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turning crap gear into...


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... gold.


I bought a Jackson Professional from the late 90's quite some time back off of e-bay and when it arrived it quickly turned out to be the biggest rip-off I ever made. Nothing was original, nothing really fit, the neck was twisted, trem wasn't original.


The only thing usefull was the body and rest of the hardware, which was in top-notch condition.


I let it sit for some time but then decided to make it a project shortly after found an original Jackson replacement neck. Top condition, for 100 bucks. The guy bought it for his guitar but it didn't fit, so he gave it to me.


So I gave the parts to a friend of mine who does the repairs at a local guitar store and he aligned the neck for me, put in a CTS pot, slapped in a DiMarzio Mega Drive and man... that guitar rocks now. I got it back yesterday and I have to say it's one of the best playing and sounding guitars I have, even though it's "only" basswood.


To me it's even a hell of a lot better sounding than many LTD's out today.


In the end I part around 290 Euros for it which is still not too bad, but of course the disappointment when the original guitar arrived first was quite big.

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my ibanez rg100 is awesome and i think it's made outta plywood. all i had to do to it was throw in a new pup and guts and have it set up by a luthier (recrown the frets, intonation, block the trem)...plus, it has never failed me (reliability goes a long way with me)...whatever works for you...write that down.:thu:

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