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So I'm turning 40 tomorrow...

Oblivion DC

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Originally posted by Oblivion DC

I work with lots of people who are in their mid 20s, and I get the "I thought you were like 27 - holy {censored} gramps - 40!!!" a lot. So I'm thinkin' I don't look that old, but I know what I looked like when I was 27 and I don't look like that now!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hung up on my age - I just want to play with some likeminded folks and have a good time. I'm just frustrated that I can't find anyone in this area to run with.

But I have high hopes - it's gonna be a good summer for metal. I'm doing the obligitory Ozzfest thing, and SOTU is on my to-do list. Plus, Fear Factory is on the road later in the year with Suffocation and Decapitated (Decapitated kick much ass, a four piece out of Poland).

Oh and on the lighter side of things - Chris Poland will be at the 9:30 club in DC with his band Ohm and a band called Umphrey's McGee on the 4th of May!!! Chris Poland - can I get a Hell Yeah!!??!!!!

And thanks for the Birthday wishes guys.


I'll give you a hell yeah for Chris Poland ! I love that guys music. As for the other stuff-I'm 36 and just cant find anyone to jam with period!

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Originally posted by dav2321

I'll give you a hell yeah for Chris Poland ! I love that guys music. As for the other stuff-I'm 36 and just cant find anyone to jam with period!




I get plenty to jam with.. Everybody just wants to commit to a band playing every weekend in bars.. I am burnt out on that anymore...

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Originally posted by Oblivion DC

I work with lots of people who are in their mid 20s, and I get the "I thought you were like 27 - holy {censored} gramps - 40!!!" a lot. So I'm thinkin' I don't look that old, but I know what I looked like when I was 27 and I don't look like that now!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hung up on my age - I just want to play with some likeminded folks and have a good time. I'm just frustrated that I can't find anyone in this area to run with.

But I have high hopes - it's gonna be a good summer for metal. I'm doing the obligitory Ozzfest thing, and SOTU is on my to-do list. Plus, Fear Factory is on the road later in the year with Suffocation and Decapitated (Decapitated kick much ass, a four piece out of Poland).

Oh and on the lighter side of things - Chris Poland will be at the 9:30 club in DC with his band Ohm and a band called Umphrey's McGee on the 4th of May!!! Chris Poland - can I get a Hell Yeah!!??!!!!

And thanks for the Birthday wishes guys.


Happy b-day man!

I'm 41 and play in a band that does original music. It's straight ahead hard rock with a modern edge but it's mostly centered in the classic hard rock style. We haven't played out yet,...still mixing our CD, but it's a blast. The other guys in the band are 35, 34 and 28,...so I'm the old man. I do my best to keep myself in shape and maintain a young attitude without acting a fool,..hahaha! And like you when the younger people I work with find out how old I am I get the "no way, I thought your were late 20's or 30" comments. I take that with a grain of salt, but it always feels nice to get a compliment like that.

I know I can't play in a band that does this type of music forever, but for now I'm gonna keep doing what I do because I can still pull it off. I love it and will more than likely always play in some sort of band til the day I die.

Keep looking bro, you'll find something.


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Originally posted by Esperanto

Yes, New Century, new rules

Here's another: It's ok to date girls half your age plus 7 years

So 40 can date 27+, 30 can date 22+




You can go even lower than that. My last gf was 22 and the last girl I hooked up with was 20.


A couple of days ago I hit on a 17 year old. I swear she looked older than that! It's so hard to tell how old they are these days. You almost need to have them show you some id first.

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Welcome to my world........... luckily, or not, I like playing oldies. It still took me quite a while to hook up with a band that matched my schedule/desire.

Most guys my age are playing several nights a week and are primarily interested in cash..... I'm willing to play 2 gigs a month and don't really care about the cash. The ones that aren't gigging pretty much are total hacks or still live with their parents (no offense to those of us that still do:D).

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I hear ya. I will be 38 next week. I like all types of music, but will be a Metal Head til the day I die!

I feel pretty old when I'm at some shows, but I don't care. I figure music is for everyone to enjoy, no matter what your age is.

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Originally posted by tnourse

I hear ya... but will be a Metal Head til the day I die!

Happy B-Day!!! :D

I'm in the same boat as you are. 36, goin' on 37 in a few weeks.

My actual bandmates are in their mid-20s. As the band is on a break because our singer is doing a long trip in Europe (no return date provided), i'm thinking starting another project... This time i'd like my new music project to be heavy and would love working on original stuff!

It seems i can't find anyone in a similar situation as i am... With kidz and a regular job. Poeple i meet are mostly losers or dreamers and not reliable.

