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DK Synergy (Digital Keyboards)


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I just picked up a 1982 DK Synergy on Craigslist, a first wave model WITHOUT the rs232 port that later models used to interface with a Kaypro II computer (though I got one of those with the board for whatever reason), ala Synclavier or a Fairlight CMI. Unlike those boards, however, the Synergy is a digital synth, not a sampler.



Not mine, this set up belongs to Rob of Atomic Jefferson


It sounds fantastic - kind of like a DX7, but with a fuller, less harsh character. Some of the sounds are dated into uselessness, but others are very, very good.




Instead of using floppy disks, the Synergy uses cartridges, not unlike an 80's Coleco video game system, really. Being that it's a digital synth, the cartridges don't contain sounds, per se, but rather patches controlling each of the synths oscillators, timbre, etc.. Each cartridge has 24 patches and I got 6 of them in the deal.


While researching the synth I found a schematic that claims to allow one to add an rs232 port, therefore making it possible to edit patches via the Kaypro II, which is where the real power of the board lies. Anyone actually ballsy enough to try this?


Mine has a few issues: first, and most minor, one of the sequencer caps is missing, though I can still trigger it with tweezers :rolleyes:. Also, four high register keys are faulty with the C&D keys oscillators seemingly being stacked on top of the A&E keys. Add to this the judicious cardboarding necessary to keep them from screaming at all times. Any ideas on how to fix this?


Does anyone else have one of these?

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bloopbeep - naked eyes avatar... respect!

mars - congrats, the synergy sounds great. i have no idea how to retrofit it though. weve sold a few synergys. believe it or not, those cartridges are in high demand. so if you ever manage to figure out a way to use your syn w a kaypro, you might want to try to save the cart patches into your computer and sell the carts. especially if theyre the wendy carlos ones. good luck.


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Okay, again this is a Synergy Mach ONE, meaning it does NOT interface with the Kaypro - even though I got one with the deal.


The Kaypro has no software whatsoever and still has the dummy cardboard in the floppy drives. Although the 1,2 & 3 caps on the keyboard are missing (the buttons still work), it seems like this was never used. Also, unlike all of the other Kaypro 2's I've seen, the colors are dark.

In fact, it looks like this:



With the noted exception that it has a '2' printed in between the top and bottom floppy drives. The screen gives off bright green type, not orange.


Now, for your listening pleasure.... Mars Hottentot Presents "THE DK SYNERGY"!

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bloopbeep - naked eyes avatar... respect!

mars - congrats, the synergy sounds great. i have no idea how to retrofit it though. weve sold a few synergys. believe it or not, those cartridges are in high demand. so if you ever manage to figure out a way to use your syn w a kaypro, you might want to try to save the cart patches into your computer and sell the carts. especially if theyre the wendy carlos ones. good luck.





HA! I just wrote you a few days ago to see if you still had that one from a few years back - crazy.


My carts are the 6 stock carts. Unfortunately I don't have the Carlos set. This is about the time when I wish I had learned electronics so I could just mod the living {censored} outta this thing - MIDI, get it to talk to a PC or MAC running a Kaypro simulation (which can be found here), super cart, breast implants - EVERYTHING!


I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow or Monday.

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Yamaha CS-something, I believe.



Yeah, some of them are really awesome, the cartridges are even better (except one of them which is so terminally 80's, it's kind of sad - like the lame-o R&B sounds of today will be 30 years from now). A few of them are flat out avant-garde crazy.


It didn't come with a foot pedal, but luckily any ol' double footswitch will do.


OH! Thanks Puppy - I had no idea!

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Also might be worth contacting Paul Schreiber, proprietor of MOTM modular synths. He is also a Synergy fan, and has an old page up promoting some hot rodding projects. Don't know if he ever followed through on them.



That's a weird page that was copied from a much older page that is still up but hasn't been updated since 1997. I imagine if he had made a breakthrough he would had said something. BUT, thank you very much for bringing it up and don't hesitate to do some more!


Daddek - you should sell it! To me!

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I have two. One for parts if something ever goes wrong with the good one.

I have spoken with paul a couple times on the phone, but his mods are all way beyond me.

This was a dream synth for me from my younger years, so no way I'd ever let go.

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My Carts...


DK Synergy Voice Cartridge Vol.2 #1


Manufactured type:VOICE CARTRIDGE #1 / V.2


Sticker: Various Keys



DK Synergy Voice Cartridge Vol.2 #2


Manufactured type: VOICE CARTRIDGE #2 / V.2


Sticker: #2 v2 / Drum Set / 2 (circled)



DK Synergy Voice Cartridge Vol.1 #3


Manufactured type: VOICE CARTRIDGE #3 / V.1


Sticker: Sound Eff / 3 (circled) / Ring Mod (followed by a star)



DK Synergy Voice Cartridge Vol.1 #4


Manufactured type: VOICES / VCART4



DK Synergy Voice Cartridge Vol.1 #5


Manufactured type: VOICES / VCART5 / sc-5 / v.1


Sticker: Exotic, Tympany (sic), Backward, Vcl.




DK Synergy Voice Cartridge Vol.1 #6?


Sticker obscures contents...


Also, cart acts weird, sometimes reverting to the internal sounds.

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