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Help someone new to synths pick out their first one!

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Also keep an eye on ebay for an old Juno 60 or Korg Polysix at your price point. These are both great synths to learn on, and also quite different. The Juno has great clav-like tones & nice roland strings (with built-in chorus to warm it up). The Polysix has unison mode that rocks for minimoog imitation, and also sweet polystrings. Biggest limitation on these old beasts is that they're pre-MIDI. The later versions with MIDI lost the knobs and also most of the sound, IMHO. I remember being really excited to try the successor models and being thoroughly disgusted with the results.


Juno 60 was the first synth I owned, though I'd learned the basics on minimoog and CS80.

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Also keep an eye on ebay for an old Juno 60 or Korg Polysix at your price point.



Both of these have reached the $1000+ mark on eBay now. Polyphonic analog is kind of the craze amongst vintage collectors since the hype around everyone wanting Moogs has somewhat died off. I actually saw a local ad for a Juno 60 and Mono/Poly priced at $700 each, but it turned out to be a scam (guy wouldn't allow me to see them in person, asked to have money order mailed).

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You've just described basically my exact purchases in order up to this point.

Started with an SH-201 (love it)
got a microkorg (going to sell it)
use a Micron at practice
just ordered a Mopho
and am probably getting a tetra as soon as I can afford it.

Great minds think alike.

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