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Differences between the XXX and JSX...


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Oy, where to begin...


Well, in a nutshell, it's going to be "colder", harsher and more metal sounding vs. the JSX in stock form, especially on the Ultra channel which does a decent imitation of the red channel of a Recto with 6L6's in it. EL-34's in this amp will lend it more to a super modded-Marshall character that most people seem to prefer. Unless you have dropped some lower output preamp tubes as I have done with my rig, in-between tones can be difficult in dialing in on either distortion channel when using high output pickups and even medium output ones as well I suspect. The active EQ is a bit more touchy on the Triple XXX as well from what I remember. The clean channel's lack of warmth in comparison to the JSX will be obvious as well I imagine but nothing that isn't workable however. Aside from missing the global resonance, presence, the adjustable noise suppression and fat switches, they are simular. Throw a EQ in the loop and you'll do fine... If you're playing metal...

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Are you using Gary's XXX that he got from me? If so that is a lot closer to the JSX tone than a stock one. The big differences to me are that the JSX definitely is smoother and the lead tone is a bit on the thicker side. Also the JSX can get good inbetween tones ranging from slight breakup thru rock and hard rock stuff. For the really heavy stuff the XXX is more agressive and better than the JSX for that imho. The clean channel on the JSX is warmer but with some good el34e34l tubes the XXX clean is really good as well. There isn't a resonance or presence switch either just the dampening switch on the back so to me it was a little easier to dial in once you figured it out. Both excellent amps just a little different. The XXX also tends to feedback a little more since the amount of gain on tap is just sick!

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

Thanks sordid for the tips,

I will be using G-smak's XXX, but not the one that he got from you. I'm using the stock one. I will post my differences I found throughout the next two weeks and such.


Sweet, I kind of miss my old XXX until I plug into my JSX and remember why I had to sell it in the first place :)

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

I'm not expecting to fall in love with it, but just wondering if the more brutal sound of the channels fits more my style for covers...

...I'm not thinking it will, but Its worth a shot.



For all out metal it's a better amp, for covering everything and for leads the JSX is better imho of course. I bet if you threw a set of KT77's into a XXX it would scream!

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Keep in mind that the stock XXX that you're borrowing from me had its preamp tubes tweaked a bit. I changed out a 12AX7 or two in favor of 12AT1 in the V1 slot. Or somethin'. I forget exactly what I did.


I'll peek under the hood tonight and let you know precisely what you'll be comparing with your JSX.

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