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Almost quit my job last night...


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Originally posted by Teleplayer

This is America. Thus:

A) Hire a good attorney and sue Pizza Hut for failing to provide safe working conditions,

B) After you file the lawsuit listed above, negotiate with Pizza Hut for an executive position in the $200,000/year range, and then sign a mutual agreement not to take any further legal action against one another, or simply

C) Ask for a raise to $6.10 per hour due to the stress of your job.



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Originally posted by DirtyBird
So this mother{censored}er walks up to my manager who's outside on a smoke break at 1 AM and says he shot someone, and he asks for a RIDE. WTF?

Mother{censored}er was drunk as hell and may well have been tweeked out on meth or something for all I know. Comes walking up to Pizza Hut getting all of us to lend him our cell phones so he can call his dad and get a ride home because he shot somebody. Said he blew two rounds into some dude's chest in the Food Lion parking lot (across the street) and dropped the gun and ran. Said the guy was threatening him. He wanted us to give his dad directions to our store so he could flee basically. The line was busy most of the time and all of our cell phones seemed to go dead simultaneously, finally got a hold of his dad once and his dad was surprised to find out he was in a different town than he thought he was, and we told the guy he wasnt in that town, and he just never believed it. And get this {censored}, he turns to my black friend Tim, and says "you're a black man, you could go over there and grab that gun, still 8 rounds in the magazine, and sell that and make yourself some money!". WTF? I'd be SERIOUSLY pissed at a statement like that. We called 9-1-1, one of my coworker's dads is a sheriff deputy, he comes up and questions him and dude changes his story completely, predictably. Meanwhile all 5 of us in the store are freaking out because we have an intoxicated homicidal nutjob hanging around outside the store at 1 AM. We cal the cops and 9-1-1 and we got squad cars all over the place.

What's really funny is that he thought he was in Milledgville, a town about an hour away... ???

They found the guy back over at Food Lion across the street on a pay phone, and he apparently made all of it up because he's a crazed {censored}ing idiot. There was no body, no gun, said that he said that just to get a ride. Uh... {censored}ing idiot. Right, Im skeptical...

Later I go hang out with my friend John who works at said Food Lion, apparently John is the guy who he supposedly shot. He went to Food Lion and started causing problems and John( a manager) told him to get the {censored} off his property and leave his employees alone. And according to John he started threatening to shoot him and {censored} and John told him to leave or he'd call teh cops. He apparently just decided to run to Pizza Hut.

{censored}in weird night... Me and several of my colleagues damn near just quit our jobs on the spot. It aint worth getting trapped in the store by some deranged drunken stoned homicidal psychotic lying maniac for $6/hr

He's in jail now, I'm a little concerned because he knows where me and all the rest of us work now... we ended up getting him thrown in jail basically. I'm worried about what happens when he gets back out. But I think I'm just being paranoid.

There's a lot more ot the story but it was a really weird night and this guy was freaking out of his mind.

Stalk him.
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Originally posted by NoVaTa2iSt

Why the {censored} did you lend him cell phones? That kinda thinking won't get you much further than 6 an hour ever.

Hahahaha, that's what I was thinking...

I never let him use mine, and Im still confused about why the conversation he had with my manager got anything beyond "I just shot someone and I need a ride"... that should have been the end of that conversation... :confused:

Oh well. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by D/FW XJ'er

Delivering pizza sucks. I did that in college, and would never consider doing that again.

Makes your car stink, destroys your car, the hours suck, the pay blows. . .

I agree... lookin for somethin else. Or maybe a lateral move to being a cook. I'm tired of driving.

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Yeah, I just quit my job at Sunoco. I've got three interviews this week that pay more, better hours, and no more retarded customers and fewer retarded co-workers.

Example of a Sunoco conversation:

Me to Meixcan guy : Do you have you're ID for that beer?

Mexican Guy: *Blank Stare*

Other Clerk: {censored}ing wetbacks... don't even bother to card them or towelheads. But card the {censored}ing niggers... we don't need them drunk and ready to steal {censored}.

Me: :eek:

And I live on a nicer side of town!

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Fortunately crazed lunatics can't get into my job. Have to use keycards to get in the building or through the gate to the yard where all the trucks are...

Find a warehouse job..they're abundant in Georgia. That's what I like about Georgia..I got to Georgia Highlands..and then right behind it is my job..

I was driving my truck down the road one night..on the way to the bank. It was a 4 lane road..and there was a guy on a bike pedaling toward traffice..then he comes into the inside lane (still in oncoming traffice)..so i slow down to let him come on over..but he stays in that lane..then I speed back up and he swerves into my truck.

He's laying literally 3 inches from the other lane unconscious...traffice wizzing by not stopping....I finally get him up..and throw his bike into my truck and driveh im to the hostpital (like 1minute away)...on the way there he 's all "if you give me $70 we'll just call it even."

then won't get out of my truck at the hospital raising his voice saying 'look what you did to my bike..come back here".

I just told him whatever ..walked into the emergency room nd had the cop there come out and get him.

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

Doesnt matter now, I just quit.

{censored} Pizza Hut.




It's about time....time to move on to much better things. Get a solid career underway.....it will be a lot of work but at least you won't have to deal with the {censored} you've been dealing with.

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

COL varies from place to place, but I agree...

But, Im a driver, my wages actually average out to more like $10-$12 an hour.

Figure in insurance, current gas prices, and wear and tear on your vehicle and you are getting ass raped. I hope you are still in school.. Keep pushing on man.

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Originally posted by TheBurninator

Other Clerk: {censored}ing wetbacks... don't even bother to card them or towelheads. But card the {censored}ing niggers... we don't need them drunk and ready to steal {censored}.



That's actually really {censored}ing funny.


However, I mulatto so that can be really {censored}ing funny to me.


Rent the movie Clerks.

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