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Shameless selfpromotion: please check out my redesigned website


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The Kresimir Dominic picture on the left looks a bit out of place, initially I thought it wasn't supposed to be there and just showed wrong on my browser.

On the gear and lessons pages the end of a line gets obscured by the scroll bars.

Using JavaScript image replacement, while working, is not the best way to do it IMO. http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites/ is a way that I have found very useful because you can stuff all states in the same image if you want to, so no need to have two images for one button.

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Guys, thanks for quick feedback.

I did the whole thing in Photoshop and FrontPage - my knowledge of html is primitive and it is a miracle I got this far with the site!

I will look into it, thanks again.

Also, IE shows the pages correctly - centered, as I specified, but Firefox makes everything appear on the left?!?!

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IE doesn't follow standards well at all. That's why it's a crap browser, for a webdesigner getting things to work properly on it takes the most effort. The centering is a good example of this, because your HTML page has nothing that should center the page. I assume that IE interprets the text-align: center in the tag for centering the whole page, and this is not how it should work. text-align is only for text.

Try putting ALIGN="center" into the

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Originally posted by LaXu

IE doesn't follow standards well at all. That's why it's a crap browser, for a webdesigner getting things to work properly on it takes the most effort. The centering is a good example of this, because your HTML page has nothing that should center the page. I assume that IE interprets the
text-align: center
in the tag for centering the whole page, and this is not how it should work. text-align is only for text.

Try putting ALIGN="center" into the


Aaah, thanks! I actually did it right on my other website, I just could not remember it...


Thanks a lot!


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