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2nd time MF has cancelled my backorder for the Andromeda


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I think it's officially dead. I thought it was finally going to arrive Feb 12th, but once I received the cancellation notification I checked the MF website and it has been pulled completely. I had been waiting since October for her and I will never have my dreams of opening up a fresh brand new Andromeda. When will the world have another 16-voice monster??? I am just not interested in anything else current.... I have the money, want one, but I just don't think it's going to happen. :facepalm::confused:

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I guess this means the resale value of the Andromeda is about to go up. I'm glad I got mine the first week they came out. :)


It's interesting that they consistently held their $3k retail price throughout the entire 9 year run. I wonder how many of them Alesis actually made.

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I just received an email from MF stating it was discontinued and they have offered me a discount off my next order. Sad times indeed.....


except that Sweetwater says they will have them soon. But I will definitely be paying the full 3K retail no doubt if I went through Sweetwater. No awesome deals there, except they might actually get them in. Hmm.... :confused:

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except that Sweetwater says they will have them soon.



If you are just going by what it says on their website, don't believe it. Even if you talked to someone on the phone, they may not know what they are talking about if it has truly been discontinued. All they can look up is the number they have "on order" and the expected arrival date. That doesn't mean Alesis has any to send to them. Just like MF.


I would be patient and look for a used one in good condition. Subscribe to the Analogue Heaven mailing list, as it seems like the choice spot for people to sell these outside of Ebay.

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I bought mine from Sweetwater about two years ago. I had reserved a unit for about 8 months before it actually arrived. Nova Musik got stock the same time as Sweetwater. I chose Sweetwater because it was only a 2 hour drive instead of a 5 hour drive to Nova Musik.


Musicians Friend probably cancelled your order to try to get you to buy someting in stock.


Mine is still near mint. It was very special to open the new in box unit. For the first few days, it had that burnt-in electronics smell, kind of like it was in a hot burn in room before packaging.


The new keyboard smell is almost as good as new car smell. I got to experience it with a Fantom X8 and two V-Synths.



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I checked with three different musical instrument dealers (Sweetwater, Novamusik and a local dealer in Richmond VA called Metro Sound and Music) who actually talked with Alesis reps about the Andromeda. The reps are telling the dealer that Alesis are still making the Andromedas and are just waiting for enough buyers to reserve one before they make more. The last word is Alesis has 30 on reserve. So I guess if you want an Andromeda, buy from a dealer who can order one for you and wait until Alesis has enough orders to make more at the best (lowest) cost to them.


Go with Novamusik at the $2499 price for the Andromeda or get another dealer to price match their price.


Musicians Friend, Music123 and Guitar Center (all related or the same company) are probably dropping the Andromeda from their inventory because they haven't been able to get one in in a long, long time...and of course they want you to buy something else from them with a discount nudge.

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The reps are telling the dealer that Alesis are still making the Andromedas and are just waiting for enough buyers to reserve one before they make more. The last word is Alesis has 30 on reserve. So I guess if you want an Andromeda, buy from a dealer who can order one for you and wait until Alesis has enough orders to make more at the best (lowest) cost to them.


On one hand I can understand this logic and on the other hand I think it is stupid.

People who put one on reserve, as far as I know aren't locked into the deal by any type of deposit. People get tired of waiting and the money they set aside for the Andromeda gets diverted when the newest, greatest Synth Y is released..bye bye customer.


We synthesizer lovers have a very short attention span and we want it NOW!

I've had my Solaris on pre-order for 2 years and there were times I literally had to duct tape my hand to my studio chair to stop from clicking on my mouse and buy an Omega8 or Oberheim OBxa.


What they should do, is average out the amount they've sold every time they make a batch, go ahead and make that amount and sell them to the dealers like AH, Sweewater, etc and let them worry about unloading their stock.


I bought mine new from AH and he had a couple in stock, so did NovaMusik, Sweetwater and it didn't take more than a couple of months to clear them out.

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Until it's officially a "legacy product" on the web page, these "discontinued" rumors are just rumors to me.


I agree with this 100%!

This has happened every year, so I don't put much value into what reps or online stores say.

I waited over a year because I didn't want a used one, so when AH had a couple on ebay I used BIN immediately because they had been so hard to find.(later that day...oh honey, I bought something off ebay today...HOW MUCH?:mad:

Paid the $2695 price but it was worth it, plus a couple of freebies thrown in.


Keep an eye on ebay and if a good one pops up, grab it!:)

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I hear comments like this pretty often, stuff like "the interface didn't 'click' with me". What's so bad about it?

Maybe I should just stop being lazy and read the manual I downloaded.........

FWIW I love the interface, for me, who is borderline ADD, it is easy to work with.

I haven't even cracked the manual yet, other than to learn how to install the memory card, and I spend hours just tweaking, turning knobs and see what I can come up with. Then I save the edits to memory and go back for fine tune adjustments.

I still have to tweak them with some modulation routing settings but I can do that anytime.


I haven't connected with a synth like this since I had my Roland JD800, and I loved that.


In the end, if the Andromeda sounds pleasing to your ears, then you'll most likely love it, if not, it will sound thin and nasty and you will hate the interface as well, and you'll become part of the AHC(Andromeda Haters Club).:lol:

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I hear comments like this pretty often, stuff like "the interface didn't 'click' with me". What's so bad about it?

Maybe I should just stop being lazy and read the manual I downloaded.........


I honestly don't know why someone would think the interface is bad. It's totally laid out logically with the signal flow going from left to right. Using the screen parameters can be a tad wonky with all the tabs... but if you're diving into the screen then you're doing deep, wonky things anyways.


I think the only interface I've used that's easier was the SH-101...;)


And yes, get one while you can. There really isn't another analog polysynth out there that matches its modern features and sound. It will become a total classic.

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The only part that's a little annoying is scrolling through all the sources in the mod matrix. There's so many of them. You get to know them after a while, but it still usually takes button pressing instead of knob turning to get it to settle where you want. Can't really think of a much easier way they could have done it though.

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