


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im not opposed to Rectos...i was just tryin to be funny :) i just personally dont like the Recto tone. to each his own though!

as for women and gear...unless they play, seriously, theyll never understand. my ex was always like "why do you play all the time? what does it matter? why do you want more stuff?"

well, i guess she hated that i put so much time into music, cuz now im single. more time to devote to music! :)

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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Thanks guys for the humorous posts. Just the thing to pass the time while I wait for the amp to be delivered. I can`t believe that I`ve played for so many years without owning a Boogie. I have to admit, I`m quite excited. Like a small child at Christmas. I just like talking about it and you guys are all I have. My wife just doesn`t get it. Just rolls her eyes and goes back to watching TV.




i'm the same way. never owned one. pretty happy with my triamp MKII.

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Originally posted by SAWTOOTHGRINX

I love my Boogie! Heavy metal to squeeky clean and then back again no problem

I like your gibson LP Custom...very nice, big head stock and all...anyways...i love marshalls and i love boogies. I have a DSL right now and am hopefully getting a dual recto here in a month or two. They do take a while to dial in but its so worth it. you will enjoy it im sure, atleast i know i will

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Originally posted by mctallica1

When a new piece of gear arrives at my house, the first thing my wife says, without fail, is " How long are you gonna keep that, a week...... or 2?"

Boy does she know me:D

My God bro. I can`t blame the woman. Your turn over is quite spirited. :eek:

I know you keep the shipping boxes just in case.


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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Well, to be honest I`m not after any tone in particular. I`m in an experamental stage right now. I played through a 5150 II for a couple of years then decided to try the JSX. I didn`t get along with the JSX so now I`m trying the Single Recto. If the Recto doesn`t work out then I may try a VHT 50CL. I`m just free wheeling right now and trying as much as I can.




Right on...


The good news for you is...is that I have a Dual and you have a Single. In my old band, I had the Dual and the other guitarist had a Single. His amp sounded SO MUCH BETTER than mine...wasn't even close!


So, I think you're gonna be a happy camper!

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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

While I`m waiting on my Single Recto to ship to me I thought I would start another useless Rectifier thread. Well, maybe not useless but just another thread.

I know the Rectifiers get a lot of bad press for being sloppy, loose, cold, rectangular, etc.

C`mon these amps have to be better than that. They have to capable of more than just slut banging metal and loosening fillings. I`m looking forward to some great rock and blues tones along with a pretty good clean tone.

Lets hear what you guys can do with your Rectos.



P.S.- I`m such a little fanboy. I just bought a Mesa/Boogie t-shirt off the Boogie website.


:thu: Dude..Your freaking out ....Relax, it'll be alright. I havent got mine yet either and I'm excited too. I did alot of researching and playing and it came down to a Mesa Single Rec or a Soldano HR 50 Plus. I'm getting the Mesa...I don't even really like the rectos but for some reason I liked the single rec. I'll probably put in some EL34's though. I play in a Christian rock band...nothing super heavy and I believe this amp will ROCK! I'm just wondering how it'll sound in the band, sure sounded good at the store. Get a G-Major and a midi pedal and you're set up real nice!

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Originally posted by Lord ToneKing

Dude..Your freaking out ....Relax, it'll be alright. I havent got mine yet either and I'm excited too. I did alot of researching and playing and it came down to a Mesa Single Rec or a Soldano HR 50 Plus. I'm getting the Mesa...I don't even really like the rectos but for some reason I liked the single rec. I'll probably put in some EL34's though. I play in a Christian rock band...nothing super heavy and I believe this amp will ROCK! I'm just wondering how it'll sound in the band, sure sounded good at the store. Get a G-Major and a midi pedal and you're set up real nice!

I`ve thought about going midi and ditching the pedals, but I just don`t use effects enough to justify the change. I use effects very sparingly.


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Everybody has a different idea of "versatility".

I think its extremely versatile in that I was able to attain all the tones I wanted from it.

I've seen death metal bands use it.

I've seen progressive metal bands use it.
I've seen commercially accessable hard rock bands use it.

Rock/rap bands... used it.

I recently saw an old video clip of john Mellencamp and a guitarist in his backup band was using it.
No metal there.

Christian artist steven curtis chapman used it on the "declaration" album (as i mentioned in another thread).
in this context it was used in a more "pop" vain rather than hard rock. But it shined there.

I've heard guitar shredders use it.
CHeck out "new blues" (extremist) by satriani. He used it in a rock/blues context and shredded he balls in half with it.

As mentioned... holdsworth used it in a jazz/fusion (or whatever he is) context. And he says its the best amp ever made.
(then came his yamaha endorsement).

The list of varied artists playing varied styles of music with the rectifier.... is endless......

Its a great tone machine..... if you like boogie tone.

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Originally posted by gafyagaton

Everybody has a different idea of "versatility".

I think its extremely versatile in that I was able to attain all the tones I wanted from it.

I've seen death metal bands use it.

I've seen progressive metal bands use it.

I've seen commercially accessable hard rock bands use it.

Rock/rap bands... used it.

I recently saw an old video clip of john Mellencamp and a guitarist in his backup band was using it.

No metal there.

Christian artist steven curtis chapman used it on the "declaration" album (as i mentioned in another thread).

in this context it was used in a more "pop" vain rather than hard rock. But it shined there.

I've heard guitar shredders use it.

CHeck out "new blues" (extremist) by satriani. He used it in a rock/blues context and shredded he balls in half with it.

As mentioned... holdsworth used it in a jazz/fusion (or whatever he is) context. And he says its the best amp ever made.

(then came his yamaha endorsement).

The list of varied artists playing varied styles of music with the rectifier.... is endless......

Its a great tone machine..... if you like boogie tone.








WOW !!!


What an awesome post.


Damn, I can`t wait to get my new amp.



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