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Should I get a Radias or a soft synth ?


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I'm into Trance and I really like the synth sounds they use in that kind of music. I've always wanted to own a synth that's capable of generating those sounds but I know they're really expensive. I have an SH-201 which I know is a very limited synth but it's a start. I'm thinking about buying a used Korg Radias but I don't know if I should do that or just buy a good software synth -since some of those have some really crazy sounds- and use it with my SH 201. I just can't make up my mind. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks


Also, can the Radias be used with soft synths ??

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you'd have to multi track it back in to your host...


I had one.. neat machine, but a bit niche. good strings, pads and tight sounding basses.. but you'd get more mileage out of something like lennar digital sylenth 1 or waldrof largo. next down i'd recommend rob papen's predator. add some good reverb, delay and compression and you're good to go for trance.

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Also, can the Radias be used with soft synths ??



Yes, the RADIAS can control and interact with softsynths via its USB port. Your mileage will vary depending on the software's MIDI implementation. Most softsynths will allow you to assign a specific knob to a specific MIDI control. Taking it a step deeper (and still depending on the specific softsynth), you can usually experiment with tempo/LFO syncing, program changes, and other MIDI messages.


As you weigh the pros and cons of RADIAS vs. softsynths, I'll take this opportunity to point out a few of our hardware advantages (disclosure, just to make sure you know: I AM a Korg employee).


- 16-band vocoding (does the owner still have the headset mic?).

- Multiple types of synthesis, with four parts at once, with no processor load on the computer.

- Definitely lots of good trancey Programs, but more importantly, synth templates that give you a foundation for creating your own sounds.

- Nine simultaneous effects, with unique Korg effects like the Decimator and Grain Shifter.

- Hands-on hardware controllers, and lots of 'em.

- Software editor that is very visual and intuitive, including a piano-roll editor for the step sequencers.


There's more, but I'll restrain myself. Thanks for considering the RADIAS, and I hope you enjoy whatever you choose!

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Also, can the Radias be used with soft synths ??







If you have a host DAW program, you can run softsynths from within it, and also record the audio from a Radias with it.

Is that what you're getting at?


Or are you wondering if you can control softsynths with a Radias? If so, you can already do that with your 201.


:whisper:I almost always like hardware better.






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It would be helpful if you told us if there's any specific type of sounds that you're unable to get with the SH-201. The SH-201 is a bit limited if you compare it with synths that have wavetables and more modulation possibilities, but for trance, it theoretically should give you all the sounds that you would need if you know how to program them.

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i must say i like using the radias AND software synths. :lol:


to be honest i use the radias more often as a knobby MIDI controller and arpeggiator than i use its own sounds. i tend to neglect the vocoder too. however on the odd occasion that i use the radias sounds, or the vocoder, i do like it a lot. there are a few soundbanks floating around out there, so there are lots of ideas to kick off from.

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Rich, why doesn't the RADIAS come with a VSTi editor like the Microx?

As far as I know, it doesn't have one. The editor is wonderful, just as easy and fast to use as the Microx's.



It does have an editor, but you're right in that it doesn't run as a plug-in. As far as why, the simple answer is that during the development of the MMT engine (and its software integration), our plug-in architecture simply wasn't quite there yet.

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Thank you all for your replies and the info. I really appreciate it.


ChristianRock, the kind of sounds I'm looking for are the sounds you'd find in software synths such as Vanguard, Z3ta...etc. I know the SH-201 isnt capable of generating such complex sounds and that's why I wanna get some soft synth program, but also thought the Radius is a more powerful machine than the SH and it also has drums. I know the Access Virus is a hell of a board for making all kinda crazy sounds but at about $ 3500 here in Canada it's way outta my range.


I don't know if I should stick to getting some soft synth or go for the Radius anyway.

Thanks again

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software can do more, easier, and for free for the most part. there are tons of free synth programs.. damn near anything can do trance sounds.. trance is all fairly basic analog/analog modeling synths.



hardware is a lot more fun and inspiring to use, and it sounds like you are a noob so its probably better to learn with as well, since everything is laid out in front of you.


most people these days use a mix of hard and soft synths. i know i do.



oh, the sh201 that you have is perfect for trance. if you arent able to get trance sounds out of it, the problem is with you.. not the synth. spend more time with it. it can do everything you want, you will just have to learn how to get it there


look here



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Thank you all for your replies and the info. I really appreciate it.

ChristianRock, the kind of sounds I'm looking for are the sounds you'd find in software synths such as Vanguard, Z3ta...etc. I know the SH-201 isnt capable of generating such complex sounds and that's why I wanna get some soft synth program, but also thought the Radius is a more powerful machine than the SH and it also has drums. I know the Access Virus is a hell of a board for making all kinda crazy sounds but at about $ 3500 here in Canada it's way outta my range.

I don't know if I should stick to getting some soft synth or go for the Radius anyway.

Thanks again



Can you give examples of such sounds or maybe describe them a bit better?

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I'm more of a virus person .. which is why I let got of my RADIAS. It's a nice, warm sounding analog machine, but it just doesn't have the punch for dance music that I like. I'm still using the C (and have no plans to upgrade)and those go for less than 1,000$..so that might be another option.


But if money is a concern, look at Sylenth 1 or Waldorf largo and a good controller. I'm using Largo right now and I love it; I'd buy both of those if I didn't already have the C.


I may be harsh in saying this but if K-Mart made a virus knock off, it'd be vanguard.

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software can do more, easier, and for free for the most part. there are tons of free synth programs.. damn near anything can do trance sounds.. trance is all fairly basic analog/analog modeling synths.

hardware is a lot more fun and inspiring to use, and it sounds like you are a noob so its probably better to learn with as well, since everything is laid out in front of you.

most people these days use a mix of hard and soft synths. i know i do.

oh, the sh201 that you have is perfect for trance. if you arent able to get trance sounds out of it, the problem is with you.. not the synth. spend more time with it. it can do everything you want, you will just have to learn how to get it there

look here



Saw wave, I know the SH-201 has some Trance sounds, a very limited number of them, but all the knobs, sliders and buttons on it cant make the kind of sounds or effects that soft synths and better keyboards can do no matter how you manipulate them. The thing is just missing a lot of things. And while I am new to synths, it doesn't really take an expert to figure this out.

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ChristianRock, I found these examples on Youtube. I hope the link will work.

. The sound at the one minute mark. or
. Generally, soft synths such as Z3ta, Nexus, sylenth 1...etc. seem to have what I'm looking for but I've always wanted to own a good hardware synthesizer however I don't think the SH is equipped to generate such sounds or effects. That's ok. It's my first one. I should've bought a Virus that was on CL a while back. It was an older model though. The KC or something.
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