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Hey DC/NoVa guys - Mesa/Boogie studio preamp for $60


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Got the thing tonight and the input jack was replaced and so were 2 of the footswitch jacks on the rear panel. There is a hole where the footswitch jack on the front panel should be. Looks like it could be easily repaired.

So, I get it home and jump on the mesa site to see how to set this bizzitch up. I plug a standard guitar cable into the main out line which goes into the return side of my 2 channel dual recto. I turn the loop on, plug into the preamp and fire the recto and the studio up.

I'm wondering if I did something wrong, because this thing sounds WICKED good! The suppossed "funny sounding" (in the words of the seller) lead channel absolutley rips.

I think this is the best $60 I ever spent!

Someone please tell me if I have it hooked up right!


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Originally posted by johnpace2


Got the thing tonight and the input jack was replaced and so were 2 of the footswitch jacks on the rear panel. There is a hole where the footswitch jack on the front panel should be. Looks like it could be easily repaired.

So, I get it home and jump on the mesa site to see how to set this bizzitch up. I plug a standard guitar cable into the main out line which goes into the return side of my 2 channel dual recto. I turn the loop on, plug into the preamp and fire the recto and the studio up.

I'm wondering if I did something wrong, because this thing sounds WICKED good! The suppossed "funny sounding" (in the words of the seller) lead channel absolutley rips.

I think this is the best $60 I ever spent!

Someone please tell me if I have it hooked up right!


i'll give you $120.

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Originally posted by Shask

Sounds right to me also. Killer Steal on the price

So, compare it to the Recto sound

Well, I only had about 10 minutes with it b/c it was pretty late so I'll need to spend more time with it. I did double check to make sure I wasn't actually playing through the recto. I didn't expect it to sound so good. My very quick initial reaction was that it sounded better than everything in my sig. That was only 10 mins though.

The tech has it now though. I wasn't going to give it to him at first since it sounded fine, but he's going to look at it. He mostly a Fender and Marshall guy though.

I'll update when I know more.

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Originally posted by johnpace2



That wouldn't surprise me. I honestly prefer my MarkIII to anything else I have, including a Single Recto. The Studio Pre would be based on a Mark series preamp, right?


Edit, just realized you have a MarkIII as well. Mine's a blue stripe like yours. Hmmm.

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Originally posted by rog951

The Studio Pre would be based on a Mark series preamp, right?



It certainly seems that way, but In my brief time with it, it had the Mark III like tone but with more thickness to it.


It will probably be at the techs for at least a week, so I won't be able play with it until then. Really looking forward to it though.

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Originally posted by johnpace2

It certainly seems that way, but In my brief time with it, it had the Mark III like tone but with more thickness to it.

It will probably be at the techs for at least a week, so I won't be able play with it until then. Really looking forward to it though.

My Mark III seems more aggressive, while the Studio does the fat/smooth thing better. I actually got my Mark III to replace the Studio, but still havent gotten rid of it, lol.

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