I even audition with a bunch of younger kidz (20-22) and they told me i was too heavy and too loud! I went back home with a huge smile on my face! :D

Why is it so hard to find other musicians?

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Originally posted by BenoA

Why is it so hard to find other musicians?



So true. Finding musicians that are talented is one thing and being able to enjoy being in the same room without wanting to strangle them is the other half.

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Originally posted by BenoA

Is it me or it's seems easier to find golf partners or any other kind of sports? Not that i play golf but... Seems that sometimes we should all trade our guitars for golf clubs or hockey equipment...



Don't do it.


Golf is for old dudes that hate their wives.

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Originally posted by mangojeep66

Don't do it.

Golf is for old dudes that hate their wives.





Holy {censored}, that's exactly what I've always said,..hahaha! Not that it applies to every guy that plays golf, but I have some friends that do it and I always get the sense that one of the reasons they do it is to get away from their wives. {censored}ing pathetic.

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35 here ....

been looking for a year now to find decent people to jam with ..

I don't even really care what kind of music ( well almost any kind of music )

so I decided to just write my own stuff .. play the bass ... do the vocals .. and fight and scrap over what software to use for drums ..

just started writing about a week ago .. been waiting on my new CPU and new Strat ...

what really sucks is ... now I have the dough for a Dual Rec .. and no reall need right now for that kind of power ..

god I miss jamming with a full band !!!!!!!!!!

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Best of luck to you! I'm in something of the opposite situation- I just turned 24 recently, and I'm in a band with a bunch of 30-somethings, playing an industrial/thrash/death metal hybrid. Since I'm not into indie rock or -core, there isn't much available to me around here that people my age are involved in.

I've got no problems working with older guys- the rest of my band is experienced, reliable, and have great chops. Plus our drummer owns a giant rehersal space. :D

My one issue- if you could call it that- is this: our other guitarist has been playing for 20+ years. Some of this stuff is hard. On the plus side, it's like free guitar lessons. :cool:

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Originally posted by Oblivion DC

I'm turning 40 and I've got a real problem.

I had stopped playing for about 8 years and last year I started up again. I'm fairly confident as to my chops and I practice a lot, because I want to get my playing ability back up to where it once was. I'm a thrash guy, so I'm really liking all of the aggressive music that's been coming out in the past few years.

That said; I can't find people to play with.

I meet guys my own age and they just want to play Led Zepplin or Skynyrd or if I'm lucky Priest or Maiden. Those are great bands and they have cool songs but really, not my thing. Plus most of these guys can get together once or twice a month and only want to do covers. So that sucks.

If I meet up with the 20 to 30 year old crowd - yeah they want to do the more aggressive stuff, and they want to practice 2 or 3 times a week, and work on original material. But you can see that they aren't jazzed about playing with the old guy. I can't say that I blame them, but it is frustrating.

So I'm going to shows more and I guess eventually I may find people to play with, I was just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem.

Happy B day.:wave: I hit 42 on Easter

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It'd be cool if there were better tools for real-time online collaboration. Realistically when you're in the married with kids age group and not looking at it as a career thing hooking up with others is necessarily going to be hard, there just aren't as many like minded people, I'd think. It's sort of similar to people who start dating again @ 40 something after a divorce or something. It's just necessarily going to suck a little bit at the tactical level as there's an optimal age for that sort of thing.

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Originally posted by BenoA

Don't worry... I was being sarcastic!!!

Rock'n roll 'til the end for me!

btw: I turned 40 this year and I'm still doing Rush tunes and some Rage. My drummer is a RATM fanactic, moreso with Zak not Cornel.

The only thing I ever found golf to be useful for is taking a nap. I used to lie on my couch on a saturdays sometimes and look for it on tv and put the volume down real low to take a snooze.

None of us really look our age we're good for now.

btw x 2: happy bDay and good luck.


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Hey I just got back in the house. Wow it was really cool to see all the replies. It kinda makes me feel better to see that I'm not the only one feeling frustrated! Thanks for all the happy birthday wishes - I had a pretty good time today celebrating with my family. I've got a friend of mine throwing a party for me tomorrow night, so I'm looking forward to a real nice time.

I'm gonna be writing and recording some material and once I figure out how to put drum parts down, I'll get it all together and post it on a website. I'm going to try to use the site kind of like a demo and see if I can generate any interest with it. At least I'll have something to point people to. That way if I meet a musician or a drummer who seems interested in starting a project they can take a listen and see what I'm about.

Thanks for the inspiring words guys.

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