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New Rhodes Piano - does it stand a chance?


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Fenderoids.....hilarious. You have to push it in all the time?

Nope I had the surgery ...... I asked the doc ,, what is this surgery like. He said it was painfull. I said what, you didnt use the word discomfort. He said nope ,, Its painfull . I said is it does with laser ,, he laughs and said nope cold hard steel scapel .. I said eeeeeeeeeek. It is brutal ,, but its harder on your wife and family than it is the patient. Its like having a ape in the house with his ass cut up with a major case of the {censored}s. I was high as hell on vicoden and prune juice. I know way too much information.

You boys have fun with that 200 pound electric piano ... lol

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The Rhodes isnt obsolete. How dya work that out? There are more bands than ever using them and recording with them. Saying a rhodes is obsolete is like saying a piano is obsolete ie complete nonsense. The Rhodes is a classic instrument and its sound is timeless. You can hit the E piano 1 patch all you like but stop kidding yourself that isnt a rhodes by a long stretch.


DITTO, personally speaking you hear the Rhodes being used in lots of music today, smooth jazz, contemporary jazz, R&B, Neo Soul, Pop, Gospel.


Maybe not your fav genres of music rhat :facepalm: but if you check the used Rhodes market, people are buying them right and left...... The Rhodes sound is timeless.....


I will say I do agree with you in that the new Rhodes Mark 7 for many is out of reach..... The price point is not realistic at $4000 - $6000+ when one can get an all purpose Roland V Piano, Korg Oasis, the new Yamaha CP1, hell a new Macbook Pro and your choice of workstation... for the same price or less... Need I say more...


Rhodes needs to rethink its strategy :cop:.. even in a good economy many would opt for the Vintage ones over the new ones. An old 20-30 year old MINTY Rhodes holds more value to many people over the new ones with its improvements. To add to that you can't find one anywhere to try it out so how does JB expect it to sell, if you can't get any local distribution. Not many people are going to shell out 4K for an instrument sight unseen, let alone played.......

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I have a feeling that most potential Rhodes giggers are not interested in taking on an instrument-repair hobby. I also suspect that those same players are less interested in the "vintage" and "retro" aspects of it, and more concerned in the "fine instrument" part of it.

The price is a little bit of a stretch, but then again the price of a Steinway B just passed the $80,000 mark. There are fully functional, 100+ year-old Steinways being played but somehow they keep selling new ones.


Yes but its a EXTREMELY small market for a $80,000 Steinway, further they are not mass produced the same way a Bugatti Veyron is not :facepalm:. There are only a few that will pay for those type of status symbols.... Many of our Rhodes players are equally interested in the vintage aspect of playing/owning the native instrument, similar to those guitarist who own and play original vintage 60's/70s Les Paul's or Fender Jazzes, etc.


There is nothing like the original real deal. I would be interested to find out how JB is doing on the sales of the new Mark 7's

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I recently helped repair a Rhodes... tuned it, adjusted the pickups etc. It was the first time I'd played one since the mid-eighties when I parted with mine. It surprised me how heavy and cumbersome it was, the action was not nearly as nice as I'd remembered, and even the familiar raw tone left me thinking about all the processors I'd have to use on it to give it a modern sound. I loved my Rhodes when there was nothing else better to play on stage - that's not the case today.

It's like getting back together with an old girlfriend for a night and the next day you remember all the reasons you broke up with her in the first place.

Good analogy but the key is getting a vintage one that was well cared for and that actually plays the way it was intended, if you do not get an oil change and scheduled maintenance on your Toyota? Guess what? Its not going to run like Toyota intended it to.

You telling me Chick Corea could have played and recorded "Light As a Feather - Captain Marvel" on any other better sounding instrument than a Rhodes? Please. There is nothing better sounding for Rhodes patches than a well tuned, maintained Rhodes on stage, unless you just want to play another native instrument for a different sound/feel/experience.

Even in my youthful age I hate lugging my rhodes around but nothing else beats it on stage. for the Rhodes sound..... My Motif S90es, the SV1 I just returned, X7 or M3.....

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