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Yet another podxt clip with some Drumkit from hell goodness m/


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I had not picked up my guitar this year till about a month ago. I got an ibanez RG7620 to get me back in the mood for playin again as my other guitars just could not do it, so this clip was inspired by it.


Thanks to my fellow crack smoking clog wearing brother Bob a.ka the black neon bob for the usual shenanigans.




Teh stranger



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Cheers for the reply's!!!!

This is drumkit from hell superior.

I would say once you know how to use it, it is a breeze . I was pretty much spoon feed on getting it up and running though. You also have to remember that the samples are non processed. You have to eq, comp everything from sctratch which takes some time to do.


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All the distorted guitar tones come from the big bottm amp model that is in the metal pack, which is worth every penny just for that amp model alone. I rarely use any of the other models.
There is some post eq and comp on there as well though with a hint of sonic maximiser.
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Mon teh stranger!!

Sounds much better then your last attempt you let me hear on this song Brain! first of all, you made that kick your own now, kinda inspires to look at a better sound for my kicks as well, since this one is fat! i can really dig the whole mix now.. since the crackling is gone, and the kick accentuates (im posh, so use words like that :thu: ) the low end in the mix... bass is brought up as well, very cool, and in my opinion, it could even be brought up a bit more as well, it certainly fits well with teh kick and teh guitars, maybe add a bit more low end on the guitars? low-mid? so the gap between teh bass and the guitars is less there...

Other then that.. :thu: :thu: :thu: :thu: :thu: :thu: and :thu:

Love it Brain... good to have you back on board soldier! now go out there and make us some more kickass songs! oh, and a singer would def. rip on these tracks...

Im giving myself a stranger right now as im listening to the song... :thu:

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Cheers for the replys!!!!!!!;)

If anyone wants my patch drop me a pm and i will see what i can do.

I am currently using nuendo 2 which does all my drum needs. Great DAW and easy to use!

Yeah I have heard of Bulb i will take that as a compliment. He has great production on his stuff and some crazy {censored}. I also luv the tesseract stuff!!!!

Back to bed me thinks


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