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Slim Jim

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I just bought...




Gigged with it last night.


Gigging tonight with it.



Who wants to touch me?


Questions though..

- Who prefers the blue channel as the high gain channel and who prefers the red channel as the high gain channel and why?

- When using effects with it, you guys prefer series or parallel?

- Do you even use the line-in, send & return for your effects?

(I've a Line 6 DL-4, Line 6 FM-4, ProCo Rat II, Boss DD-6, Morley classic Wah, and a Boss TU-2)

Any suggestions on how to rig up the effects?

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Killer buy man!
I don't own an Ecstacy, but I have played one a few times at Songbird here in town.
Great amps, I'd love to own one someday.

As for your effects routing, I personally would stick the time based ones in a serial loop, and run the rest through the front of the amp.
Actually, for different sounds, I might even stick the DD-6 in front of the amp for a distorted delay sound and have the DL-4 in the loop for clean delays. I find a delay in front of the amp gives a cool flavour, especially when ending a song, turning the repeats up, and messing with the time knob. Think the guitar solo in "Hello Time Bomb" by Matthew Good.
Warbly distorted goodness!
Again, this is just me though.

Enjoy your German bombshell of an amp!

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Hey, thanks for that.
I tried it and I love it.
I put the DL-4 in the series loop and it sounds absolutely amazing.

I've got the Blue channel as my high gain channel and the Red as the Plexi Channel.
Holy {censored}.
With all the boosts for Ch. 1, 2 and 3, it's everything I ever needed in an amp.
It was also real easy to set up to my likings too.
No more amps for me ever.

Unless I get the Classic.

I'm just curious as to what settings I might use to obtain a warmer clean sound?

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Congrats on your 101B score! Heres what I intend for my future 101b XTC,pre amp tube layout:NOS Telefunken 12ax7 in V1 and the rest,Chinese 9th gen 12ax7's.I hear some XTC's already come stock with a compliment of Chinese(Shuguang?)9th's.Another really cool thing about 101B's are that Mark Cameron designed the red channel to "snarl" more in the gain structuring,bringing it halfway to Uber spec's w/out losing plexi tonality.My 101b is gonna' have the Uber Metal-face and will sit on the standard Bog cab.I dig the Basketweave look of their cabs and plan on changing two V30's for 75's later.Enjoy dude,see you at the track!

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