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Hammond M3 - can you up the volume with higher gain tubes?


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Using 12ax7s in the preamp will definitely help. The 6v6s in the output section should give a nice crunch. If you had an amp tech service it he would not be able to give you any more volume but he would be able to make cap and resistor changes that would give you more crunch for sure.

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ok, this helps, gonna look for the preset adjustment screw.


methinks a tube stereo doesn't overdrive because it's also preset with lower gain. it would overdrive if you drive it harder (by either using hotter preamp tubes, adjusting the volume range, etc. as long as the tubes receive more power).


me[also]thinks that they don't take these "old lady's" organs apart to make project guitar amps for nothing.


thanks for the useful info, everyone.

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Isn't the plate voltage dc? I'm told that makes your muscles tense rather than kicking you back like ac usually does. So you can't let go and just have to sit there and fry.


The plate voltage is DC, but the power transformers in tube amps typically output up to 400 VAC, occasionally more. And our bodies don't care if the nasty electrons are traveling straight through or vibrating back & forth, we can get nasty shocks from AC or DC, if the voltage is high enough.


"Shenans!" some will say, "It's the current that zaps people!" Completely true, but the voltage has to be high enough to force the current through the resistance our bods pose to the current.


Purity, a good friend of mine & compatriot of yours (physicist: brill) says "It's the volts that jolt, but the mils that kill". Cute way to say that, even if you get shocked by a few hundred volts (and static zaps are usually much higher than that), the electric source has to be able to continiuosly supply enough current to fry us. If not, it just hurts, but no real harm done.


Can a 20 watt tube amp supply that much current? Yes. Will it kill you every time? No. What are the odds? No way to tell, cause there's too many variables, like skin resistance, thickness & moisture (which changes all the time), how well grounded you are, what path the current takes through your body (avoid the heart & brain, if you have the choice), duration of the shock, and more.


:blah: So if you read through all that boring crap, here's the pay-off: I once conducted 600 volts AC from one hand to the other for an interminable amount of time.


I used to work R&D in a lab where I tested the electrical properties of different materials. I routinely stressed insulation, for measured periods of time, with voltages of up to 2000 AC and DC. To make a long story short, I stupidly circumvented some safety measures, & grabbed a 600VAC alligator clip with one hand & a grounded one with the other.


The first thing: my mind went completely blank for several seconds. It really didn't hurt. It seemed like a very long time before I slowly thought: "Holy shit! One of these power supplies is hot! I've gotta let go of these things!" But it seemed that I could only move in very slow motion. My head was facing forward, but my arms were out to the sides where I couldn't see them. The command went out from my brain for my hands to open, but I could tell that it didn't work! I looked over (slowly!) to see the clip still in my grip. With what seemed to be a very great effort, I willed my hands open. But the damn things were tack welded to my palms!


After what seemed like another eternity, I came to the conclusion that what I had to do was fall down, because the wires hung from the ceiling and only reached to around 3 feet above the floor (a deliberate design, thank goodness). That task was the hardest of all to manage, I guess because it demanded so much more from my jangled motor nervous system.


But it finally worked. I didn't even hurt anything falling. But it smelled like roast beef for a while! When the clips popped off, I could instantly think & move again. The first thing I did was grab my chest so see if my ticker was still ticking! :lol: Next time I saw my Doc, I told him. He laughed & said if my heart had stopped, I wouldn't have been conscious.


That was 15 or 20 years ago. I still have the little scars to help me avoid another attack of dumbass.

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that's quite a story... just imagine what that would do to any electronic circuit, a memory chip, a computer, etc! just how much more resilience we have than the things we design :idea:


i mean, there's people who survived a lightning strike and their "software" hasn't been completely wiped out (if they lived).


that's why i don't mess with active circuits. tubes i'll change, pickups i'll replace, but that's it.



The first thing: my mind went completely blank for several seconds. It really didn't hurt. It seemed like a
very long time
before I slowly thought: "Holy shit! One of these power supplies is hot! I've gotta let go of these things!" But it seemed that I could only move in very slow motion. My head was facing forward, but my arms were out to the sides where I couldn't see them. The command went out from my brain for my hands to open, but I could tell that it
didn't work!
I looked over (slowly!) to see the clip still in my grip. With what seemed to be a very great effort, I willed my hands open. But t
he damn things were tack welded to my palms!

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that's quite a story...



Thanks! Offered merely as a public service announcement. Maybe sometime I'll relate The Adventure of the Flame Smoke Density Chamber That Spat a Fireball at the Back of My Head and Singed My Hair! (And I have really nice hair.)


Howsa Hammond? Did you add a line out?

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But I'd rather talk about THE GIGZ! Did u make teh ROOM GO BOOM?

Do you take Teh
Funky Clav?



sorry, no, I hve not taken out teh clav since summer 2008.


I did however take teh Nord Electro 2 + pro 145; worked great. Crowd didn't notice teh rig, but like teh sound, as per usual...



Hey EP, can you move this disgussion to teh HG head quarters???

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