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New Atomic Amp Demo Sept 6th in Los Angeles!!!


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Ashjn, I'm here in LA.


I don't work for Atomic. Not sure why you thought so. You mentioned that you might come in an earlier post here, so I added you to my list to send out the address and reminder, since your email address was listed plainly in your post. Sorry you thought it was BS or where you got that from. You even stated your were interested in getting one and it was close by! Well, my mistake. I'm sorry I sent you a couple of emails. I won't ever bother you again. I was just trying to be helpful and propagate good information to other players.

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(Reposted from the Line 6 forum)
Well I was lucky enough to get to use the the 50w 112 and 212 over the past couple of days before the demo while Tom King was in town. I hope some of the other guys that came and played it will chime in so I don't monopolize the accolades.

For you guys loving the 4x12 thing, the 2x12 is huge sounding. We never had to turn it up past 4 which was so ridiculously loud. I can't imagine anyone need a stage volume that loud.

The 1x12 will probably blow most folks away as as one of loudest 1x12's they will hear. It projects into the room like no one's business. Crisp and full just like the 212.

There is no way anyone listening to this, but maybe a few disecerning engineers, and would think this was a POD. Just about all my POD patches I did for the 18w version worked with little to no change. Generally, the bass needed to roll back a tiny bit, and possibly the drive on a few models.

There's a stereo/mono switch for the FX loop, so if your using one Atomic it sums the stereo fx to the amp, otherwise in stereo is for slaving to a second Atomic. There's a Master Volume and a Ext Cab out including a switch to leave the internal speaker on or off. There's a standby switch now as well.

I don't think anyone there last nite was the least bit disappointed. I think alot of eyebrows were raised along with some big grins.

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here are a few things i totally trip out on.

i purchased a POD v.1 back in the day, and upgraded to v.2 when it came out...had the chip sent out to me and did it myself..i don't know how long ago that was

anyway, i remember being on the L6 forum when it first started, and coming up with the idea to have a tube based dockable amp, as well as having a POD floorboard. remember this was when v.1 just updated to v.2...way before these things were available. at the time i was struggling with programming my DMC ground control to talk with the POD, and plugging my POD output into a fender dynatouch princeton 1x12.

i felt the dynatouch was actually working pretty well, but that the tube power section was vital for realism, until a time came when solid state amps could tow the line...i think i even mentioned trying to locate dan pearce as a consultant, in that his pearce amps were pretty successful as solid state creatures.

in lieu of that, the tube docking amp concept imerged. i even drew a combo with the POD bean slot out on a piece of paper thinking about it, way before this atomic amp stuff...

then the POD floorboard...with direct XLR out for the PA and 1/4" out, but i thought it through a step further and suggested L6 integrate their own power section into the floorboard to optimize power amp voicing, albeit solid state, with their product.

just plug a cab or two into the outs of the floorboard and presto

too bad zvex is not a big line 6 fan....his little impamp could probably be redesigned to work well with the XTlive floorboard



if line 6 ever announces a lunchpail sized w/d/w rig with detachable BOSE designed wireless wet speakers, with full resolution mutitube/amp/speaker emulation and tc/lexicon/eventide grade fxs, i claim that one as well!

that is my dream rig----10 pounds...no tubes


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