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help me out, Should i trade my 5150 for a roadcased XXX ???


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If you can't find an acceptable metal tone out of a Triple XXX you flat out aren't trying hard enough or you have the patience(or should I say attention span) of a 7-year old IMHO. As both Shane (Sordid1) and SLFreak have mentioned, both the 5150/6505 series and Triple XXX's sound are a sum of it's parts and the person's ability to tweak.(read: patience) Any deficency in either area and yea, your sound is going to suck, period. :wave: I have personally heard both these amps in person over the years sound amazing in the hands of the right people and like a big ball of ass in the wrong hands on other occasions. Neither amp is superior and neither is {censored}, get over it already folks! :thu:

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