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Way OT: Urinary tract infection?


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Here's what happened.


A few days ago I drank way too much water and waited too long to go pee.


As I got up I couldn't even stand straight because it was so damn full. I crawled upstairs and when I finally stood up to piss I felt something click/pop.


There was no immediate pain... just minor discomfort.


I emptied my bladder and had some discomfort in the pelvic area (to be specific.. pain was where the appendice is located + where my left kidney is, only in the FRONT.. like its protruding from under my front rib) for the rest of the night but that's not the first time so I wasn't immediatly worried.


I woke up the next day and the discomfort was a lot worse. I also had trouble peeing and when I did pee, the output was weak and it felt like my bladder wasn't fully emptied.


So I went to the doc pronto and she examined my abdominal/back/lower back area and since she I didn't feel any accute pain and she didn't feel any swelling or whatever she sort of dismissed it to "wait until we get the blood/urine sample back".


Emergency urine sample in their machine showed that kidneys are OK (no blood in urine, etc.)


Fast forward to 2 days ago (2 days after the incident)... although the pelvic pain subsided... I started getting a weird feeling of discomfort when urinating... you know that little muscle that starts and stops the flow of urine? It feels weak and uncertain.


Also (and this one worries me the most) it feels like my balls have dropped and/or are hanging more loosely or are more sensitive or something.


Whenever I walk I can "feel" them tenfold and I'm always under the impression that they're in the way or I'm sitting on them. A quick physical (self) inspection shows no lumps or swelling, etc.


I'm going to another doc tomorrow with possible blood/urine sample results.


I'm just posting this thread to see if anyone experienced anything similar and what they ended up having?


I'm 19 btw. :freak:

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Originally posted by Rich

You need to see a urologist. You could be having an issue with your prostate.



Absolutely. I went to a random doc the first time (emergency) and she didn't appoint me to anyone. That {censored}ing bitch.


Luckily I'll see the family doc tomorrow.

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I had something similar happen, and they thought it was a UTI...and they gave me antibiotics...the symptoms went away.

I finish the run of meds, and then the symptoms came back. I go back, and now they think it's a kidney stone...sent me to the hospital for a CAT scan. No kidney stone...diverticulitis is what they say I have now. They send me to a surgeon, because they think from the CAT scan that I have a leak in my colon...NOT GOOD!

He wants another CAT scan, because they weren't looking for anything but kidney stones and didn't give me the contrast, which means the doc can't see what he needs to see. Another CAT scan, this time with me drinking a couple of bottles of chalk beforehand...now the doc can see what's up. He says I have gotten over the diverticulitis, thanks to some serious horsepower meds he prescribed, there's no leaks on my colon (the good news) and that he's not going to recommend surgery.

The thing is, I was misdiagnosed twice before they finally figured out what was really wrong with me. Make sure they get it right, or your pain will return. Mine's gone, finally!

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Originally posted by jem7vwh

Took long enough for your balls to drop.

Seriously, man. When something's wrong with your balls its hard to laugh. :(

For the record my balls have been fully dropped since puberty.. it just seems that they've shifted the way they're sitting in the sack (vertically) and they bang against my inner thigh when I walk and get in the way when I sit down, etc. No pain or swelling of any kind.

It's hard to describe but DAMN it sucks.

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Maybe you just need to empty the tanks. When I was in basic training I couldnt empty the tanks for 5 weeks and trust me it HURT and hurt BAD! It hurt to even sit down. The military doctors recommended I take some private time to use the "special stall". Fixed everything. Hopefully your problem is something as simple as this. It's never fun when you think something is wrong with the jewels.

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Don't screw around with a every day medical doctor. You need to see a specialist for these type of things. That doctor should have gave you a prostate exam then. :freak:

Sounds like you have a prostate infection that is moving down to your testicles. I would also drink a lot of cranberry juice to help if you have infection in your bladder.

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