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New Cobra Clips...Clean/HEAVY

Kyle DiSanto

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Hey guys, here's a couple clips I threw together right now. First one on the page is a clean clip...first without effects, then with some.


THe second clip is just so FF style riff I was jamin on.





Let me know what ya think!



EDIT. I just added annother clip, so check out the top 3 clips if ya want!

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Originally posted by ROTINPAIN

Thanks for checking em out guys!

Interestingly enough, my tone seemed dryer than normal today(i think its cause I put thicker strings on the LP). But Im digging it. It sounds really agressive!

Indeed I'm digging it and will be gassing for a cobra soon most likely.:thu:

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Originally posted by guitarman967

Holy {censored} I love the tone you got for the Chugging.(Right hand Cobra) What setting did you have? It's obviously the CRUNCH Channel, and I'll venture to say EMG 81's but EQ wise?

Thanks guys! I had the cobra with the master around 930. So it was a nice level for recording.

You got the channel right, but thats actually my Les paul Studio with the stock pickups in it!

I uploaded a riff I did just now with my Jackson....EMG 81 in the bridge. All my tracks are always dual miced and usually double tracked. This new track has 4 takes...8 tracks.

And yeah that savage120 vs Cobra is an original riff. Im glad you like it bro :). I really need to get back into the game and get a band together but finding the right ppl who wanna cover a lot of ground and not be "rockstars" seems like Im asking too much LOL.

Thanks again guys!

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Originally posted by dropthisd

I love Engls but like the tones you're pulling from the Cobra much more. I guess it retains the openness without losing its tightness.



Thanks for listening man!

The framus cobra stays tight no matter what!!!!!! and yes it is a very open sounding amp and thats a main reason I love it. Ive tried a couple engls and while I feel they are good for certian situations, they are a bit more closed/compressed sounding.

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that heavy clip sounds pretty sick on my lame laptop speakers...you really need to send me some riffs to lay some drum tracks down for :D

the clean one sounds very nice as well...i like it with the chorus a lot actually, what are you using for that effect?

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Originally posted by ROTINPAIN

Hey guys, here's a couple clips I threw together right now. First one on the page is a clean clip...first without effects, then with some.

THe second clip is just so FF style riff I was jamin on.

Let me know what ya think!


EDIT. I just added annother clip, so check out the top 3 clips if ya want!



Excellent clips !!!!! They really represent the amp great and sound awesome.



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Wow I thought this thread died:D

Im glad that you guys like the clips. I actually switched the positions of my sm57 and Audix I5. And the results have been really cool.

Mike: All my effects come from the Boss Gt-8. Best Effects Unit that I have tried. The effects sound very similar to boss pedals which are what I used to use in that rack of mine with the GCX. I use it to control the amps channels as well, as I believe you do with your gt-6???

I got some Ideas for some heavy songs that Im working on. That first clip on soundiclick Im working on the most. Once I get it done Ill send it your way!

Nrarocks: YES YOU NEED ONE! LOL. THE cobra is really a great amp. Great Clean, Crunch And Lead Plus MIDI which I believe all amps should have it and I know JOEL will agree with me lol.

Derek: How have you been man??? I haven't seen you around on the forum for a long time! I hope all is well and Im glad you dig the clips! Would you mind putting them on your site?? Or do you look for stuff with backing tracks more? Anyway, PM if anything.

JOEL man, I bet yours sounds awsome! Granted we use different gutiars, pups, and our signal chain is different. I really think the fact that the cobra is biased hot is why it sounds really good. 36mua man.

thanks for the kind words guys. PEACE

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Originally posted by Tyler N

These clips sound real nice. Is the "heavy riff II" with the Jackson? What's the EQ?




Hey man thanks!, Your guess is correct! The "heavy riff II" is with the Jackson King V and the EMG 81 was used.


My eq is as follows....(all in Oclock)


Gain: 4 Oclcock

Bass: 10

Mid: 12

Treb: 11:30

Pres: 12

Deep: 9

Chan Vol: Dimed

Master: 9

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