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Look what auction I just won!!!!


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That's good. I am going to retolex it likely and fix'er up all perfect and everything!!! I have a Les Paul, a Strat, a Tele and some other stuff, so it should be all good I hope. I actually have never plugged into a JCM800 before. Where I live there is a definite shortage of good amps. I currently have a Dual Recto, so this should be an interesting difference.

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Dude, totally... mesa and marshall together is a wonderful thing. I've been doin that with my guitarist for a long time... actually I switched to a Bogner Uberschall which is kinda like the best mesa you've ever heard, to me anyway... gotta say they are similiar, you know?

anyway, the combo rocks

and I feel you on the shortage of amps... Where I'm at there's nothing. Infact the closest place that sells Bogner/Rivera/Engl is 2 and a half hours away and they don't even constantly have them in stock. Like one at a time... The place closest after that is 3 and a half and they are able to special order them but you're lucky to see one of them in 6 months

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The amp shipped today!!!! Now to get it here is the fun part, Waiting!!!! Gotta love it. Now I gotta figure ou what I should sell, if anything!!! You know how it is. As far as dealers go, my entire province has a total of about 120,000 or so people!!! There are not very many, if any high end amps around here. I have personally never played a Diezel, Bogner, Rivera, VHT, Engl, H&K, Soldano, or any of that stuff. I would have to drive like 10 hours to even come close. So I have to buy stuff.

Oh well. If the JCM800 thing doesn't go so well, I will just sell it again, but let's hope its all good.

What does an amp like this usually go for in this condition???? Just wondering!!!

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I think you did pretty good at ~$700 shipped. A few months back, I paid $725 shipped for mine and I thought that was a great deal. At the time, I saw a lot of 2204s going for $750-$850 that were in WAY worse shape cosmetically than yours or mine. Mine is a horizontal input like yours. Looks like yours is set up for EL34s though. Mine has 6550s but I think I might want to switch it over to EL34s sometime. Let me know if you like 6550s; maybe we can trade! ;)

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