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MF'er, who else is at work today

D/FW XJ'er

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Originally posted by TaronKeim

I'm Canuckian... so I'm working today+tomorrow+the rest of the week.

Our big celebration was on the 1st, but that was Saturday which is ALREADY my standard day off... which kinda sucks. Cool thing here though, is that you have to get paid for 12 statutory holidays a year, even if they are on your day off.

So in otherwords, I think I made 8 hours worth of pay getting drunk on my day off:cry:

But then it is right back to the grindstone.


Getting paid to drink is great. :thu:

I plan on doing that tomorrow from the time I wake up, until I pass out. :freak:

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Originally posted by D/FW XJ'er

Getting paid to drink is great.

I plan on doing that tomorrow from the time I wake up, until I pass out.

It is very cool... those were tears of joy in my post, haha.

Great plan, around my parts everyone rents kegs, and when yours is empty, you just go for a walk and stop at the house with the cutest females and loudest music, wish everyone a happy Canada Day and they usually invite you over, especially if you bring a fresh 12 pack with ya.


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Originally posted by TaronKeim

It is very cool... those were tears of joy in my post, haha.

Great plan, around my parts everyone rents kegs, and when yours is empty, you just go for a walk and stop at the house with the cutest females and loudest music, wish everyone a happy Canada Day and they usually invite you over, especially if you bring a fresh 12 pack with ya.


I figured you were crying because you're Canadian. I know I would be. :o

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working today, off tomorrow.

it's cool and all to celebrate independence day, but seems to me there is getting to be too damned many of the three or four day weekend holidays.

having everybody take off at once makes it hard to get {censored} done when it needs to be done.

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Originally posted by rhino bucket

working today, off tomorrow.

it's cool and all to celebrate independence day, but seems to me there is getting to be too damned many of the three or four day weekend holidays.

having everybody take off at once makes it hard to get {censored} done when it needs to be done.

Don't ever speak like this again. There are NEVER enough 3-4 day weekends. EVER.

What can't be done over a holiday weekend? :confused:

There's always some mongloid willing to work at 7-11 so you can buy beer. :thu:

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Originally posted by D/FW XJ'er

I figured you were crying because you're Canadian. I know I would be.

Oh... and I thought you were just being ignorant cause you're an American... I know I wouldn't want to pay too close attention to the world around me if I was:D


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Originally posted by TaronKeim

Oh... and I thought you were just being ignorant cause you're an American... I know I wouldn't want to pay too close attention to the world around me if I was:D


Why should I? :D

Everyone else is just jealous. ;)

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Originally posted by rhino bucket

working today, off tomorrow.

it's cool and all to celebrate independence day, but seems to me there is getting to be too damned many of the three or four day weekend holidays.

having everybody take off at once makes it hard to get {censored} done when it needs to be done.



oh crap! i didn't know by boss hung out at this board!

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Originally posted by D/FW XJ'er

Why should I?

Everyone else is just jealous.


Man... I love the American/Canadian thing... none of us take it too seriously, ever... it really could be as bad as racism... but everyone always seems so light hearted about it... I could never put a finger on why exactly... ya'll are assholes... must be us cause we're so polite and laid back:thu:


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Originally posted by TaronKeim


Man... I love the American/Canadian thing... none of us take it too seriously, ever... it really could be as bad as racism... but everyone always seems so light hearted about it... I could never put a finger on why exactly... ya'll are assholes... must be us cause we're so polite and laid back:thu:



Settle down Francis, it was a joke. :thu:

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Originally posted by D/FW XJ'er


Settle down Francis, it was a joke.

I was joking too... Jimbob, haha.

No, I was actually being serious... I have a couple friends from Seattle and some from Nashville and it is a running joke with us about the American/Canadian thing. And I find it endearing and very human to joke like that, but so many other forms of it get taken out of context and mixed up with real hatred towards humans for whatever reason.

I was just commenting that I found it nice and fun:thu:


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Originally posted by facefirst

Well, I'm not at my main job but on the side I do internet marketing so technically I am working today, sorta. Hell, I make 3x what I make at my day job doing internet {censored}. Webcams are a godsend!!



Are you a LiveJasmin girl???

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