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Doh !!!!! (A deer)


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OK, so I put the TG-77 in the rack this weekend, and yanked the P2K and TX81Z. I wasn't exactly happy with the cables so I , ummm, re-wired it.


All was well, and I sit down to paly, then come back a few hours later. On power up, my Matrix 1000 starts making weird, chord like dissonant sounds. Crap. I've heard about this. They do this when the chips go bad. I do a factory reset, nothing.


So, I switch MIDI channels to make sure the MKS-50 still works. WTF ?!?!?! It's doing the exact same thing !!!!! What are the chances of having both my analog (OK, Digilog) synths go out at the same time ? The digital synths are all behaving however.....


I start troubleshooting. I make sure the master contrllers are only sending one note using MIDIOX. I go straight into the synths thinking maybe my MOTU router was doing something. I use a keyboard that doesn't have zones on the off chance I was sending 2 notes. I double check the chord memory on the MKS-50 (it's off). Crap.


Then I remember, I had just hooked up the FX to MIDI also on channel 6. I notice it's on preset # 46 ( I was on I0001). Hmmmm. I bypass the FX and Viola !!!!!! It was the friggn FX box on harmony or something like that......(I only use FX on the synths that don't have built in FX. All my digital synths have built in FX)



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Happened to me last week...

I have my Andromeda plugged into a Roland DEP-5, which usually remains on. LAst week I got the bright idea to turn everything off and then when I went to power up the A6 forgot all about the DEP-5. I tried new audio cables, tried the headphones out, the Aux outs, changed interface inputs...without success.


Finally i just figured I somehow blew out the output transformer or amp or somehting. II pulled the board, put my KAWAI K1 in it's place , and told my wife I broke the $2000 behemoth.


The DEP-5 was not turned on. (D'oh!)

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