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Playing just a single clip in Ableton Live 8


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Hey guys, i'm in a more experimental band (think of Enter Shikari etc.) and I'm using the M-Audio Axiom 49 together with Ableton Live 8.


What I want is to just launch my self-made samples with one press on one of the buttons, but have ONLY that clip play and not the rest. Now when I press play on the clip it plays all the clips and if I press Solo on the instrument you'll only hear the clip but the rest is still playing even though it's muted. I'd like to figure out how I play ONLY the clip I want to have played on not have the others start whether I can hear them or not, it would really do wonderful things for my CPU.

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can't tell exactly what is going wrong from your description, but you can definitely do that. Are you pressing the "scene launch" buttons on the far right of the screen? That button launches every clip in the row. Instead you want to just hit the play button on your specific clip. you can assign a MIDI note to each clip using the MIDI map thingie.

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