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USA made amps, made in COLORADO (not the great state of China).


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Originally posted by clay_finley

MIDI? That's cool.

This is something I really wanted for myself. I use it with a Rockton Intellifex, with one step I can configure the amp and processor. I hate tap dancing while I'm playing.

Let me not take the credit for myself. I have a business/design partner who shared equally in extensive R&D costs and many sleepless nights hunting the perfect component combination to bring us to where we are today. Many boutique builders are of the mindset that to get the tone right, one channel is the only way to go. We took exception to this and really had to engineer a unique preamp to allow us to achieve our goals. Ours is not just a modified copy of another design.

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Originally posted by cib11mike

Fair enough assessment given my limited posts. I guess all the other builders hang out here to talk about cars and politics?



There are some builders and hacks who would have hardly any business and no name recognition if it weren't for this and some other forums. I wouldn't worry about it.


I appreciate hearing about new products, especially from someone who can directly answer concerns.

Best of luck.

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You are right (but not 100% right) I have to defend Godofmetal.If you are paying 2K+ you would expect something more than just a sound quality. If a sound was a porsche with a look of a yugo would you buy it? I bet you would not but if it was porsche that looks like a porsche its is a different story. For some people gear is something more than just a gear. It is a piece of art (if you will) If you are dropping $2500 or so it would better be a nice piece of gear (look and sound). Am I right? Peace


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Originally posted by blargh

The amp looks nice enough, but am I the only one slightly irritated by all the startup amp makers who think this is the free advertising forum?

If i was an amp maker I'd go here first too. I like it when people pitch new products here because that gives me the heads up on them first. Just like when people post about good deals going around. All it is, is information. Having too much info is never a bad thing :p

Anyway, about the amp, I really dig the sound especially from the ch 3. If possible, could you make a clip of someone playing while someone else slowly rolls the gain knob? I'd like to hear the effect it has on the distortion.

Over all, good sound, but I think you need to design a new faceplate if you want to attract a wide market of customers. If you look at most of the popular high end tube amp makers, the main ones have fairly well crafted looks.

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Originally posted by Songman68

I was one of the first to address the price in his original thread. The price is much better now. Now all you need are some better clips and you will be set. Good luck Cib11mike, I wish Hero Amps the best in the future.

Thanks for the comments. A local player and user of our amps enters the studio this month. We expect to get some better clips then, not to mention better playing.:)

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Originally posted by zac503

Over all, good sound, but I think you need to design a new faceplate if you want to attract a wide market of customers. If you look at most of the popular high end tube amp makers, the main ones have fairly well crafted looks.



We agree. We were just talking about maybe a faceplate change/option not two hours ago. We also plan to focus on better clips that demonstrate features of the amp. There was a post on TGP about maker

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First off, best of luck to you!!! It's a HARD market to get into, and be able to pay the bills. Your prices, may seem high to some, but they are comparing mass produced amps to a handbuilt amp... big difference... a couple hundred more than a new Mesa etc. I do agree, though that PCB is the way to go for production. A welld esigned board does NOT sound any different than a handwired ptp tagboard. Period.... in fact, the pcb would be MUCH cheaper to produce (i.e. stuff the board, then just handwire the outboard components etc), your lead dress will be easier to manage etc... not to mention, you may be able to lower prices eventually after going the PCB route. and lower prices would mean more amps sold....

The clips were decent, and were good 'real world' examples ... too many times, you hear a clip on a site, done with top notch equipment, so heavily produced, then you plug in your $500 guitar and can't touch the tone... these tones are a good representation of what the average joe user would be able to get.... cool features, and all...

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your endeavors! I know frm experience its not an easy road.... the biggest advice I can give you is MARKETING!!!! if no one knows of your product, then no one will know how much they need it.... (lack of marketing is what drove me back to 9-5 day job work ;)

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Originally posted by cib11mike

We agree. We were just talking about maybe a faceplate change/option not two hours ago. We also plan to focus on better clips that demonstrate features of the amp. There was a post on TGP about maker

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Sounds damn good!!! I think they're pretty fair-priced for what they are as well. When you consider other MIDI-enabled amps - H&K Trilogy, Engl Savage, Diezel VH4, etc... I think it's about right.

