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Thinking of going acoustic..


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This is frustrating because I just completed my electric rig and it kicks ass. Problem is, in dorms this year, and in even worse in a flat next year (we have rehearsal space here at the dorm complex), I have no chance to really turn it up -- ever. I'm starting to not even like playing electric.


Anybody ever go acoustic for a few years?


I'm considering doing so, and just working on my songwriting and whatnot.


It would just be a shame to turn around and sell a new guitar and amp (even though I'd rake in some cash on the guitar as it's a Rickenbacker that I bought in the states and I would sell it in the UK) -- but it would certainly be some nice cash towards my other hobbies like photography and towards living as a student.


I have an immensely nice acoustic that I love -- a Taylor 810. I dunno -- I know I don't have to sell my electric rig, but what's the point of having it here when I can't even really play it?


I could use the cash for a decent DSLR and for some tuition or towards my rent. It would also force me to play acoustic whenever I pick up the guitar, which would improve my playing immensely I think.


Meh, just toying with the idea really. It annoys me having a nice amp and nice electric that aren't being used when I have other interests and bills to pay.

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Do you even play? Everytime I have been here you are on. Is that 5000 posts since may '06. Damn, dude. If you want to 'immensely improve your playing' you should practice the guitar instead of talking about it. Oh wait, I forgot you are the all knowing resident genius on the board and one of the reasons why this place sucks. Thanks for reminding me.:thu:

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Do you even play? Everytime I have been here you are on. Is that 5000 posts since may '06. Damn, dude. If you want to 'immensely improve your playing' you should practice the guitar instead of talking about it. Oh wait, I forgot you are the all knowing resident genius on the board and one of the reasons why this place sucks. Thanks for reminding me.


cocksucking is a pretty good hobby, try it out and let us know how it works for you


I've been meaning to buy a jazz box for quite some time, so I'm in the same scenario. Electric stuff just seems to not really do anything for me anymore. Granted, I'll always keep my electric rig in some sort of format, but I need a guitar that I can just pick up anywhere and just play.

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Do you even play? Everytime I have been here you are on. Is that 5000 posts since may '06. Damn, dude. If you want to 'immensely improve your playing' you should practice the guitar instead of talking about it. Oh wait, I forgot you are the all knowing resident genius on the board and one of the reasons why this place sucks. Thanks for reminding me.




I play at least an hour a day, every day. You're 100% right about practicing more. Seems it's not my goal to be a virtuoso though. I love guitar, but it's not my goal to be famous or to even be a shred-master. I play because I enjoy it, and I like making music. For me, it's a hobby, not a way of life.


And my posts take about 30 seconds each, at most. When I'm on HC, it's while I'm reading or doing other things at my desk. I can just look up and hit refresh and reply if I feel like it, which I usually do. It's a nice distraction when I have thousands of pages of academic material to read. Luckily, I'm capable of multitasking.


To be honest, I need to prioritize my time better. HC isn't an issue, but the going out almost every night is. I spend far too much time out with my girlfriend and friends, usually drinking -- because I don't have lectures until noon and only have lectures M, T, Th.


Yes, I'm one of the reasons this place sucks. With my troll threads and lack of guitar knowledge.

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I went acoustic for a couple of years. About 10 years ago. I found that when I came back to electric, I had a better sense of tone. My fingers were a lot stronger to. My playing technique had drastically improved also. Taylor 810? Sweet. Keep your electric though. It'll come back on you one day and then you'll be gassing for tons of new gear again. Just do what feels right to you. Dorm life sucks for a guitarist. I remember when.

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I dunno -- kind of wanted to get a discussion going about it. Its an on-topic conversation that I haven't seen discussed on here yet. I'm still weighing it out in my head and I'd like to see some ideas for or against or experiences. Ya dig?



Yeah, I was just kidding...;)

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What all do you have?


I think you'd regret selling the electric rig, especially if you put alot of work and invested alot of money into nice things. Your probably just burnt out on electric for a while. Maybe you should just take a break from it for a while and unplug/put away all the electric stuff out of sight and just play the acoustic for a few months.


Then come back to the electric rig. Either you will fall in love with it again, or you will know that your interests truly lie with the acoustic, and then you could sell with minimal risk of regretting it.


Either way, your acoustic stint should be a very refreshing experience. I've considered doing it before.

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What all do you have?

I think you'd regret selling the electric rig, especially if you put alot of work and invested alot of money into nice things. Your probably just burnt out on electric for a while. Maybe you should just take a break from it for a while and unplug/put away all the electric stuff out of sight and just play the acoustic for a few months.

Then come back to the electric rig. Either you will fall in love with it again, or you will know that your interests truly lie with the acoustic, and then you could sell with minimal risk of regretting it.

Either way, your acoustic stint should be a very refreshing experience. I've considered doing it before.


I play a Rickenbacker 620/6 through a Ceriatone Matchless DC-30 clone with a Peterson Strobostomp and a Nick Greer Black Betty.


I think that's probably the best advice. Thanks man. :thu:

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When I came to Costa Rica 2 years ago all I brought with me was a Washburn acoustic. I didn't want to bring electrical equipment down until I figured out a way to protect it from the extreme humidity and salt air. Toning down with the acoustic really helped me to hear myself more (my actual technical ability) and helped me to be more creative with chord phrasing/structure. I also started working on singing, and learned a lot of old blues standards. Basically, it helped me with understanding a side of playing that I hadn't payed too much attention to before. It has been a great experience and has made me a better player - but I would really recommend NOT selling your electric gear. Lately I have really been craving electric guitar. So much so, that I am having my wife bring me a cheap electric guitar and small amp back from the States just to see how they will hold up in this environment. If they do well, I am shipping the rest down!


If it fits your life better right now, then go with the acoustic :thu:

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