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Are Boxer's good family dogs?


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Originally posted by potaetoes

all pit-bull owners say that it's only bad owners who cause pit bulls to be aggressive... that doesn't explain the disproportionately high incidence of pit bull attacks on humans and animals compared to ALL other dog breeds, or their physiological differences that make their bites more powerful and damaging than all other breeds.

i'm not saying they're not great dogs - i know several awesome pit bulls and let my dog play with them all the time - but it's a breed that absolutely requires careful raising and owning. the "average" dog owner will produce an "average" pit bull, which is generally more dangerous than the "average" dog of any other breed.

it's just like cars... pretty much anyone can drive a corolla without too much trouble, but if you want to drive a race car with tons of power and agility, you better damn well know how to drive if you want to keep it under control.

I agree with everything you said, except for the "disproportionate attacks by pits, compared to all other dogs". You have it backwards. Go look up dog bites / attacks and you will see that pits arent even near the top. Unfortunately, when they do bite, it's messy. Chows, Dalmations, Golden Retrievers are way ahead. Additionally, just looking at the pit attacks alone, well bred / pure APBT's, Staffy's, Am Bulldogs are RARELY responsible for an attack / bite. It's the pit mix that dogs that are the problem. Well bred dogs are stable and unlikly to get spooked, resulting in a bite out of fear. The other problem is too many dogs together. They get the pack thing going and you've got problems. I wouldn't put even well bred, stable dogs together unsupervised.

Anyway, carry on.:D

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Boxer's are great family dogs. Ours is about 7 months old right now and he's really good with the whole family, even the cats (most of the time). You'll want to take them through a puppy class somewhere and involve your whole family in training him/her. Find a good breeder and make a visit with the pup and the pup's mom.

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I work at a vet clinic, and have for almost 9 years, and I can honestly say that the Boxer (for a bigger dog) is probably one of the best family dogs, that and the Labradors. They can both be hyper, you just have to get them in puppy classes or teach them some manners and they'll be fine. For smaller dogs, the Westie and the Carin terrier are good dogs. I personally like Weiner dogs (Daschunds) and have 2 of them, but one is a little moody and doens't make her a good candidate for a family dog. I've also got 2 labs.

The only down side to Boxers is that they are commonly referred to at a vet clinic as "tumor" dogs because they seem to be pron to lumps and bumps and some are cancerous. Just a little FYI, but don't let that scare you away from Boxers since they are such great dogs, and it's not like every Boxer gets tumors either it's just more comon in that breed just like Geman sheppards are more prone to hip displaysia (labs are #2). Just check the family history if you can.

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Originally posted by Black Falcon

She just wants your love. Is that too much for you? To give a little love-starved doggie a few minutes of attention, you cold heartless bastard?!!

She gets plenty of attention. She's still a neurotic idiot :D. Hell, I bought her that nice little dracula costome, lol.

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Sure, I got a little pissy , yes You are correct on most of the statement, but since APBT's have no voice, & your stament of Dispropotionate attacks by pit's compared to all other breeds, is very incorrect. it of course your wright to spred such things, but it is wrong, the AKC is FAR from the truth on most anything, try the ADBA or APPBA for truth & UKC sometimes for that matter. That above statement is allways smashed in public meeting when they try to pass BSL over a over hyped up media cruisade. If you seen what goes on here in the farm country with other large breeds & not APBT's you might change your tune. Yes I wish the gangters & such didn't get involded w/ APBT's they have caused a mess, now every irresponsible person on the planet wants one for all the wrong reasons...mixes with APBT's can be NOT what you want , but boxer/APBT's seem to turn out fine.. other mixing is NOT a good idea. I suppose a person would have to see 350 + APBT's in once spot, 5 feet apart & nothing but well mannered love flying around, I still wouldn't be surprised to see you at a BSL lobby meeting in OLY.... spreading the same incorrect info.that would be your wright also. Your post was on its way to bieng a almost perfect one , only if you would have left out what you didn't really know, the rest , you adviouselly know, cause that is the truth.
Sorry if I came off a little freaky. I spend alot of time at anti-BSL & see alot of crazy talk. Have a good one man.....

