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What do you prefer? Serial or Parallel loop... and why?

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I've been using the Parallel on my Herbert since I got it, but with the dry signal providing some weirdness, I used the kill dry feature, and i'm having to compensate by putting back the lost volume with the second master. I dunno what i'd do without that :freak:


So... I tried the serial loop today, and it sounded fine, apart from I couldn't help but feel like my cleans had lost some percussiveness with the loop engaged. It might've been that due to the fact I was using heavy chorusing with the parallel loop to make it actually audible, it took away some chime from the clean, or it could have been my imagination... :confused:


Which do you prefer?

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I have limited experience, but have owned two amps with parallel loops and three with serial loops. I think both are great, depending on what you use and your effects setup.

For my pedal board a serial loop works better, although some of my effects don`t like serial loops. I`ve found that I have to change things a little to make everything work.

I prefer the concept of a parallel loop because you can determine the mix level. It doesn`t work for me because I use an EQ pedal in the loop. To get the EQ pedal to work properly you have to set the loop level to 100%. If you do that then everything else in the loop will be at 100%. That sucks when you kick in an effect like chorus or flange. It will totally step on your amp tone as 100% of the amp signal is being routed through the pedals.

Another crazy thing is some pedals don`t like some loops. My digitech Multi-Voice chorus would not work with the serial loop on my two 5150 II`s. It worked great with the serial loop on the JSX and the parallel loop on the Single Recto. But on the 5150 II it made a constant whining feedback sound. As soon as I took it out of the loop the feedback went away. I guess I just need to get a different chorus unit.


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