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FLORIDA HC AMP FEST 2007. Sign in here


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I might be able to get us at The Haven Lounge in Winter Park, FL on a Sunday...like the Sunday after the Superbowl or something. I'll bring my Splawn cabinets, Splawn Promod, Mesa Mark III, Heritage H150-CM, Schecter Avenger and whatever else I have by the time the ampfest is actually here ;)

I'll also bring a full drumkit (Tama Starclassic) and most likely a bass rig :)

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so what the hell is an AMPFEST - we go - bring our amps and get to play on everyone elses?? I have 2 old 60's tube amps, a Fender Frontman and a friggin old Roland DAC-amp from the 80's


I could bring my 2 old 60's babies

Here's an oldie 5-watts I'm guessing) with NO NAME anywhere on it or in it - just a plate saying MADE IN USA and a serial number - sounds awesome though

And a sweet Acetone from 1963 with tremelo and reverb too (says Made in Japan in 63')


but I don't have any High End Amps - so what's the deal with an AMPFEST? Can a poor but HONEST guy get in with junk?

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Originally posted by strangedogs

so what the hell is an AMPFEST - we go - bring our amps and get to play on everyone elses?? I have 2 old 60's tube amps, a Fender Frontman and a friggin old Roland DAC-amp from the 80's


I could bring my 2 old 60's babies

Here's an oldie 5-watts I'm guessing) with NO NAME anywhere on it or in it - just a plate saying MADE IN USA and a serial number - sounds awesome though


And a sweet Acetone from 1963 with tremelo and reverb too (says Made in Japan in 63')


but I don't have any High End Amps - so what's the deal with an AMPFEST? Can a poor but HONEST guy get in with junk?

Yep. YOu don't need to bring anything. Just your GAS>

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Originally posted by Dimebag11

I'll talk to the guys at the Haven this week and see if I can set a date for this Ampfest
sound good?

That would be cool. The Haven? Lol. For people who don't know it is a nice skanky metal bar with a decent stage and not a bad sound system. Let them know how many amps will be there (We do not want to overload the place). Or do we?

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

the last one was in winter park, which was a hell of a drive but i might be down for that...hopefully my other guitarist will go this time instead of wussing out the day before like last time

the haven is one block west of where we held the last Ampfest. :D

But it is a bigger club, we just wanna get out beofre nightfall, when the "regulars" show up.

It's the Haven, where the posessed go to mingle :eek:

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Goddamnit! Why can't you guys do that when I'm in town? I could bring a Ceriatone Matchless DC-30 clone and a Rickenbacker 620/6.

Oh well, I'll just make you guys organize another one in the summer. Have fun kids!

Shame. I would like to have seen what would happen if my 150 watt triple recto was cranked through your matchless speaker :p

Are you in the US now? The Seven Sisters are playing in the Back Booth on Wed if you want to check us out. I have a new Faded SG that I use for them an dthe Stiletto does the classic rock sounds pretty good.

In fact, anyone in Orlando who wonders what a Mesa Stiletto sounds like should come. And buy me drinks.

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Originally posted by thefyn

Shame. I would like to have seen what would happen if my 150 watt triple recto was cranked through your matchless speaker

Are you in the US now? The Seven Sisters are playing in the Back Booth on Wed if you want to check us out. I have a new Faded SG that I use for them an dthe Stiletto does the classic rock sounds pretty good.

In fact, anyone in Orlando who wonders what a Mesa Stiletto sounds like should come. And buy me drinks.


Haha, nah I'm back in the UK already. It's a shame, I really would have liked to come see you guys live. :(

Good luck with the show though, I'm sure it'll rock.

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Originally posted by thefyn

A previous post had a few people interested in attending another Florida HC Amp Fest.

Sometime in Feb on a Sunday has been mentioned and the last one was near Orlando.

If you are interested in attending, post a reply to confirm along with the gear you can bring and if enough people confirm we can start planning it:


The FYN: Tripple Recto + Sttiletto Duece and 2 Custom Cabs.

Dimebag11: Full band kit for jams.

DoubleBarrel: Single rec & a Laney VH100

thriftyshirt (maybe): Orange AD30TC and Orange 2x12 Cab.

guitarist17: VHT UL with EQ

Dominick: Cauble Super 50 and a Mojo 4X12 loaded with the new Heritage 20 watt greenies.

Moshaholic: ENGL 580 and Mesa 2:90, Mesa MarkIII Blue Stripe long chassis head

Boomer: Fuchs Train 45 with a Bob Burt 212.

Shalafi: (maybe) Hot Cat 30 and Bogner 4x12 cab

dmtnt: (maybe)

cobrahead1030: (maybe) MK III


Any suggestions for venue etc would be great.

If you want to have it in Fort Lauderdale I have a few places we can do it at...

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