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Originally posted by potaetoes

all pit-bull owners say that it's only bad owners who cause pit bulls to be aggressive... that doesn't explain the disproportionately high incidence of pit bull attacks on humans and animals compared to ALL other dog breeds, or their physiological differences that make their bites more powerful and damaging than all other breeds.

i'm not saying they're not great dogs - i know several awesome pit bulls and let my dog play with them all the time - but it's a breed that absolutely requires careful raising and owning. the "average" dog owner will produce an "average" pit bull, which is generally more dangerous than the "average" dog of any other breed.

it's just like cars... pretty much anyone can drive a corolla without too much trouble, but if you want to drive a race car with tons of power and agility, you better damn well know how to drive if you want to keep it under control.

That's only in the last decade because they're popular dogs right now. In the 80's it was rottweilers, in the 70's it was dobermans, in the 60's it was german sheppards. My bet is that in the next decade it'll be Presa Canarios. :(

Pit's rock.


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Originally posted by JandG

Sure, I got a little pissy , yes You are correct on most of the statement, but since APBT's have no voice, & your stament of Dispropotionate attacks by pit's compared to all other breeds, is very incorrect. it of course your wright to spred such things, but it is wrong, the AKC is FAR from the truth on most anything, try the ADBA or APPBA for truth & UKC sometimes for that matter. That above statement is allways smashed in public meeting when they try to pass BSL over a over hyped up media cruisade. If you seen what goes on here in the farm country with other large breeds & not APBT's you might change your tune. Yes I wish the gangters & such didn't get involded w/ APBT's they have caused a mess, now every irresponsible person on the planet wants one for all the wrong reasons...mixes with APBT's can be NOT what you want , but boxer/APBT's seem to turn out fine.. other mixing is NOT a good idea. I suppose a person would have to see 350 + APBT's in once spot, 5 feet apart & nothing but well mannered love flying around, I still wouldn't be surprised to see you at a BSL lobby meeting in OLY.... spreading the same incorrect info.that would be your wright also. Your post was on its way to bieng a almost perfect one , only if you would have left out what you didn't really know, the rest , you adviouselly know, cause that is the truth.

Sorry if I came off a little freaky. I spend alot of time at anti-BSL & see alot of crazy talk. Have a good one man.....



I heard that. It's the same case in the firearms industry. People passing bull{censored} laws just to make themselves feel better. But it's all out of ignorance and "what they see on TV".

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Originally posted by potaetoes

here's something to start with.

89th in popularity in the US (according to AKC), 1st by a wide margin in fatalities, according to every study on the topic that spans a long time frame (usually at least double the next closest breed - which is rottweiler, #16 in popularity)

if that's not disproportionate, i don't know what is.




damn this is wack


" While at times informative, statistics on fatal dog attacks can also be misleading. For example, a number of cases were a Pit Bull, Rottweiler or GSD were counted as causing a human fatality were in reality the direct result of gross human negligence or criminal intent (i.e. discarding a newborn in the yard where the dogs were kept, or cases of extremely emaciated animals, or cases were the dog was ordered or encouraged to attack the victim).

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Originally posted by ThunderDump

damn this is wack

" While at times informative, statistics on fatal dog attacks can also be misleading. For example, a number of cases were a Pit Bull, Rottweiler or GSD were counted as causing a human fatality were in reality the direct result of gross human negligence or criminal intent (i.e. discarding a newborn in the yard where the dogs were kept, or cases of extremely emaciated animals, or cases were the dog was ordered or encouraged to attack the victim).



But people love to skew facts and figures to better represent their point of view.


For example, so many people are afraid to fly because the only thing you ever see on the news about airports or airplanes is negative. We live in a nation that breeds unecessary fear.

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