I don't know that I much care for the grill cloth you use on the front of the amp... but hey, takes all kinds I guess. ;)

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Originally posted by zac503


I have a new slogan for you guys,

"Hero Amps, hardest to digitize logo in the business"


That's Great! You should try and make a CAD file. We had to have one to make the logo, which was cut from steel on a water jet. Many, many hours of fun.

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Originally posted by Cymeon


You are right (but not 100% right) I have to defend Godofmetal.If you are paying 2K+ you would expect something more than just a sound quality. If a sound was a porsche with a look of a yugo would you buy it? I bet you would not but if it was porsche that looks like a porsche its is a different story. For some people gear is something more than just a gear. It is a piece of art (if you will) If you are dropping $2500 or so it would better be a nice piece of gear (look and sound). Am I right? Peace


You haven't read this entire thread have you??

stupid troll.

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Originally posted by The Realm

Layout is great no doubt but......

I know I'm gonna sound obsessed here but look:

The printing is thin a weak it needs to be bolder.

The knob indicator backdrop doesnt work with the current knob style.

The grey utility paint clashes with tolex colours and grill cloth

The panel looks like a Heath Kit project hence "Ghetto" It doesnt go with the rest of the amp aesthetics simple as that.Too much clashing.

If they wanted to go retro as a concept the amp should be aesthetically consistent.Right now it looks like somebody threw a Mesa amp head on a bench prototype chassis.

I really don't understand how nobody else sees this.






For those who only read threads on the first and last pages.

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Originally posted by The Realm

For those who only read threads on the first and last pages.



It may be on any page. You can change your settings to display 100 posts per page.


I wanted to change the title of the tread after it was up a while but could not seem to do it. Anyone know if this can be done?

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Originally posted by DrifterAmps

First off, best of luck to you!!! It's a HARD market to get into, and be able to pay the bills. Your prices, may seem high to some, but they are comparing mass produced amps to a handbuilt amp... big difference... a couple hundred more than a new Mesa etc. I do agree, though that PCB is the way to go for production. A welld esigned board does NOT sound any different than a handwired ptp tagboard. Period.... in fact, the pcb would be MUCH cheaper to produce (i.e. stuff the board, then just handwire the outboard components etc), your lead dress will be easier to manage etc... not to mention, you may be able to lower prices eventually after going the PCB route. and lower prices would mean more amps sold....

The clips were decent, and were good 'real world' examples ... too many times, you hear a clip on a site, done with top notch equipment, so heavily produced, then you plug in your $500 guitar and can't touch the tone... these tones are a good representation of what the average joe user would be able to get.... cool features, and all...

I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your endeavors! I know frm experience its not an easy road.... the biggest advice I can give you is MARKETING!!!! if no one knows of your product, then no one will know how much they need it.... (lack of marketing is what drove me back to 9-5 day job work

Someday we may offer a PCB version for a cheaper price, but right now we consider it artwork and are not ready to get into mass production copies. We are currently working on other projects yet to be released, such as a 20w version on the same platform and a midi loop switcher for pedals. Any suggestions on marketing?

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You know, it's nice to have a handwired amp, but there's a certain point of complexity where you should just use a nice thick green PCB. All that wiring scares me :( Well, whatever works best for ya I guess.
If you want to promote your amps, maybe you could throw a camcorder in front of the amp and make a video showcasing all the channels and stuff. That never fails to get the GAS going.

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Cib11mike, don't let the naysayers get to you. I think the amp is SWEET. Channel 3 sounds awesome. All I need to hear is the single note runs. Just out of curiosity, how much gain does the amp have? Maybe you know of a comparable amp. I really like the grouping of tone controls for each channel.

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