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OT: Renting...

marder explorer

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Here's the scoop:


Not on the lease.

Roomie gives me notice that she gave her 30 days.

I plan to keep present apartment, put lease in my (and new roomie's) names.

She had given me a hard date of the 1st for her to be out by, but 99% sure she would pro-rate at least a week into Nov. to take care of all of her stuff.



She gives me 24hrs notice tonight saying I need to have the place approved or I need to vacate by the 27th. This is basically impossible because the folks told me 3 days to get back to me and I have the stuff ready to turn into them by close of business tomorrow.



Any ideas?



She also wants me to pay her the whole deposit, since she isn't going to be here to make sure I don't trash the place before the new guy shows up.


I have the cash to do so, but would rather not because she's turned into total bitch since her long hopeful love shot her down, which prompted the move out, back into her parent's place.


The landlord loves me, more so than the roomie.





I have a {censored}-ton of homework that I need to do this week, I totally did NOT need this {censored}ing drama.

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That's hard to follow, but take out of her deposit whatever she still owes and give the rest back to her and be done with it. And make an itemized list of whatever you take out in case she wants to take you to small claims court.

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OK, sorry guys for the incoherency of that.



Try again with updates:


I have been subleasing thru her for the past 11 months.


She is only one on lease.


She gave her 30 days notice to the landlord, and needs to be out by the 1st of Nov.


After looking at the landlord/tenant laws for Cali, it looks like she needed to give me 30 days notice in writing for me to have to be out by the 1st as well.


I don't want to move, I like the apartment and want to stay in it, but with my name on the lease, along with a new roommate.


She told me tonight that she is giving me immediate notice, and that she can have the cops throw my stuff out at any time now since I'm not on the lease. I disagree, since I've been paying rent and we have signed/dated papers alluding to that.


That's it, I'm going to bed, it's 3:20 and I'm about dead.

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that sucks. i'm glad i live in the dorms at sdsu so i don't have to worry about that stuff..until next year. can't you just sign a new lease? if you love that place enough i'm sure you can do something to throw together some cash to sign a new lease. tell her that her threats are meaningless, the police will not come to throw your things out like that.

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Do not take over her lease - she needs to terminate her lease with the landlord and settle the issue of a security deposit with the landlord. You need to then start your own new lease with the landlord, and give the landlord your own security deposit.


There's no reason that you should be responsible for her security deposit. BTW she sounds like an unreasonable PITA - good thing she's leaving.

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Just work it out with the landlord. If the landlord likes you, you should just be able to explain the situation and tell your former roomie that you've made arrangements and it's all good. I don't understand why she wants to throw you out if you want to keep living there and she's leaving. She can't just "evict" you like that, so don't worry about the cops.

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I really, REALLY want to. She's in fact the first woman I have ever met in my 21 years of living on this earth that I have wanted to hurt physically. It's turned laughable now.


I'm in the process of talking with the landlord/property management right now to get it squared away.



If they won't do a whole new lease, I'll move.

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Oh yeah, it's comical...she emailed me this morning "I can't believe that after all I've done for you etc etc etc over the past 11 months that you don't trust me."







HAHAHAHA, stupid old single Asian women.*







*No offense intended to any older, happily single women or men, of ANY descent intended here...just to her.

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