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im really not into synths anymore.

Stella Joop

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i'd be interested in hearing just what synths the OP finds cheesy/cheap sounding, as well as some music examples where they are featured. otherwise he's just asking to be laughed at.




Cheese has never tasted as good as this:


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they all sound cheesy

they all sound cheap

the music they are featured in is all cheesy and cheap

the sounds are way too processed.

the sounds can be "pidgeonholey"

the sounds can be dated easily.

uninspiring to me at this point.

You ain't doin it right.;)

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Amazing new synth band. Prophet 08, some kind of Roland, and a guy that seems to be playing... pedals?!

wouldn't call them a synth band:confused:- more like singer/guitarist/songwriter with same DJ mates.:cop:

well- at least it has some melody going on...
but ultimately uninspiring. filter opening the synth 'mix' is overused in the tune- and falls flat.

wouldn't be suprised if they do better on another song- there is potential:wave:.

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I disagree with the OP's characterization of synths, but I can respect the sentiment.

I've been playing keys and synths since I was a kid, so it's not like I jumped on a bandwagon at some point and am thinking of getting off of it now.

But lately I'm into "tone" and composition more than anything else. My PEK bored me, and having a whole bunch of synths started making no sense, especially when if I needed a whacked out or distinctive sound I could dial one in on a VST.

Which is not to say a VST can replace a good analog tone - it can not. What I am saying is that I'd rather turn on a machine and be inspired by its tone, rather than be inspired to FIND a tone. Sort of like plugging a good Strat into a vintage Deluxe Reverb.

So, the PEK is gone along with the ES6. I have a Kawai MP5 now - nice and simple. I'm deciding on how to get a clonewheel back into the arrangement without selling another analog synth.

Anyway, just wanted to put this out there - having had way too many synths over the years, I can understand the synth-paradigm taking a back-seat to other keyboard-related pursuits.

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yeah not having to deal with a "machine" is a nice way to get straight to the heart of good writing in my opinion/experience. so like i said...a guitarist shedding all his loopers and delays and whammy pedals and going acoustic is akin to me getting away from synths and just playing rhodes and organ. i am more inspired by the "organic" and simple approach these days.

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yeah not having to deal with a "machine" is a nice way to get straight to the heart of good writing in my opinion/experience.



That's why my main go to is the digital piano. Turn it on, play. Period.


Don't really agree with you on the synths though. I'm still at the Honeymoon stage with all of mine. It could take years until I get bored. I know it'll take years just to learn the in's and out's of 'em all.


And, I still LOVE the sound of a good synth line or riff.

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yeah not having to deal with a "machine" is a nice way to get straight to the heart of good writing in my opinion/experience. so like i said...a guitarist shedding all his loopers and delays and whammy pedals and going acoustic is akin to me getting away from synths and just playing rhodes and organ. i am more inspired by the "organic" and simple approach these days.



It has nothing to do with synths. You can still use them in an organic way. I think you have a different idea about the use of synths and your current gear is not very suitable to accommodate that. What's more, the synths that you could potentially like (but don't have at the moment) are used in a "wrong" way in the available demo material, giving you an impression that they are useless too.


Take a break, rethink what music is for you and don't look what everybody else is doing. Decide what instruments you like, which are practical to have and how you are going to play them. Then sell your current gear you can't look at anymore and get what you need, from scratch. Maybe you need this



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yeah not having to deal with a "machine" is a nice way to get straight to the heart of good writing in my opinion/experience. so like i said...a guitarist shedding all his loopers and delays and whammy pedals and going acoustic is akin to me getting away from synths and just playing rhodes and organ. i am more inspired by the "organic" and simple approach these days.



I can see that. For one, ditch the Microkorg ... that's the opposite of what you want.


I'd keep an eye out for any 70's synth. The more preset based ones. Monosynths, string synths, italian synths, organ'ish hybrids. They can usually be found cheap and are more "instruments" than synths IMO.


If you don't know what I mean I can eleborate ... if you want me too.

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